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1 A/088000SS UNIVERSITETET I OSLO UNIVERSITY OF OSLO PUBLIKASJONSLISTE 19S7 Vitenskaplige og faglige arbeider fra Fysisk institutt Rapport ISSN Mottatt: 20/ FYSISK INSTITUTT DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS.ii jiu JU Un* i II II Mi

2 1 FORORD Vitenskaplige og faglige arbeider fra Fysisk institutt er for 1987 oppdelt i fem hovedkategorier med underkategorier som beskrevet på side 2. Publikasjonslisten er sortert etter hovedkategorier, forskningsgrupper og etternavn på første forfatter fra Fysisk institutt. I tillegg har vi tatt med to tabeller som viser arbeider fra Fysisk institutt fordelt på 1) forskningsgrupper og hovedkategorier og 2) forskningsgrupper. Redaksjonsutvalget Innhold Side KATEGORIINDELING FOR ARBEIDER FRA FYSISK INSTITUTT 2 PUBLIKASJONER FRA FYSISK INSTITUTT 1987 Fordeling etter kategori og gruppe 3 Fordeling etter gruppe 3 PUBLIKASJONSLISTE FOR FYSISK INSTITUTT Vitenskaplige publvkasjoner 4 2. Vitenskaplige og tekniske rapporter Vitenskaplige foredrag Populærvitenskaplige arbeider Pedagogisk/didaktiske arbeider 40

3 2 Kategoriindeling for arbeider fra Fysisk institutt 1. VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJONER 1.1 Artikler i internasjonale tidsskrifter med referee-system. 1.2 Artikler i proceedings fra internasjonale konferanser/vitenskaplige bøker. 1.3 Artikler i proceedings fra mindre møter, symposier, workshops. 2. VITENSKAPLIGE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER 2.1 Rapporter i Fysisk institutts rapportserie. 2.2 Andre rapportserier (CERN, IFE, etc). 2.3 Interne rapporter, uregistrerte rapporter etc. 3. VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 3.1 Foredrag/abstracts ved internasjonale konferanser. 3.2 Foredrag ved mindre møter (norske,nordiske, workshops). 3.3 Andre foredrag, gjesteforelesninger, etc. 4. POPULÆRVITENSKAPLIGE ARBEIDER 4.1 Populær vi tenskaplige og bøker. 4.2 Populærvitenskaplige artikler. 4.3 Populærvitenskaplige foredrag. 4.4 Fagpolitiske artikler/foredrag. 4.5 Radio og TV-programmer/ utstillinger. 4.6 Avis- radio- og TV-intervjuer/ mindre notiser. 5. PEDAGOGISK/DIDAKTISKE ARBEIDER 5.1 Lærebøker. 5.2 Artikler av pedagogisk/didaktisk karakter. 5.3 Utgitte kompendier. 5.4 Foredrag av pedagogisk/didaktisk karakter. 5.5 Uformelle forelesningsreferater/ oppgavesamlinger/ notater.

4 Publikasjoner fra Fysisk institutt 1987 Fordeling etter KATEGORI og GRUPPE KATEGORI: GRUPPE A B E F H K P T Fl Fordeling etter GRUPPE GRUPPE SUM A - Allmenn fysikk og didaktikk 30 B - Biofysikk 44 E - Elektronikk og måleteknikk 6 F - Faste stoffers fysikk 93 H - Eksperimentell høyenergifysikk 34 K - Kjernefysikk 38 P - Plasma- molekylar- og kosmisk fysikk 74 T - Teoretisk fysikk Fl - Fysisk institutt 365

5 4 1 Vitenskaplige publikasjoner E.O. Hole and E. Sagstuen Free radical formation in crystals of 2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate irradiated at 15 K: An ESR study Radiat. Res. 109, 190 (1987). E.O. Hole, W.H. Nelson, D.M. Close and E. Sagstuen ESR and ENDOR of the guanine cation: Secondary product in 5'-dGMP J. Chemical Physics 86, 5218 (1987). D.M. Close, W.H. Nelson and E. Sagstuen Radical formation in x-irradiated single crystals of guanine hydrochloride monohydrate. Part H ESR and ENDOR in the range K Radiation Research 112, 283 (1987). M.F. Andersen, E. Sagstuen, T. Henriksen and M. Lindgren Radiation damage to steroids. An ENDOR study of cholest-4-en-3-one J. Magnetic Resonance 71, 461 (1987). P. Strand, E. Sagstuen, T. Lehner and J. Huttermann Free radical formation in crystals of guanine hydrochloride dihydrate: An ESR and ENDOR study Int. J. Radiation Biology 51, 303 (1987). H. Theisen, E. Sagstuen, G. Nilsson and A. Lund Primary radiation damage in tryptophan and tryptamine. A pulse radiolysis and low-temperature ESR study Radiat. Phys. Chem. 30, 285 (1987). J.M. Crook, B.B. Lee, D.A. Tigwell, A. Valberg Threshold to chromatic spots of cells in the macaque geniculate nucleus as compared to detection sensitivity in man J. Physiol. 392, 193 (1987). B. Lange-Malecki und A. Valberg Umfeld- und Beleuchtungsabhångigkeit des Farbensehens beim Menschen I New Frontiers in Brain Research. Proceedings of the "15th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference" (Eds. N. Eisner and 0. Creutzfeldt), G.Thieme, Stuttgart 1987, s B.B. Lee, A. Valberg, D.A. Tigwell, and J. Tryti An account of responses of spectrally opponent neurons in macaque lateral geniculate nucleus to successive contrasts Proe. R. Soc. Lond. 230, 293 (1987).

6 1 VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJONER 5 A. Valberg, B.B. Lee, and J. Tryti Simulation of responses of spectrally-opponent neurones in the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus to chromatic and acromatic light stimuli Vision Research 27, (1987). S.J. Crook, R. Stewart, J.M. Boggs, A.I. Vistnes and B. Zalc Characterization of anti-cerebroside sulfate antisera using a theoretical model to analyse liposome immune lysis data Mol. Immun. 24, 1135 (1987). T. Brenner, J. Clasen, K.Lange and T. Lindem The whitefish of the Wahnbach reservoir and their assessment by hydroacoustic method Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 49, 3 (1987). Sandlund, Jonsson, Malmquist, Gydemo, T. Lindem, Skulason, and Snorrasson Habitat use of arctic charr Savelinus alpinus in Thingvallavatn Environmental Biology of Fishes 20, 263 (1987). H. Bohidar, T. Berland, T. Jøssang and J. Feder A compact pressure cell for light scattering experiments Rev. Sci. Instrum. 58, 1422 (1987). E. Rosenqvist, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Thermal properties of human IgG Molecular Immunology 24, 495 (1987). L. Furuberg, A. Aharony, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Self-avoiding walks between terminals on percolation clusters I "Time-Dependent Effects in Disordered Materials", (Eds. R. Pynn and T. Riste) 1987, s J. Gjønnes and A. Olsen Analytical electron microscopy Prakt. Metallographie 24, 76 (1987). K. Gjønnes and A. Andersen Scale structures during oxidation and sulphidation of nickel and a nickel-chromium alloy Ultramicroscopy 33, 289 (1987). S.A. Gundersen, D.M. Barnett and J. Lothe Rayleigh wave existence theory; a supplementary remark Wave Motion 9, 319 (1987).

