Sveise og Material Konferansen 2010, Quality Hotel Sola

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1 Sveise og Material Konferansen 2010, Quality Hotel Sola Re-sertifisering av brønn kontroll utstyr DNV RP-E Ove Egil Kleivenes, Det Norske Veritas

2 Re-sertifisering av brønn kontroll utstyr Lover P.lov AML Prod.kontr.lov F.lov Helselovgivning Rammeforskrift RAMMEFORSKRIFT OM HMS Forskrifter Styring Opplysning Innretning Aktivitet Vedlegg Veiledninger Standarder Selskapsinternt Vedlegg Veiledninger Standarder, norske / internasjonale Selskapsinterne tekniske krav og råd Slide 2

3 Innretningsforskriften (Nytt utstyr) 48 Brønnkontrollutstyr Brønnkontrollutstyr skal utformes og skal kunne aktiveres slik at det ivaretar både barriereintegritet og brønnkontroll. For boring av topphullseksjoner gjennom stigerør eller lederør skal det installeres utstyr med kapasitet til å lede grunn gass og formasjonsvæsker bort fra innretningen inntil personellet er evakuert. Flytende innretninger skal ha et alternativt aktiveringssystem for aktivering av kritiske funksjoner på utblåsingssikringen til bruk ved eventuell evakuering. Flytende innretninger skal også ha kapasitet til å kople fra stigerørspakken etter at skjærventilen har kuttet arbeidsstrengen. Trykkontrollutstyret som brukes ved brønnintervensjoner, skal ha fjernopererte ventiler med mekaniske låseanordninger i stengt posisjon. Brønnintervensjonsutstyr skal ha en fjernoperert kutteventil med blindtetning så nær ventiltreet som mulig. Slide 3

4 Innretningsforskriften ( Nytt utstyr) Veiledningen til 48 Brønnkontrollutstyr For å oppfylle kravet til utforming av brønnkontrollutstyr bør standarden NORSOK D-001 kapittel 5.10 brukes, med følgende tillegg: a) hovedenheten for aktiveringssystemet bør plasseres i sikker avstand fra brønnen slik at en unngår eksponering ved en ukontrollert brønnsituasjon, b) aktivering av utblåsingssikringen bør kunne utføres fra minst tre steder på innretningen: a) b) ett aktiveringpanel ved borers posisjon, minst ett uavhengig aktiveringspanel i sikkert område, c) den tredje aktiveringsmuligheten kan være aktivering direkte på hovedenheten, c) ved brønnintervensjon bør aktivering av trykkontrollutstyr kunne utføres fra minst to steder på innretningen, med ett aktiveringspanel i sikkert område. Slide 4

5 Aktivitetsforskriften (Drift & Vedlikehold) 48 Særskilte krav til prøving av utblåsingssikring og annet trykkontrollutstyr Utblåsingssikringen med tilhørende ventiler og annet trykkontrollutstyr på innretningen skal trykkprøves og funksjonsprøves, jf. 42 om vedlikehold og 44 om vedlikeholdsprogram. Utblåsingssikringen med tilhørende ventiler og annet trykkontrollutstyr på innretningen skal heloverhales og resertifiseres hvert femte år. Slide 5

6 Aktivitetsforskriften (Drift & Vedlikehold) Veiledningen til 48 Særskilte krav til prøving av utblåsingssikring og annet trykkontrollutstyr For å oppfylle kravet til prøving, heloverhaling og resertifisering slik at utstyret er i stand til å oppfylle sine tiltenkte funksjoner, bør standarden NORSOK D-010 revisjon 3 kapittel og samt tabellene15.4, 15.14, 15.19, 15.21, 15.32, 15.37, og og vedlegg A, tabell A.1, samt DNV RP-E101 brukes. Se 44 om vedlikeholdsprogram når det gjelder denne typen utstyr ved brønnintervensjoner og overhaling av havbunns brønner. Heloverhaling og resertifisering som nevnt i andre ledd, kan utføres kontinuerlig og på en måte som ivaretar at enkeltkomponenter og hele enheten vil være overhalt i løpet av en rullerende femårsperiode. Slide 6

7 Re-sertifisering av brønn kontroll utstyr Slide 7

8 Re-sertifisering av brønn kontroll utstyr Hva vi alle vil unngå: Slide 8

9 Utøvelse av roller iht. RP-E101 Employer OEM 3. part 2. Part - Designvurderinger - Fitness for Service 2. Part - Materialtjenester - Inspeksjon Employer - Owner company or the engineering agency in charge of equipment. The employer may act through a consultant, an inspector or other authorized representative. Contr./OEM - Firm undertaking the contract and any sub contractors engaged in work covered by this RP 3rd Party - Independent part that can verify compliance to this RP, and if required issue a RCC. Slide 9

