Fra Styret: Temadag 2010 Av Håkon Moestue, FMC Kongsberg Metering AS. NR. 1/2010 April 2010

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1 NR. 1/2010 April 2010 Fra Styret: Årsmøtet ble gjennomført ifm Temadagen i Oslo den 19. mars. Protokollen vil bli lagt ut på NFOGM s hjemmesider innen kort tid. Temadag 2010 Av Håkon Moestue, FM Kongsberg Metering AS NFOGM temadag og årsmøte 2010 ble avholdt på Grand Hotel i Oslo. Gjennomgangstema var Norge som gassnasjon, og ulike aspekter ble belyst i til sammen ni innlegg om bl.a.: - Gassled, som et meget omfattende nettverk for transport av - og regnskap for - svært store gassmengder, - Måleteknikken, i fortid, fram til nåtid og utfordringer videre, - Flere ulike myndigheter - med ulike roller - og flere ulike regelverk som operatører og leverandører må forholde seg til. Glem SFT, fra er det KLIF som gjelder: Statens forurensningstilsyn har skiftet navn til Klima- og forurensningsdirektoratet. Klimakvoteforskriften forvaltes av KLIF. Den er meget omfattende og detaljert - og er relevant for måling og rapportering av brenselgass og faklet gass. Kravene er til dels forskjellig fra krav i ODs måleforskrift. Måledirektivet MID var igjen i søkelyset. Siden innlegget om samme tema på Temadagen 2008 er det nå akkumulert mer erfaring med implementering av MID. Fra leverandørsiden var det nokså klar melding ut: Økte kostnader og ingen nevneverdig nytte. Ellers er det alltid interessant og nyttig med oppdatering på måleteknikken. Denne gangen var det også et innlegg om analyse/kvalitet av naturgass fra et fagmiljø vi ikke møter så ofte: forskningsmiljøet. Alle innlegg kan finnes på NFOGMs sider: Gjennomføringen av temadagen var meget strøken, uten bomslag så vidt vi kunne notere. Irene har kontroll. Grand Hotel tilbyr omgivelser med sjel - og plettfri service. Svært mange benyttet muligheten til å delta på middagen etter NFOGM årsmøte, samt overnatting. Vi finner grunn til å berømme musikken etter middagen, denne gangen med interne krefter, The Reciprocity Band: Bjørn Borgersen voc., Knut Skårdalsmo g., Per Lunde g., Øivind Ullenes g., Lars Solberg b., Tore Lindsetmo dm. og Bjørn Bjerkelund perc. Se stemningbilder fra Temadagen på siste side i nyhetsbrevet

2 LIQUID MIXING ALULATIONS Av Morten Marstein, FM Kongsberg Metering AS - Examples from Gjøa Oil Export fiscal metering system Introduction There has been an increased focus on quality metering over the last few years. Operators and engineering contractors now admit there is more to fiscal metering than just flow measurement. Quality metering in this context is used as a common word for online sampling and measurement of density, composition and other fluid parameters that affect the quality and price of the petroleum product. A liquid metering system generally includes at least one automatic sampler for taking out a portion of the produced or off-loaded volume to a separate receiving can. This extract of liquid is then analysed in a laboratory to determine the properties of the liquid, such as density, viscosity, water content, vapour pressure, H 2 S content etc. For continuous metering on pipelines, Norwegian authorities (NPD) require online density and water-in-oil measurement in addition to automatic sampling on daily and monthly basis. Sampling devices can be mounted into the main pipeline or they can be mounted in a bypass loop (fastloop) system. If density and watercut measurement is required, the common solution is to mount the samplers, density transducers and watercut meters into a common pumped fastloop arrangement. Figure 1. Inline and fastloop sampling arrangement Whether the design includes inline or bypass line quality metering devices, it is important that the fluid is homo-genious at the sample take-off location. An inline sampler or a takeoff probe for a fastloop line both have an opening of only a few millimeters, whereas the pipeline diameters can be 200 mm (8 ) or larger. As an example, with low flow rate in a horizontal pipe the water will separate by gravity to the bottom of the pipe and the sampling point at the tip of the probe will see dry oil although the actual water content may be 10 or 20%. OIL OIL / WATER MIXTURE IN PIPELINE OIL AND WATER SEPARATED OIL/WATER MIXTURE WATER LOW FLOW RATE POOR MIXTURE HIGH FLOW RATE GOOD MIXTURE Figure 2. Separated oil/water flow in pipeline