7 1 VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJONER 6 S.A. Gundersen and J. Lothe A new method for numerical calculations in anisotropic elasticity problems Phys. Stat. Solid. 143, 73 (1987). G. Helgesen The Microworld of Electrodeposition I "Time-dependent effects in disordered materials", Ed. R.Pynn, Plenum Press, T.H. Johansen On the theory of the weighing method for automatic crystal shape control in Czochralski growth J. Crystal Growth 80, 343 (1987). T.H. Johansen The effect of Buoyancy on the weight gain signal in LEC crystal growth J. Crystal Growth 80, 465 (1987). T.H. Johansen An AC dilatometer for linear expansivity measurement High Temperatures - High Pressures 19, 77 (1987). T.H. Johansen Analysis of the crystal weighing method applied to liquid encapsulated Czochralski growth J. Crystal Growth 84, 609 (1987). D.M. Barnett and J. Lothe On the existence of type 6 transonic states in linear elastic media of cubic symmetry Proc. Roy. Soc. 411, 251 (1987). H.O.K. Kirchner and J. Lothe Displacements and tractions along interfaces Phil. Mag. 56, 583 (1987). K.J. Malay, F. Boger, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Dynamics and structure of viscous fingers in porous media I "Time Dependent Effects in Disordered Materials", (Eds. R. Pynn and T. Riste) 1987, s.lll. K.J. Måløy, F. Boger, J. Feder, T. Jøssang, and P. Meakin Dynamics of viscous-fingering fractals in porous media Phys. Rev. 36, 318 (1987).

8 1 VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJONER i S.K.E. Forghany, A.K. Cheetham and A. Olsen X-ray microanalysis and high-resolut.;o.n transmission electron microscopy of the reduced titanium-niobium oxides J. Solid State Chem. 71, 305 (1987). U. Oxaal, M. Murat, F. Boger, A. Aharony, J. Feder and T. Jassang Viscus fingering on percolation clusters Nature 329, 32 (1987). U. Oxaal, M. Murat, F. Boger, A. Aharony, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Viscous fingering on percolation clusters I ; 'Time-Dependent Effects in Disordered Materials" (Eds. R. Pynn and T. Riste), 1987, s.199. P. Skjerpe An cl-ictron microscopy s udy oi the phase A13Fe J. Microscopy 148, 33 (1987). P. Skjerpe Intermetallic phases formed during dc-casting of an Al-0.25 Wt Pet Fe-0.13 Wt- PctSi Alloy Met Trans A 18A, 189 (1987). P. Skjerpe, J. Gjønnes and Y. Langsrud Solidification structure and primary Al-Fe-Si particles in direct-chilled-cast aluminium alloys Ultramicroscopy 22, 239 (1987). H. Herø, E. Sørbrøden and J. Gjønnes The structure of a cast dental Ni-Cr-Be alloy J. Mat. Sci. 22, 2542 (1987). C. Baglin, L. Bugge, T. Buran, K. Kirsebom, G. SkjevHng, S. Stapnes, B. Stugu et al. J/ifr Resonant Formation and Mass Measurement in Antiproton-proton Annihilations Nucl. Phys. B286, 592 (1987). C. Baglin, L. Bugge, T. Buran, K. Kirsebom, A. Lundby, G. Skjevling, B. Stugu et al. Diiect Observation and Partial-Width Measurement of 77Decay of Charmonium States Phys. Lett. B187, 191 (1987).

9 1 VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJONER 8 F. Baiestra, F.O. Breivik, T. Jacobsen, S.O. Sørensen et al. Annihilation of Antiprotons at rest in 3 He and i He Nucl. Phys. A474, 651 (1987). F.O. Breivik, T. Jacobsen, S.O. Sørensen et al. Neutral strange-particle production in p 70 Ne reactions at 607 MeV/c Phys. Lett.B, 194, 192 (1987). K. Kirsebom and R. Sollie Radiation on F2 lead glass and consequences for the monitoring of the absolute calibration of lead glass calorimeters Nucl. Instr. and Methodes A242, 351 (1986). B. Mouellic, J.C. Santard. M.G. Pias, M. Chemarin, J. Fay, B. Larsen, J.M. Brom, and B. Escoubes A stack of two-dimensional multivire proportional chambers as part of an electromagnetical calorimeter Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A262, 269 (1987). V.E. Fernandez, A.L. Read jr., et al. Electroweak effects in e + e~ * e + e~at- i /s = 29GeV Phys. Rev. D 35, 10 (1987). W. Ash, A.L. Read jr., et al. Observation of Charge Asymmetry in Hadron Jets from e + e~ y/s = 29GeV. Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 1080 (1987). Annihilation at A.L. Read jr., et al. Tests of quantum electrodynamics with two, three, and four-photon final states from e + e" annihilation at *Js = 29GeV Phys. Rev. D 35, 1 (1987). W. Ash, A.L. Read jr., et al. Determination of the Lifetime of Bottom Hadrons Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 640 (1987). W. Ash, A.L. Read jr., et al. Design, construction, pr. totype tests, and performance of a vertex chamber for the MAC detector Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 261, 399 (1987). H.R. Band, A.L. Read jr., et al. Precise measurement of the lifetime of the tau lepton Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 415 (1987).

10 1 VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJONER H.R. Band, A.L. Read jr., et al. Measurements of tau decays to three pions Physics Letters B 198, 297 (1987). E. Fernandez, AX. Read jr., et al. Search for single electrons from supersymmetric-particle production Phys. Rev. D 35, 374 (1987). W.T. Ford, A.L. Read jr., et al. Precise measurement of the branching fraction for the decay r * v T pi Phys. Rev. D (1987). W.T. Ford, A.L. Read jr., et al. Measurement of the polarization of tau leptons produced in e+e- Js = 29Ge^ Phys. Rev. D 36, 1971 (1987). annihilation si C. Baglin, L. Bugge, T. Buran, K. Kirsebom, A. Kylling, D. Olsen, G. Skjevling, B. Stugu et al. Angular Distributions in the Reactions pp > Xi,2 -* 7^ * 7e + e~ Phys. Lett. 195, 85 (1987). A. Atac, J. Rekstad, M. Guttormsen, S. Messelt, T. Ramsøy F. Thorsteinsen, G. Løvhøiden and T. Rødland The decay of hot Dysprosium nuclei Nuclear Physics A472, 269 (1987). K.P. Blume, H. Hubel, M. Murzel, J. Recht, K. Theine, H. Kluge, A. Kuhnert, K.H. Maier, A. Maj, M. Guttormsen, and A.P. De Lima High-spin state in ^/ Nuclear Physics A464, 445 (1987). M. Guttormsen, T. Ramsøy, and J. Rekstad The first generation of 7 - rays from hot nuclei Nuclear Instruments and Methods A225, 518 (1987). J. Honkanen, J. Aysto, K. Eskola, V. Koponen, S. Messelt, P. Taskinen and K. Ogawa Gamow-teller strength in the /3-decay of mirror nuclides I Proceedings of "5th Int. Conf. on Nuclei far from Stability", september 1987, Ontario, Canada.