10 Utøvelse av roller iht. RP-E part Employer OEM Kontrakt RP-E101 Underleverandører Spesifikasjoner og krav Slide 10

11 DNV RP-E101 Bygd opp rundt Norsok standardene Bruk av bl. a. API bransjestandarder og selskapsspesifikke krav / standarder på 70 og 80 tallet på norsk sokkel, - altså mangel på koordinering. NORSOK standardisering tar til i 93, samvirker med bl. a. internasjonale standarder, selskapsspesifikke krav og myndighetenes regelverk. NORSOK- og internasjonale standarder får en styrket betydning ifm. forberedelse og ikrafttreden av nytt HMS regelverk i Norge i perioden Denne utviklingen bygget bla. på forutsetninger gitt i Stortingsmelding 39 ( ) for olje og gassvirksomheten. Slide 11

12 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE DNV RP-E101 RECERTIFICATION OF WELL CONTROL EQUIPMENT First revision October 2008 Second revision late Slide 12

13 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to describe DNV s recommendations for a recertification process of well control equipment. It is DNV s recommendation that recertification of Blow Out Preventers and other well pressure control equipment used for drilling, completion, workover and well intervention operations, should be performed at least every five years. The purpose of a recertification process is to verify and document that the equipment condition and properties are within the specified acceptance criteria as well as the specified recognized codes and standards. The recertification shall ensure that documentation of the condition of the equipment is available. National petroleum safety authorities may require different recertification interval and scope. Slide 13

14 DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents: Offshore Service Specifications (OSS). Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and consultancy services. Offshore Standards (OS). Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as the technical basis for DNV offshore services. Recommended Practices (RP). Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher level Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards. DNV Offshore Codes can be downloaded from Slide 14

15 DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas: A) Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B) Materials Technology C) Structures D) Systems E) Special Facilities F) Pipelines and Risers G) Asset Operation H) Marine Operations J) Wind Turbines O) Subsea Systems Slide 15

16 EQUIPMENT SUBJECT TO RECERTIFICATION All equipment used to control well pressure during drilling, well testing, completion, workover, and well intervention activities should be subject to a recertification scheme. Equipment to be included in the well barrier envelope and recertification scope should be defined between the contract parties (e.g. employer, contractor, and third party). Slide 16

17 Slide 17

18 Equipment description The following list gives examples, but is not limited to, main equipment that should be subject to a recertification scheme: Drilling BOP and Well Intervention BOP including WCP/LRP. Drilling and WO Riser including LMRP/EDP. Landing String (LS) (THRT/SSTT/LV). Surface Flow Tree (SFT). Strippers. Pressure Control Head/Stuffing box. Lubricator. Back Pressure Check Valve. Kill and circulation lines with manifold and valves. Control system Slide 18

19 The necessity of the RP Malfunction of well control equipment causes a serious threat against personnel, installations, and environment. Evaluation of events which had functional/mechanical failure during operation. A need for a document which describe a recommended practice for a complete major overhaul scope (recertification). National petroleum safety authorities requirements for maintenance and complete overhaul of well control equipment. Slide 19

20 The RP is divided into seven chapters: Introduction Definitions, abbreviations, and references Recertification process Equipment subject to recertification Qualification requirements Recertification activities Insufficient equipment documentation Slide 20

21 RECERTIFICATION PROCESS General description It is DNV s recommendation that a recertification process of Blow Out Preventers (BOP) and other well pressure control equipment used for drilling, completion, workover and well intervention operations, should be performed at least every five years. The purpose of a recertification process is to verify and document that the equipment condition and properties are within the specified acceptance criteria as well as specified and recognized codes and standards. The basis for the acceptance criteria and governing codes and standards shall be agreed upon in a project kick off meeting. Slide 21

22 The extent of inspection/repair shall be based by the following parameters: Original documentation (including updated original design specification). Repair history. Maintenance history. Operational history. Original procedures. Employer s procedures. Standards and codes. Changes in national petroleum safety authorities regulations or employer s governing documents. Slide 22

23 Recertification process used equipment For equipment that have been used in operation a recertification process shall include, but is not limited to, the following steps: Kick off meeting. Prepare a Quality Plan (QP) with Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) which describes the scope of work of the recertification process. Review of updated original documentation with special focus on traceability. Review of updated original design specification. Carry out gap analysis, or provide results from gap analysis. Slide 23