3 Norwegian authorities and the majority of the international petroleum industry refer to the recognized standard ISO 3171 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling for evaluations on homogenious liquids and mixing requirements. Mixing calculations The main principle in the ISO 3171 standard is to calculate the water-in-oil concentration across the pipe section from top to bottom in a horizontal pipe. ISO 3171 recommends a 1 / 2 ratio of 0.9 or higher, where 1.0 indicates a completely homogenious mixture Very good mixing Poor mixing, high potential for 2 water stratification 1 is the water concentration in the top of the pipe 2 is the water concentration at the bottom of the pipe This recommendation allows for a ± 5% (relative) variation in the water content across the pipe section % = = Very good % mixing, no further actions required. Example 2: A distribution of water such that 1 is 0.8% and 2 is 1.2% gives a 1 / 2 ratio of = 0.8% 1.2% = 0.67 Intermediate mixing, actions required to improve mixing. Annex A of ISO 3171 lists detailed equations to be used and step by step calculation method for obtaining a value for the 1 / 2 ratio based on inner pipe diameter, flow velocity and fluid properties. The described method is detailed and hard to follow. NFOGM released in 2004 revision 2 of Handbook of Water Fraction Metering. The handbook is based on ISO 3171 and outlines simple equations for watercuts below 15% that are easy to implement into a spreadsheet in order to find the resulting 1 / 2 ratio. Input parameters are: Water density Hydrocarbon density Inner pipe diameter Oil viscosity Flow velocity Interfacial tension between water and hydrocarbon (initial/typical value given) The handbook is available on: Figure 3. Mixing ratio 1 / 2 2 Example 1: If the overall water concentration is 1%, a mixture such that 1 is 0.95% and 2 is 1.05% is regarded as a well mixed liquid since the 1 / 2 ratio is above 0.9. Example 3, ritical velocity in horizontal pipe (Gjøa Oil Export): ritical velocity in horizontal pipe (ISO 3171 / Handbook of Water Fraction Metering) using Gjøa Oil Export properties in an 8-inch pipe.

4 Input parameters: Rho_w 1025 kg/m3 Rho_hc (*) 740 kg/m3 Sigma 2.50E-02 N/m D (*) m µ (*) cp Results: alculation for 1 / 2 ratio of 0.9 gives a critical velocity of 13 m/s (1650 m3/h), valid for up to 15% watercut. The design flow rate for Gjøa Oil Export is 615 m3/h, less than ½ of required flow rate. Thus, probe mounting into a horizontal pipe without any other mixing arrangements was not an option on the Gjøa project. The critical velocity largely depends upon the viscosity. If the viscosity had been 5 cp instead of cp, the critical velocity would be reduced from 13 m/s (1650 m3/h) to 5.4 m/s (680 m3/h). Vertical Pipe Flow ISO 3171 does not differentiate between horizontal and vertical pipe flow. The Handbook of Water Fraction Metering introduces a method for calculating minimum required velocity with respect to watercut in a vertical pipe. The minimum required velocity is much less in a vertical pipe than in a horizontal pipe. Generally, an inline sampler or a liquid take-off probe should therefore be mounted into a vertical pipe section. Example 4, ritical velocity in vertical pipe (Gjøa Oil Export): ritical velocity in vertical pipe (Handbook of Water Fraction Metering) using Gjøa Oil Export properties and pipe size as in Example 3. Results: alculation for 15% watercut gives a critical velocity of 2.3 m/s (289 m3/h). The critical velocity is much lower, in fact less than 20% of the velocity required for horizontal pipe. The calculation model for vertical flow depends on the volumetric water content (watercut). alculation for 0.5% watercut, expected as maximum on Gjøa, gives a critical velocity of 0.27 m/s (34 m3/h). ritical Velocity (m/s) ritical Velocity - Vertical Pipe Watercut (%) Figure 4. ritical velocity in vertical pipe for Gjøa Oil Export The advantage of installing the probe into a vertical pipe section is clearly seen in Example 3 and 4 above. Probe installation into a vertical pipe was chosen for the Gjøa project. Fastloop mixing calculations Mixing calculation must be carried out also for the fastloop. The traditional filosophy of isokinetic sampling, where the velocity of the sampled fluid in the take-off probe equals the velocity of the main flow, can only be applied to sample extraction from a horizontal pipe. Typical pipe size for fastloop piping is 1, 1 ½ or 2. onservative calculations should be done based on horizontal piping if analyzers and grab samplers are mounted in horizontal sections of the fastloop. Pressure drop calculations must be done based on the critical flow rate. The fastloop pump must be dimensioned to handle the calculated critical flow rate and the resulting pressure drop. Alternatives in case of nonhomogenious liquids If the mixing calculations indicate a nonhomogenious liquid, i.e. the actual fluid velocity is below the critical velocity for homogenious mix, then one or more of the