11 1 VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJONER 10 E. Osnes What happened to the Kuo-Brown interaction I "Windsurfing the Fermi Sea", Proc. Int. Conf. and Symp. on Unified Concepts of Many-Body Problems, Vol 2, (Eds. T.T.S. Kuo and J.Speth), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987, s.226. T. Ramsay, A. Atac, T. Engeland, M. Guttormsen, J. Rekstad, G. Løvhøiden, T.F. Thorsteinsen and J.S. Vaagen iei Particle-Vibration Coupled States in Dy Nuclear Physics A470, 79 (1987). J. Rekstad, A. Atac, M. Guttormsen, T. Ramsøy, J.B. Olsen, F. Ingebretsen, T.F. Thorsteir.sen, G. Løvhøiden and T. Rødland Reaction depen -ence and gross structure of the 7 - decay of highly exited states l62 in rare earth nucleus Dy Nuclear Physics A470, 397 (1987). E.M. Beck, J.C. Bacelar, M.A. Deleplanque, R.M. Diamond, F.S. Stephens, J.A. Draper, B. Herskind, A. Holm and P.O. Tjøm High S-spin State Spectroscopy in I65,i66yj Nuclear Physics A464, 472 (1987). A. Egel-"!d, H. Liao and P.E. Sandholt Irregular, broad-band ELF/VLF emissions and optical aurora at cusp latitudes in the post noon sector Ann. Geophys. 5A, 89 (1987). B.N. Mæhlum, W.F. Denig, A. Egeland, M. Friedrich, T. Hansen, G.K. Holmgren, K. Måseide, N.C. Maynard, B.T. Narheim, K. Svenes, K. Torkar, J. Trøim and J.D. Winningham MAIMIK - a high current electron beam experiment on a sounding rocket from Andøya Rocket Range In "Proceedings of the 8th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Progammes and Related Research", Sunne, Sweden, May 1987 (ESA SP- 270, Aug. 1987) 261. J. Stadsnes, K. Aarnes, CD. Anger, K. Måseide et al. AURIO - a proposal for flying an auroral imaging observatory on the Polar platform in the space station/columbus programme In "Proceedings of the 8th ESA Symposium on European Rocke', and Balloon Programmes and Related Research", Sunne, Sweden, May 1987 (ESA SP-270, Aug. 1987) 401.

12 1 VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJONER 11 K.R. Topphol, J. Stadsnes, K. Aarsnes, J. Bjordal, M. Håvåg, F. Søraas and K. Måseide Coordinated rocket measurements of auroral X-rays, optical emissions and precipitating particles Foredrag ved "8th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research", Sunne, Svvclen, mai P.E. Sandholt Interplanetary and geophysical effects of a coronal transient Annales Geophysique 5A, 219 (1987). P. E. Sandholt Interplanetary and geophysical effects of a coronal transient In "Proceedings 21. ESLAB Symposium", Bolkesjø, Norway, lt<87; ESA SP P.E. Sandholt and A. Egeland Polar cusp electrodynamics In "Proceedings from 8th ESA Symposium on Europesi Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research", Sunne, Sweden, May, ESA SP-270. p.255. L. Veseth Many-body Calculations of gj Factors for Second-row atoms. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 20, L73 (1987). L. Veseth Many-body calculations of spectroscopic properties of the 3s3p 3P and 3s3d 3 D states in Mg J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 20, 235 (1987). L. Veseth Ab initio calculation of the isotope shift in the fine structure of C II and N II Phys. Rev. A 35, 1931 (1987). J.O. Eeg Meson self energy effects for K + Nucl. Phys. B289, 673 (1987). J.O. Eeg The AI = /2 rule for K itit decays Acta Phys. Polonica B18, 639 (1987). Tr + yi in a chiral theory

13 1 VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJONER 12 J.O. Eeg On the s d self energy transition ~ a,gp and the relevance for the A/ = /2 and e'/ f puzzles Phys. Lett. B196, 87 (1987). J.O. Eeg and I. Picek K - K mixing at three loops Nucl. Phys. B292, 745 (1987). J.O. Eeg and I. Picek On the short distance CP-violating contributions to the Å' s -» 77 processes Phys. Lett. B196, 391 (1987). E. Eriksen and 0. Grøn Lorentz invariant radiation Am. J. Phys. 55, 363 (1987). N. Fjeldsø, J. Midtdal, and F. Ravndal Random walks of a quantum particle on a circle Phys. Rev. D, Brief Reports 35, 3272 (1987). 0. Gran A modification of Einstein's first deduction of the inertia-energy relationship Eur. J. Phys. R, 24 (1987). 0. Grøn Gyroscopic Precession and the Principle of Equivalence Ann. der Physik 44, 391 (1987). 0. Grøn Repulsive gravitation Reports from Moscow Refusnik Seminar, New York Acad. Sc. 491, 97 (1987). 0. Gran and E. Eriksen A dust-filled Kantowski-Sachs universe with A > 0. Phys. Lett.A 121, 217 (1987). 0. Grøn and H.H. Soleng Decay of primordial cosmic rotation in inflationary cosmologies Nature 328, 501 (1987). H. Høgåsen and 0. Lie-Svendsen Recoil corrected bag model calculations for semileptonic weak decays Z. fur Physik C35, 239 (1987).

14 1 VITENSKAPLIGE PUBLIKASJOKER H.H. Soleng A note on vacuum solutions based on Lyra's manifold Astrophysics and Space Science 134, 405 (1987). H.H. Soleng A note on variable-g cosmologies Astrophysics and Space Science 136, 109 (1987). H.H. Soleng Primordial magnetic field, inflation and cosmic strings Astrophysics and Space Science 137, 201 (1987). H.H. Soleng Cosmic Shear in inflationary models of Bianchi types VIII and IX Astrophysics and Space Science 137, 373 (1987). H.H. Soleng Critique of the theory of a cosmic potential Astrophysics and Space Science 137, 403 (1987). H.H. Soleng Cosmologies based on Lyra's geometry General Relativity and Gravitation 19, 1213 (1987). H.H. Soleng A note on vacuum self-creation cosmological models Astrophysics and Space Science 138, 19 (1987). H.H. Soleng On the absence of gravitational forces in general relativity Astrophysics and Space Science 138, 419 (1987). H.H. Soleng Self-creation cosmological solutions Astrophysics and Space Science 139, 13 (1987).

15 2 VITENSKAPLIGE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER 14 2 Vitenskaplige og tekniske rapporter H.H. Soleng and 0. Grøn Decay of primordial cosmic rotation in inflationary cosmologies Nature 328, 501 (1987). S.L. Andersen, I. Espe, 0. Herbjørnsen, O. Lie, M. dehlen Solenergi varmluftstørke på Lie i Flesberg Department of Physics Report 87-32, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, Solenergiprosjektet Solenergiforskning ved Fysisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo Årsrapport (Red. S.L. Andersen) Department of Physics Report 87-08, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, C. Choudhury, S.L. Andersen and J. Rekstad Optimum disign of a solar air heater Department of Physics Report 87-03, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, G. Marthinsen Eplet og Newton (Myte, virkelighet eller litt av hvert?) Department of Physics Report 87-26, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, N. Skogen Om lengdene av stykke som ei kurve blir delt i av eit repetisjonsmønster og av andre geometriske figurar Department of Physics Report 87-38, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, N. Skogen Om talet på skjeringar mellom ei kurve og eit repitisjonsmønster og korleis ein kan bruke dette til å måle kurvelengder Department of Physics Report 87-37, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, T. Henriksen and G. Saxebøl Fallout and radiation doses in Norway after the Chernobyl accident Department of Physics Report 87-24, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, B.T. Olsen Pattern reversal stimuli and spatial interaction in the visual system. Experimental Electrophysiology in Vision Research Dr. avhandling, Fysisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, S. Strøm The design of a linear amplifier for small currents. A preliminary report Department of Physics Report 87-27, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, 1987.

16 2 VITENSKAPLIGE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER 15 J.C. Wikne An intelligent GPIB controller Department of Physics Report , Univ. of Oslo, Oslo L.I. Berge Flow of particles through single pores Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-10, (1987). T. Berland, H. Bohidar, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Experimental determination of equation of state of liquids IV. Pressure - Temperature Calibration of Fabry-Perot Sample Chamber Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-1 (1987). F. Boger A 256 by 256 image processing program written in assembler for the IBM PC Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-5, (1987). M. Aas and F. Boger Design of digital image retrieval and storage system Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-11, (1987). H. Bohidar, T. Berland, F. Boger, T. Jøssang, and J. Feder A fully computerized multi-pass Fabry-Perot interferometer for Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering experiments Department of Physics Report 87-09, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, H. Bohidar, T. Jøssang and J. Feder Experimental determination of equation of state of liquids - V. Deconvolution and analysis of spectra obtained from Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering experiments Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-7, (1987). H. Bohidar, T. Jøssang, and J. Feder Light scattering study of physcis properties of liquids Department of Physics Report 87-23, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, H. Bohidar, T. Jøssang and J. Feder Experimental determination of equation of state of liquids - VI. Brillouin scattering study of hypersonic properties of liquids Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-17, (1987). V. Frette, J. Feder and T. Jøssang The effect on permeability of bubbles trapped in a porous matrix Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-12, (1987).

17 2 VITENSKAPLIUE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER 16 L. Furuberg Preliminary simulations on dynamics of invasion percolation Cooperative Phenomena Project Report. Series 87-3, (1987). J. Gjønnes and J.W. Steeds Measurement of structure factors and determination of crystal thickness by electron diffraction Department of Physics Report 87-41,Univ. of Oslo, Oslo J. Gjønnes, C.J. Humphreys, and J.W. Steeds Accurate structure factor determination with electron diffraction Department of Physics Report 87-40, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, S.A. Gundersen and J. Lothe A new method for numerical calculations in anisotropic elastic problems Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-2, (1987). S.A. Gundersen, D.M. Barnett and J. Lothe R eyleigh wave existence theory - A supplementary remark Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-9, (1987). E.L. Hinrichsen Statistical analysis of DLA-growth from a line Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-6, (1987). T.H. Johansen Some features of the axisymmetric melt meniscus in Czochralski growth Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-4, (1987). T.H. Johansen The differential weight gain signal (DWGS) in liquid encapsulated Czochralski growth Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-8, (1987). T.H. Johansen Thermal expansion near phase transitions - a review of relevant the ry Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-15, (1987). T.H. Johansen Extension of the Surek argument in the stability analysis of the Czochralski process Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-13, (1987). T.H. Johansen, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Thermal expansion of CsPbC13 along Determination of critical exponent and phase diagram Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-16, (1987).

18 2 VITENSKAPLIGE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER 17 T. Johnsen and F. Boger Interfacing to a digital correlator and a GPIB board using TURBO BASIC Cooperative Phenomena Project Report Series 87-14, (1987). T. Jøssang and J. Feder The physics of porous media and fractal phenomena Petroleum Related Natural Sciences, NAVF, Oslo F. Balestra, F.O. Breivik, T. Jacobsen, S.O. Sørensen et al. Light nucleus production in ffillc annihilation between 0 and 600 MeV/c CERN-EP/87-213, 25 November Yu. Batusov, F.O. Breivik, T. Jacobsen, S.O. Sørensen et al. Annihilation of stopping antiprotons in 4 He and 3 He JLNR Rapid Communications No 21-87, C. Baglin, L. Bugge, T. Buran, K. Kirsebom, A. Kylling, D. Olsen, G. Skjevling, B. Stugu et al. Angular Distributions in the Reactions pp > ^12 * 7^ * 7e + e~ CERN-EP/87-94, 21 May C. Baglin, L. Bugge, T. Buran, K. Kirsebom, A. Lundby, G. Skjevling, B. Stugu et al. Direct observation and partial-width measurement of 77 decay of charmonium states CERN-EP/87-02, 6 January F.Bianchi, L. Bugge, M. Dam et al. Status Report from the Machine Interface Group (MIG) DELPHI GEN, 16 October L. Bugge and M. Dam On the Luminosity Determination for DELPHI DELPHI Phys 21, 7 October T. Buran Measurements of the charmonium P-states and the ETAC into 2 gammas at the ISR. Department of Physics Report 87-01, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, G.Basompierre, T. Fearnley, K. Kirsebom, A. Kylling, B.A. Nielsen, B. Stugu et al. JETSET: Physics at LEAR with an Internal Gas Jet Target and an Advanced General Purpose Detector CERN/PSCC 86-23, PSCC/97, 25 March 1986.