5 following alternatives must be evaluated and applied: 1. hange to vertical pipe instead of horizontal pipe. 2. Reduce pipe size to increase the velocity. 3. Install static mixer upstream of probe/sampler location. 4. Install jet mixer upstream of probe/sampler location. Alternative 1, vertical piping is the obvious choise where space is available since critical flow is reduced by at least ¼ compared to horizontal pipe. Alternative 2, reduced pipe size, will induce increased pressure drop. Length of reduced pipe size in order to re-establish a good mix is not well defined. Alternative 4, jet mixer, consists of a pumped loop with a special return nozzle into the main flow stream, adding energy and mixing in the main pipe. This is a very effective but costly arrangment, and a good alternative where added pressure drop from a static mixer is unacceptable. Static mixer arrangement for Gjøa Oil Export The Gjøa project has installed an 8-inch pipe section with sample take-off probe and inline watercut meters for vertical installation, upward flow. A static mixer has been included to re-establish a homogenious oil/water mix at the take-off point and to avoid water separation at low flow rates. See Figure 6 for details. Alternative 3, static mixer, is commonly used for re-establishing a good mix. The supplier of static mixers will calculate the type and size of static mixer needed to obtain 1 / 2 = 0.9 based on process conditions and pipe size. The sample extraction point must be located between ½ and 3 diameters downstream of the static mixer. Increased pressure drop must be accounted for. The pressure drop will be estimated by the supplier. FLOW DIRETION FLOW DIRETION STATI MIXER FASTLOOP TO AUTO-SAMPLERS AND DENSITY METERS TAKEOFF PROBE FASTLOOP RETURN WATERUT METER WATERUT METER GJØA OIL EXPORT MIXING SPOOL AND INLINE WATERUT METERS. -OMPLETE SETION MOUNTED VERTIALLY DOWNSTREAM OF OIL EXPORT METERING SKID -UPWARD FLOW DIRETION Figure 6. Static mixer and inline watercut meters for Gjøa Oil Export fiscal metering. Figure 5. Static mixer (typical)

6 IKM VALVES AS, DISTRIBUTØR AV GENERAL VALVES Av Rolf Lohne, IKM Valves AS Fra Nyttår ble IKM Valves AS, distributør for ameron - General Valves. Flere målestasjoner er idag utstyrt med ventiler fra General Valves. Stemningsbilder fra Tema Dagen i Oslo 2010 Norsk Forening for Olje- og Gassmåling (NFOGM) er en frittstående forening for teknisk personell som arbeider med måling av olje og gass i norsk olje- og gassmiljø. Foreningens faglige virkeområder omfatter kvantumsmåling, prøvetaking og kontinuerlig kvalitetsmåling i behandlings- og transportsystem. Redaksjon Nytt fra NFOGM: Solfrid Sunde []

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Accuracy of Alternative Baseline Methods

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5 E Lesson: Solving Monohybrid Punnett Squares with Coding

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KROPPEN LEDER STRØM. Sett en finger på hvert av kontaktpunktene på modellen. Da får du et lydsignal.

KROPPEN LEDER STRØM. Sett en finger på hvert av kontaktpunktene på modellen. Da får du et lydsignal. KROPPEN LEDER STRØM Sett en finger på hvert av kontaktpunktene på modellen. Da får du et lydsignal. Hva forteller dette signalet? Gå flere sammen. Ta hverandre i hendene, og la de to ytterste personene



UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Eksamen i: ECON30/40 Matematikk : Matematisk analyse og lineær algebra Exam: ECON30/40 Mathematics : Calculus and Linear Algebra Eksamensdag: Tirsdag 0. desember


C13 Kokstad. Svar på spørsmål til kvalifikasjonsfasen. Answers to question in the pre-qualification phase For English: See page 4 and forward

C13 Kokstad. Svar på spørsmål til kvalifikasjonsfasen. Answers to question in the pre-qualification phase For English: See page 4 and forward C13 Kokstad Svar på spørsmål til kvalifikasjonsfasen Answers to question in the pre-qualification phase For English: See page 4 and forward Norsk Innhold 1. Innledning... 2 2. Spørsmål mottatt per 28.11.12...



UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Eksamen i: ECON1310 Økonomisk aktivitet og økonomisk politikk Exam: ECON1310 Macroeconomic theory and policy Eksamensdag: 18.05.01 Sensur blir annonsert: 07.06.01


Dagens tema: Eksempel Klisjéer (mønstre) Tommelfingerregler

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New Separator Technology Development Objectives

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Method validation for NO (10 ppm to 1000 ppm) in nitrogen using the Fischer Rosemount chemiluminescence analyser NOMPUMELELO LESHABANE

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Level Set methods. Sandra Allaart-Bruin. Level Set methods p.1/24

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bondura dual 36 Ø50mm - Ø200mm assembly & inspection manual art rev A

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Alternativer til teststrekk med høye laster

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SERVICE BULLETINE 2008-4 S e r v i c e b u l l e t i n e M a t e r i e l l Materiellsjef F/NLF kommuniserer påminnelse omkring forhold som ansees som vesentlige for å orientere om viktige materiellforhold. Målgruppen for Servicbulletinen


Baltic Sea Region CCS Forum. Nordic energy cooperation perspectives

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The exam consists of 2 problems. Both must be answered. English

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UNIVERSITETET I OSLO UNIVERSITETET I OSLO Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet Eksamen i INF 3230 Formell modellering og analyse av kommuniserende systemer Eksamensdag: 4. juni 2010 Tid for eksamen: 9.00 12.00 Oppgavesettet


SRP s 4th Nordic Awards Methodology 2018

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Merak Un-glazed Porcelain Wall and Floor Tiles

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EGENSKAPER ANVENDELSE. Technical data sheet ESCR - KONSTRUKSJONSSKRUE TIL TRE ESCR er en skrue med diameter 8 eller 10 mm. Den har et skivehode som er designet til å sammenføye to eller flere trebjelker. ESCRskruene har en type 17 spiss, som griper raskt, og en freseribbe som sikrer


The building blocks of a biogas strategy

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A NEW REALITY. DNV GL Industry Outlook for 2016. Kjell Eriksson, Regional Manager Oil & Gas, Norway 02 Februar - Offshore Strategi Konferansen 2016,

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Gir vi de resterende 2 oppgavene til én prosess vil alle sitte å vente på de to potensielt tidskrevende prosessene.

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GEOV219. Hvilket semester er du på? Hva er ditt kjønn? Er du...? Er du...? - Annet postbachelor phd

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Du må håndtere disse hendelsene ved å implementere funksjonene init(), changeh(), changev() og escape(), som beskrevet nedenfor.

Du må håndtere disse hendelsene ved å implementere funksjonene init(), changeh(), changev() og escape(), som beskrevet nedenfor. 6-13 July 2013 Brisbane, Australia Norwegian 1.0 Brisbane har blitt tatt over av store, muterte wombater, og du må lede folket i sikkerhet. Veiene i Brisbane danner et stort rutenett. Det finnes R horisontale


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Administrasjon av postnummersystemet i Norge Post code administration in Norway. Frode Wold, Norway Post Nordic Address Forum, Iceland 5-6.

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UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Eksamen i: ECON1220 Velferd og økonomisk politikk Exam: ECON1220 Welfare and politics Eksamensdag: 29.11.2010 Sensur kunngjøres: 21.12.2010 Date of exam: 29.11.2010


IN2010: Algoritmer og Datastrukturer Series 2

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2014 NFOGM TEMADAG. Drift, vedlikehold og modifikasjoner av fiskale/co2 avgiftsbelagte målestasjoner.

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Marmi Plus One. Sleek, Essential, Stunning

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UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Utsatt eksamen i: ECON1410 - Internasjonal økonomi Exam: ECON1410 - International economics Eksamensdag: 18.06.2013 Date of exam: 18.06.2013 Tid for eksamen: kl.


Graphs similar to strongly regular graphs

Graphs similar to strongly regular graphs Joint work with Martin Ma aj 5th June 2014 Degree/diameter problem Denition The degree/diameter problem is the problem of nding the largest possible graph with given diameter d and given maximum degree


0:7 0:2 0:1 0:3 0:5 0:2 0:1 0:4 0:5 P = 0:56 0:28 0:16 0:38 0:39 0:23

0:7 0:2 0:1 0:3 0:5 0:2 0:1 0:4 0:5 P = 0:56 0:28 0:16 0:38 0:39 0:23 UTKAST ENGLISH VERSION EKSAMEN I: MOT100A STOKASTISKE PROSESSER VARIGHET: 4 TIMER DATO: 16. februar 2006 TILLATTE HJELPEMIDLER: Kalkulator; Tabeller og formler i statistikk (Tapir forlag): Rottman: Matematisk


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04.11.2014. Ph.d-utdanningen. Harmonisering av krav i Norden

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UNIVERSITETET I OSLO UNIVERSITETET I OSLO Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet Eksamen i: KJB 492 Bioinformatikk Eksamensdag: Fredag 14. desember 2001 Tid for eksamen: Kl.: 9.00 13.00 Oppgavesettet er på 7 sider. Vedlegg:



UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Eksamen i: ECON20/420 Matematikk 2: Matematisk analyse og lineær algebra Exam: ECON20/420 Mathematics 2: Calculus and Linear Algebra Eksamensdag: Fredag 2. mai