19 2 VITENSKAPL1CE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER 18 T.A. Fearnley Study of the performance of drift chambers for the lep/delphi muon detector Department of Physics Report 87-36, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, T. Jacobsen, K. Brandseth, F.O. Breivik, K.M. Danielsen, S. Homlona, S.O. Sørensen An observation of a leading meson in p -r Ne reactions at 607 MeV/c incident momentum Department of Physics Report 87-39, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, G. Skjevling, L. Bugge, M. Dam et al. The SAT module simulation DELPHI Small Angle Tagger Group, 28. July A. Atac, J. Rekstad, M. Guttormsen, S. Messelt, T. Ramsøy, T.F. Thorsteinsen, G. Løvhøiden, and T. Rødland The decay of hot dysprosium nuclei Department of Physics Report 87-10, Univ. of Oslo, Kjernefysikkgruppen Annual Report: January 1 - December 31, (Red. T. Holtebekk) Department of Physics Report 87-11, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, T. Batsch, J. Kownacki, Z. Zelazny, M. Guttormsen, T. Ramsøy, J. Rekstad Particle - core multiplets in 89 Y Department of Physics Report 87-31, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, E. Osnes What happened to the Kuo-Brown interaction? Department of Physics Report 87-04, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, T. Ramsøy, A. Atac, T. Engeland, M. Guttormsen, J. Rekstad, G. Løvhøiden, T.F. Thorsteinsen and J.S. Vaagen Particle vibration coupled states in ]6I i>y Department of Physics Report 87-08, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, T. Ramsøy, B. Bjerke, M. Guttormsen and B. Skaali "DAISY", a VME based data acqusition system Intern rapport, Fysisk institutt A. Storruste Radioaktive isotoper. Praktiske forsøk og oppgåver i doseberegninger for -kolen Department of Physics Report 87-14, Univ. of Oslo, 1987.

20 2 VITENSKAPLIGE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER 19 Z. Zelazny, T.S. Tveter. A. Alac, M. Guttormsen, T. Ramsøy, and J. Rekstad First generation 7 - rays from highly excited even rare-earth nuclei Department of Physics Report 87-25, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, N. Fukushima, A. Egeland, 0. Liu, S. Silverman and M. Teboul Secular variations of the geomagnetic axis in historic time from the comparison of ancient records of aurorae observed in the Occident and orient Heinrich Herz Institute Rep. 21, 55 (1987). Redaksjonsutvalget Publikasjonsliste 1986: Vitenskaplige og faglig arbeider fra Fysisk institutt. (Red. 0. Holter) Deparment of Physics Report 87-17, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, A. Kildal On the generation cf secondary D.C. electric fields and densities in a rectangular wave guide Department of Physics Report 87-35, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, M. Mentzoni The G-factor in molecular nitrogen, oxygen and air Department of Physics Report 87-18, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, M. Mentzoni, and 0. Holter Computer simulation of the electron decay in a Neon afterglow plasma Department of Physics Report 87-13, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, F. Søraas and K. Måseide PULSAUR II: Pulsating Aurora. A sounding rocket experiment for investigating pulsating aurora and related phenomena Rocket proposal presented to the Norwegian Space Center, September P.E. Sandholt and A. Egeland Auroral and magnetic variations in the Polar Cusp and Cleft-signatures of magnetopause boundary layer dynamics Department of Physics Report 87-30, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, P.E. Sandholt, B. Lybekk, A. Egeland. P.T. Bythrow, and D.A. Hardy Electrodynamics of the Polar cusp ionosphere - a case study Department of Physics Report 87-12, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, T.A. Sten A PC board photometer controller Department of Physics Report 87-06, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, 1987.

21 2 VITENSKAPLIGE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER 20 J.O. Eeg On the s * d seif energy transition a,gf and the relevance for the AJ = /2 and f'/e puzzles Department of Physics Report 87-15, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, J.O. Eeg and I. Picek On the doble penguin-like contributions to the B - B mixing Department of Physics Report 87-33, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, J.O. Eeg and 0. Lie-Svendsen On the structure of the T}irW vertex in the standard model Department of Physics Report 87-28, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, J.O. Eeg and I. Picek On short-distance CP-violating contributions to the K^ s * 77 processes Department of Physics Report 87-19, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, N. Fjeldsø, J. Midtdal, and F. Ravndal Random walks of a quantum particle on a circle Department of Physics Report 87-21, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, N. Fjeldsø and F. Ravndal Theta-dependent energy of a particle on a circle Department of Physics Report 87-02, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, S.A. Gundersen and F. Ravndal Tht fermionic Casimir effect at finite temperature Department of Physics Report 87-22, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, H. Høgåsen and F. Myhrer SU(6) violations due to one gluon exchange USC report, H. Høgåsen and 0. Lie-Svendsen Comments on "Discrepancy between theory and experiment for Possible evidence for a fourth generation" Department of Physics Report 87-34, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, 7. M. Kolsrud Quantized Dirac field interacting with a classical Maxwell field Department of Physics Report 87-29, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, Å. Larsen and F. Ravndal The harmonic oscillator at finite temperature using path integrals Department of Physics Report 87-16, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, 1987.

22 2 VITENSKAPLIGE OG TEKNISKE RAPPORTER Lie-Svendsen and H. Høgåsen Recoil corrected bag model calculations for semileptonic weak decays Department of Physics Report 87-05, Univ. i Oslo, Oslo, 1987.

23 3 VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 22 3 Vitenskaplige foredrag T. Henriksen Dose effect curves for radiation induced cancer Foredrag ved Nordisk symposium om "Radiation and cancer risk", desember T. Henriksen Dose-effekt-kurver og betydningen av små stråledoser Foredrag ved Statens institutt for strålehygiene, mars E.O. Hole Radiation Damage to DNA: Base vs. Sugar Damage to 5'-deoxyguanosinemonophosphate Foredrag ved "Norsk Fysisk Selskaps årsmøte", Stavanger, juni E.O. Hole The direct action of ionizing radiation on DNA: A review of ESR and ENDOR studies of primary effects Foredrag ved Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University, Atlanta, 27. oktober D.M. Close, E.O. Hole, E. Sagstuen and W.H. Nelson ESR/ENDOR study of the guanine cation. Secondary product in 5'-dGMP Foredrag ved "35th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society", Atlanta, Georgia, februar E.O. Hole, E. Sagstuen, W.H. Nelson and D.M. Close ESR/ENDOR study of 5'-dGMP single crystals x-irradiated at 10 and 65 K Foredrag ved "8th International Congress of Radiation Research", Edinburgh, juli E. Sagstuen Radiation damage to DNA. Free radical products and their reactions as studied by ESR and ENDOR spectroscopy Foredrag ved "Norsk Fysisk Selskaps årsmøte", Stavanger, juni E. Sagstuen The direct action of ionizing radiation on DNA: A review of ESR and ENDOR studies of primary effects Forelesning ved Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2. november 1987.

24 3 VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 23 D.M. Close, W.H. Nelson and E. Sagstuen ESR and ENDOR studies of xirradiated single crystals of guanine.hc1.h20 at K Foredrag ved "8. International Congress of Radiation Research", Edinburgh, juli W.H. Nelson, D.M. Close, E. Sagstuen and E.O. Hole Direct ionization effects of purine derivatives. ESR and ENDOR study 5'-GMP Foredrag ved "35th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society", Atlanta, Georgia, februar W.H. Nelson, E. Sagstuen, E.O. Hole and D.M. Close ESR/ENDOR study of guanine.hcl.2h20 x-irradiated at 10 K Foredrag ved "8th International Congress of Radiation Research", Edinburgh, juli E. Sagstuen, E.O. Hole, W.H. Nelson and D.M. Close ESR/ENDOR of 5'-GMP single crystals x-irradiated between 10 and 295 K Foredrag ved "8th International Congress of Radiation Research", Edinburgh, juli P.R. Martin, A. Valberg, and B.B. Lee Responses of macaque retinal ganglion cells to chromatic and luminance flicker Foredrag ved "Seeing Contour and Colour", Satellite Symposium of 2nd World Congress of Neuroscience, NEI. UMIST Manchester, august A. Valberg Detection of light and discrimination of colour Foredrag ved "International Conference on the Neurophysiological Foundation of Visual Perception", Badenweiler, 29. juni - 3. juli A. Valberg A three stage model of colour vision Foredrag på "Wyszecki and Stiles Memorial Symposium on Colour Vision Models", Firenze, 10,-13. juni B. Lange-Malecki and A. Valberg Dependence of human colour vision on surround and illumination Foredrag ved "The Second World Congress of Neuroscience", IBRO, Budapest, august, A. Valberg and F Lange-Malecki Mondrian complexity does not improve "color constancy" Foredrag ved "ARVO, Spring meeting", Sarasota, Florida, mai 1987.(Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.) 28, 92 (1987)).

25 3 VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 24 A. W.berg and B. Lange-Malecki Mondrian colour constancy and simultaneous colour contrast Foredrag ved "Seeing Contour and Colour", Sattelite Symposium of 2nd World Congress of Neuroscience, NEI. UMIST Manchester, august B.B. Lee, P.R. Martin and A. Valberg The physiological basis of heterochromatic photometry Foredrag ved "ARVO, Spring meeting", Sarasota, Florida, mai (Investigative Ophtalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.) 28, 240 (1987)). A. Valberg, T.Seim, and B.B. Lee On the physiological basis for colour scaling Foredrag ved "Commission Internatinale de l'eclairage 21st Session", Venedig, juni 1987, p.118. T. Lindem Analyzing data from single beam echosounder systems. An indirect statistical method to transform a received echodistribution into a fish target strength distribution Foredrag ved Department of Hydrobiology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, mai T. Lindem Analyzing data from single beam echosounder systems Foredrag ved Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Ltd., The Yigal Allon Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, Tiberias, Israel, desember A. Aharony, U. Oxaal, M. Murat, F. Boger, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Viscous fingering on percolation clusters Invitert foredrag ved "NATO Advanced Study Institute", Geilo, L.I. Berge, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Flow of particles through a single fluid-filled pore Foredrag ved "Working Party on Physics of Porous Media", Trieste, Italia, august H. Bohidar, T. Jøssang and J. Feder Light scattering study of hypersonic properities of liquids Foredrag ved "European Physical Society - Liquid State Conference", Scilla, Italia, september J. Feder Fractal viscous fingering Contribution to "Physics in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Harry Thomas", Institut fur Physik der Universitat Basel, Switzerland, september 1987.

26 3 VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 25 J. Feder Fractals and viscous flow Invitert foredrag ved "Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics", NORDITA, København, Danmark, oktober J. Feder Transport i porøse medier Invitert foredrag ved "Vista seminar", Det Norske Vitenskaps-Akademi, 26. november J. Feder, K.J. Måløy, F. Boger and T. Jøssang Dynamics and structure of viscous fingers in porous media Invitert foredrag ved "NATO Advanced Study Institute", Geilo, V. Frette, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Transport processes in a 3D model porous medium Foredrag ved "NATO Advanced Study Institute", Geilo, L. Furuberg, A. Aharony, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Self-avoiding walks between terminals on percolation clusters Foredrag ved "NATO Advanced Study Institute", Geilo, J. Gjønnes A note on the Bloch wave and integral formulation of RHEED theory Foredrag ved "NATO Advanced Workshop on RHEED", Veldhoven, J. Gjønnes Materialkaral: terisering Foredrag ved Innovasjonssenteret, Universitetet i Oslo, K. Marthinsen, H. Matsuhata, R. Høier and 3. Gjønnes Non-systematical dynamical effects in electron diffraction and their use in determination of amplitude and phase of structure factors Foredrag ved "International Symposium of Accurate Determination of Structure Factors", Waiburton, J. Gjønnes and H. Matsuhata Bloch wave degenracies and non-systematic critical effects in convergent beam electron dim-action Poster ved "XIV Int. Cong. Cryst.", J. Gjønnes and H. Matsuhata Convergent beam electron diffraction patterns; theoretical description and application in structure research Invitert foredrag "SCANDEM 1987". (Ultramicroscopy 24, 68 (1988).)

27 3 VJTENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 26 K. Gjønnes Bloch waves and two-beam features along a systematic row; approximate methods for structure factor determination Foredrag ved "SCANDEM 1987". (Ultramicroscopy 24, 69 (1988).) S.A. Gundersen and J. Lothe A new method for surface impedance and surface wave calculations Invitert foredrag ved "European Mechanics Colloquium 226", Nottingham, England, september G. Helgesen The microworld of electrodeposition Foredrag ved "NATO Advanced Study Institute", Geilo, 29. mars-9.april G. Helgesen, II. Bratsberg et al. High 2Vsuperconductor research in Oslo Foredrag ved "Norsk Fysisk Selskaps årsmøte", Stavanger, juni R. Henriksen Characterization of the matrix/fibre interface of a squeeze casted alumina/aluminium composite Foredrag ved "SCANDEM 1987". (Ultramicroscopy 24, 67 (1987).) T. Jøssang Fractal structures and disorderly growth processes Invitert foredrag ved "Meeting on Physics of Materials - Microstructures and properties", Institute of Metal Research, Academia Sinica Shenyang, Kina, oktober T. Jøssang Inhomogen fraktal viskøs fingering Invitert foredrag ved "Vista seminar", Det Norske Vitenskaps-Akademi, 26. november T. Jøssang and J. Feder The physics of porous media and fractal phenomena Invitert foredrag ved "NAVF - Meeting on Petroleum Related Natural Sciences", Soria Moria, Oslo, mai T. Jøssang, J. Feder, A. Aharony, U. Oxaal, F. Boger and M. Murat Visous f. lgering in the percolating cluster Foredrag ved "Norsk Fysisk Selskaps Dombås Seminar", januar T. Jøssang, J. Feder, K.J. Måløy, F. Boger and P. Meakin Dynamics of viscous fingering fractals in porous media Foredrag ved "Norsk Fysisk Selskaps Dombås seminar", januar 1987.

28 3 VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 27 J. Lothe Anisotropic elasticity theory for dislocations Foredrag ved loffe Physical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad, 22. mai J. Lofche Surface waves in elastically anisotropic media Foredrag ved loffe Physical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Leningrad, 24. mai J. Lothe Anisotropic elasticity theory for dislocations Invitert foredrag ved "Meeting on Physics of Materials - Microstructures and Properties", Institute of Metal Research, Academia Sinica Shenyang, Kina, oktober J. Lothe Recent development in anisotropic elasticity theory Invitert foredrag ved "Meeting on Physics of Materials - Microstructures and Properties", Institute of Metal Research, Academia Sinica Shenyang, Kina, oktober H. Matsuhata and J. Gjønnes Structure information from wide-angle convergent beam diffraction patterns Poster ved "SCANDEM 1987".(Ultramicroscopy 24, 73 (1988).) K.J. Måløy, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Profiles of capillary waves Foredrag ved "Norsk Fysisk Selskaps Dombås Seminar", januar A. Olsen Electron Microscopy in the Physics Department, University of Oslo Foredrag ved Danmarks tekniske høyskole, Lyngby, mars A. Olsen ard G. Raade Crystal structure determination of blatterits using analytical electron microscopy Foredrag ved "XIV Int. Cong. Cryst.", U. Oxaal, M. Mur at, F. Boger, A. Aharony, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Fluid transport in 2-dimensional regular and fractal model systems (Cylindrical obstacles on lattice points) Foredrag ved "Working Party on Physics of Porous Media", Trieste, Italia, august 1987.

29 3 VITEN'SKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 28 U. Oxaal, M. Murat, F. Boger, A. Aharony, J. Feder and T. Jøssang Viscous fingering on percolation clusters Foredrag ved "Geilo NATO Advanced Study Institute", Geilo, K. Reksten Microstructures of carbonate cements in sandstones from the North Sea Poster ved "SCANDEM 1987". (Ultramicroscopy 24, (1) (1988).) K. Reksten TEM i geologi Foredrag ved "25. Tømteseminar", K. Reksten, H.V. Roermund and A. Olsen TEM-studies of naturally deformed kyanite and the kyanite-sillimanite transformation Poster ved "SCANDEM 1987". (Ultramicroscopy 24, (1) (1988).) I.K. Iden, H. Qvale, R.E. Ferrell, K. Reksten and A. Hurst Distribution of clay minerals in sandstones of the Heimdal formation (paleocene), Sleipner East Field, North Sea Poster ved "North Sea. Proc, European Clay Group", Sevilla, P. Skjerpe Elektronmikroskopi av zeolitter Foredrag ved 'Katalysekonferanse", SI, Oslo, P. Skjerpe, M. Stacker and CP. Lillerud Electronmicroscopy of zeolites Foredrag ved "SCANDEM 1987". (Ultramicroscopy 24, 77 (1988).) P. Skjerpe and J. Gjønnes The structure of Al-Fe phases Foredrag ved "SCANDEM 1987". (Ultramicroscopy 24, 76 (1988).) E. Sørbrøden and J. Taftø Electron diffraction patterns from thin amorphous films of Sn0 2 Foredrag ved "SCANDEM 1987".(Ultramicroscopy 24, 77 (1988).) F. Balestra, F.O. Breivik, T. Jacobsen, S.O. Sørensen et al. Neutral Strange Particle Production ia p- Ne Reactions at 607 MeV/c Foredrag ved "7. General EPS-Conference", Helsinki, august F. Balestra, F.O. Breivik, T. Jacobsen, S.O. Sørensen et al. p - 4 He Break up Cross Section at 180 MeV Foredrag ved "7. General EPS-Conference", Helsinki, august 1987.

30 3 VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 29 F. Balestra, F. Breivik, T. Jacobsen, S.O. Sørensen et al. Annihilation of Antiprotons at Rest in 3 He and i He Foredrag ved "7. General EPS-Conference", Helsinki, august A. Olsen, T. Buran, K. Eilertsen, G. Mælum, A. Read, B. Skaali, and I. Spydevold A CMOS Charge Sensitive Amplifier for Silicon Strir Detectors: Design Criteria and Test Results Foredrag ved "The London Conference on position-sensitive detectors", London, september S.O. Sørensen Forty years of experimental paricle physics in Oslo Prisforedrag ved "Norsk Fysisk Selskaps årsmøte", Stavanger, juni K. Gjøtterud De vitenskaplige ideers historie og begreper knyttet til fenomenet "lys" Vitenskapsseminaret, Univ. i Oslo, 13 februar K. Gjøtterud Støtter den moderne fysikks paradigmeskifte "New-Age"-bevegelsen? Foredrag ved Menighetsfakultetet, Oslo, 7. oktober J. Rekstad Solar Energy Konferansekompendium (Red. "Bygg for Framtida"), Bærum, J.C. Wikne The SAT-rack readout Electronics Abstract, Delphi Meeting, CERN, Geneva February J.C. Wikne The SAT-rack readout Foredrag ved Norsk Fysisk Selskaps årsmøte, Stavanger, juni A. Dahlback, J.E. Frederick and K. Stamnes Effects of Stratospheric Aerosols on the Backscattered Ultraviolet Radiation Used to Infer Atmospheric Ozon Changes Foredrag ved "American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting", San Fransisco, desember A. Egeiand Studies of the polar cusp and cap from Svalbard Foredrag ved Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Science, Warszawa, 23. mars 1987.

31 3 VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 30 A. Egeland Birkeland currents. A historical review Foredrag ved "The IEEE Plasma Science Symposium", Washington DC, USA, 31. mai - 3. juni A. Egeland Characteristics of dayside cusp aurora Foredrag ved AFGL, div. LIS, Hanscom Field, Bedford, Mass., USA 19. mai A. Egeland Fine structure and electrodynamics of the polar ionosphere Foredrag ved AFGL, Div. LIS, Hanscom Field, Bedford, Mass., USA 7. juni A. Egeland Present and future plans for the Svalbard stations Foredrag ved Lowell University, Lowell, Mass., USA 6. juli A. Egeland Auroral research in Norway up to the space age Foredrag ved "The 19th General Assembly of IUGG", Vancouver, august A. Egeland and T. Oguti Dayside auroral activities and related magnetic impulses Foredrag ved "The 19th General Assembly of IUGG", Vancouver, august A. Egeland Fine structure and electrodynamics of the polar cusp and cap Foredrag ved Kungl. Tekn. Hogskulan (KTH), Plasma-gruppen, Stockholm 23. nov A. Egeland New result from the dayside cusp program at Svalbard Foredrag ved Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 2. desember A. Egeland and S. Kokubun Impulsive Pi-bursts associated with poleward moving auroras Foredrag ved "The coordinated auroral-satellite workshop", Saskatoon University, Saskatoon, Canada, august A. Egeland and P.E. Sandholt Dayside cusp studies at Svalbard Foredrag ved "The IEEE Plasma Science Symposium", Washongton DC, USA, 31. mai - 3. juni 1987.

32 3 VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 31 A. Egeland and P.E. Sandholt Polar cusp electrodynamics Foredrag ved "The coordinated auroral-satellite workshop" Saskatoon University, Sask., Canada, august A. Egeland, P.E. Sandholt and H. Liao Statistical studies of ELF/VLF emissions at cusp regions Foredrag ved "The 19th General Assembly of IUGG", Vancouver, august Holter Nonlinear Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a weakly ionized plasma. Foredrag ved "22. Plasma og gassutladningssymposium", Gausdal februar, B. Jacobsen, A. Egeland, B. Lybekk og P.E. Sandholt High latitude ground based observations during Viking passes 1408 and 1419 Poster presentert på "Viking workshop", Skokloster, Sverige, september S.H.H. Larsen Ozonmålinger i Arktis og Antarktis Foredrag i Norsk Geofysisk Forening, Ås, 6. juni S.H.H. Larsen Resultater av ozonmålinger i Arktis og Antarktis Invitert foredrag ved "NOFFOF-symposiet", Trondheim, november S.H.H. Larsen Ozone measurements at high latitudes Foredrag ved "15. annual meeting on atmospheric studies by optical methods", Granada, Spania, september K. Måseide og F. Søraas PULSAUR II, et raketteksperiment for å studere pulserende nordlys og dermed sammenhengende fenomener Foredrag ved "NAVF's Romforskning-forskermøte", Sokna, 31.mars - l.april P.E. Sandholt Interplanetary and terrestrial effects of a coronal transient Foredrag ved "21st ESLAB Symposium", Bolkesjø, juni P.E. Sandholt Auroral and magnetic variations in the polar cusp Invitert foredrag ved "19th General Assembly International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)", Vancouver, Canada, august 1987.

33 3 VITENSKAPLIGE FOREDRAG 32 P.E. Sandholt and A. Egeland Polar cusp electrodynamics Invitert foredrag ved "8th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research", Sunne, Sverige, mai L. Veseth Many-body calculations of spin-orbit coupling in second-row atoms Poster ved "19th EGAS (European group of atomic spectroscopy)", Dublin, juli, L. Veseth Many-body calculations of hyperfine constants of second-row hydrides Foredrag ved "18th International Symposium on Free Radicals", Oxford, september K. Aashamar, T.M. Luke, and J.D. Talman Calculation in the multiconiiguration optimized potential model (MCOPM), of fine structure energy levels and electric dipole oscillator strenghts for Mgl to Mn XIV in the Mg sequence Foredrag ved "1987 CAP Congress", Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, June 15-17, 1987 (Bull. Can. Assoc. Phys. 43, 81 (1987)). J.O. Eeg Penguin induced effects in CP-violating amplitudes Foredrag ved Institutt Ruder Boikovic, Zagreb, Jugoslavia, 29. oktober H. Høgåsen Quark wave function renormalization in /3-decay Foredrag ved "Fysikermøte", Stavanger, juni H. Hagåsen From hype.-fine structure of hydrogen to chromomagnetic mass splitting of hadrons Foredrag i Nopal Physical Society, Amoit Campus, 16. november H. Høgåsen Particle physics Foredrag ved Tribhuvan University, Nepal, november 1987.

34 4 POPULæRVITENSKAPLIGE ARBEIDER 33 4 Populærvitenskaplige arbeider 0. Lie og S.L. Andersen VeUykket forsøk med solenergi til høytørke Bondebladet, 29. september S.L. Andersen Høytørking med solfanger Foredrag ved Årsmøte i Numedal Forsøksring, 30. mars S.L. Andersen Luftsolfangere Foredrag ved "Norsk solenergiforenings konferanse", Stavanger 1. april S.L. Andersen Solenergiforskning i Norge Foredrag ved Oppland lektorlags møte, Rondane HøyfjeUshotel], Otta, 25. april S.L. Andersen, H. Ormestad og 0. Øgrim Galileo Galilei TV-program, NRK, Oslo, 11. februar B. Grimeland Kan vi forstå alt? Fra Fysikkens Verden 49, 87 (1987). G. Marthinsen Newtons Principia - Hvordan ble den til? Fra Fysikkens Verden 49, 51 (1987). 0. Øgrim Fysikkartikler ".emmets leksikon, H. Ormestad Artikler om fysikk Store Norske Leksikon, bd. 5-6, Kunnskapsforlaget, H. Ormestad Artikler om fysikk Arken, årbok for ungdom, H. Ormestad Fysikk Foredrag ved Vardafjell videregående skole, Haugesund, 8. mai '

35 4 POPULæRVITENSKAPLIGE ARBEIDER 34 H. Ormestad Akustikk Foredrag i Norges Blindeforbund, Oslo, 7. september H. Ormestad Generell fysikk Foredrag ved Sauda videregaende skole, Sauda, 25. september H. Ormestad Om Newtons Principia Foredrag ved Asker videregaende skole, Asker, 2. november 1987 H. Ormestad Generell fysikk Foredrag ved Holmen videregaende skole, Tynset, 9. desember H. Ormestad Samtale om fysikk Innslag i Ungdomsprogram, NRK-radio, Oslo, 5. februar. H. Ormestad og 0. Øgrim Generell fysikk Foredrag i Esperalforeningen, Oslo, 2. februar H. Ormestad og O. Øgrim Generell fysikk Foredrag i Fysikkforeningen, Oslo, februar H Ormestad og O. Øgrim Om fysikk Foredrag i Studentersamfunnet i Trondheim, 21. mars H. Ormestad og 0. Øgrim Oppbyggig og beskrivelse av eksperimenter Teknoteket, Teknisk Museum, Oslo, H. Ormestad og O. Øgrim Eksperimenter Innslag i Frokost-TV, NRK, mars, og 4. og 11.april H. Ormestad og 0. Øgrim Optikk 12 innslag i Skole-TV, mars T. Henriksen Virkningen av Tsjernobylulykken Aftenposten, mars 1987.

UNIVERSITETET I OSLO UNIVERSITY OF OSLO PUBLIKASJONSLISTE 1988. Vitenskapelige og faglige arbeider fra Fysisk institutt

UNIVERSITETET I OSLO UNIVERSITY OF OSLO PUBLIKASJONSLISTE 1988. Vitenskapelige og faglige arbeider fra Fysisk institutt A/O9,o6ooo6 UNIVERSITETET I OSLO UNIVERSITY OF OSLO PUBLIKASJONSLISTE 1988 Vitenskapelige og faglige arbeider fra Fysisk institutt Rapport 89-22 Mottatt: 30/10-1989 ISSN-0332-5571 FYSISK INSTITUTT DEPARTMENT


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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CV Navn: Jan Ole Rypestøl Adresse: Sildenestangen 43, 4625 Flekkerøy Telefon: 906 31591/38094380 Fødselsdato: 30.08.1963 mail: jan.ole.rypestol@agderforskning.no Familie: Gift, tre barn Nåværende arbeidsgiver:


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OPPA European Social Fund Prague & EU: We invest in your future.

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Abstract. i x + a x +. a = (a x, a y ) z γ + 1 γ + z )

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AHP. .(Brito, 2008) .(Muhlbauer, 2004) . (AHP )

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