24 Review of maintenance history/records, to verify the amount of operational history and extent of maintenance. Review registered non-conformances (if any). Design responsible and qualified EN 473 level 3,or ISO 9712, NDT inspector, to evaluate the extent and methods of NDT required. Stripping/dismantling of equipment. Visual inspection. Dimensional inspection. NDT. Evaluation of inspection reports. Repair (if any findings above). Slide 24

25 Reassembly. Load/pressure testing and functional testing. Recoating and preservation. Finalize and organize the recertification documentation. Contractor is to issue a COC. Employer and third party to review the recertification documentation. If a third party has verified a successful completed recertification the third party is to issue a RCC, if required by the employer. Slide 25

26 Acceptance criteria for assemblies and components Acceptance criteria shall give confidence with margins to failure. The basis for acceptance criteria shall be documented. The acceptance criteria shall be based on the updated original design documentation, engineering documentation, as well as the latest version of selected and recognized codes and standards. If two standards are considered, the standard with the strictest requirements shall be selected. If the equipment is built according to standards and codes which are not longer valid, the gap between regulations, standards and codes used originally and current regulations, standards and codes shall be identified Slide 26

27 For all equipment an NDT plan with acceptance criteria shall be prepared to cover both fabrication and operational type (e.g.fatigue/corrosion/erosion) of defects. The NDT plan shall cover all highly stressed areas. The locations and number of the critical areas may differ from the original fabrication inspection plan. It shall be noted that fatigue type of defects may be very critical as the equipment is aging. The acceptance criteria, for each recertification, shall be defined between employer, contractor, and third party. Slide 27

28 Recertification process unused equipment For equipment that have been properly preserved and stored since the last recertification / major overhaul a limited recertification scope may be possible. It shall be agreed upon, in each case, between employer, contractor and third party the extent of the recertification scheme to be followed. Slide 28

29 Qualification of alternative contractor/subcontractor If a contractor other than the design responsible is to be used for the recertification scheme, then following evaluations shall be made by the employer/design responsible and verified by third party: Experience and competence. The quality system (QA/QC). The workshop and facilities. Acceptance criteria basis (ref. Chapter. 4.2) Procedures needed for repair (welding, NDT, coating etc.). Subcontractors (if any). If the above evaluation is found acceptable by the employer and third party, the use of a contractor or a subcontractor other than the design responsible shall be decided and approved by the employer. Slide 29

30 Qualification of Third Party If a third party is to verify compliance to this RP the organization shall as minimum comply with the following: Determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting quality. Provide training or take other actions to satisfy these needs. Evaluate the effectiveness of the action taken. Ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives, and maintain appropriate records of education, training, skills and experience. The use of third party shall be approved and contracted by the employer. Slide 30

31 INSUFFICIENT EQUIPMENT DOCUMENTATION Experience has shown that equipment often have insufficient or lack of documentation. This may cause a quite significant scope of work in order to verify compliance with the recertification requirements. The objective is to ensure the same documented quality and safety of the equipment as achieved through normal recertification. If relevant design specification is missing or cannot be made available, the equipment concerned cannot be recertified. Slide 31

32 Establishing acceptable documentation To establish documentation of material properties, and traceability to a material certificate, the following steps shall be performed (in addition to the activities described in section 7): Hardness measurements. Chemical composition analysis (spectrography). On site analysis, or plastic replica, of the microstructure should be carried out if considerable gap between the result from hardness test and the original design specification. Employer and third party shall verify that the component s material properties are within the original design and material specification. Slide 32

33 Identification of components All critical components shall be traceable to material certificates, with reference to specific heat number or heat treat lot. Traceability shall be documented. Lack of traceability for critical components will require replacement if other means to prove fitness for purpose fails (ref. Section 8). Material properties for critical components shall be verified, either by reviewing traceable certificates or compensating measures as described in Section 8. Slide 33

34 Personnel Personnel performing dismantling, repair, reassembly and testing shall be qualified in accordance with written requirements of the contractor, which include specified minimum training and qualification requirements. Personnel performing visual quality control shall be at least qualified in accordance with EN 473 level 2 Visual Inspector or NS 477. Personnel performing welding shall be certified according to ISO 9606 and/or NS EN 287, or equivalent. Personnel performing visual inspection, for all welding activities shall be certified according to NS 477, and/or IWI-S rules for approval of international welding inspector. Slide 34

35 Personnel performing NDT inspections shall be qualified to minimum ISO 9712 level 2/EN 473 level 2, or equivalent. Personnel, who are responsible to evaluate the NDT methods regarding fatigue/corrosion/erosion, shall be qualified to ISO 9712 level 3 and/or EN 473 level 3, or equivalent. Coating inspectors shall be qualified to minimum NS 476 level 2, or equivalent. All welders/inspectors shall have valid certificates, in accordance with codes and standards specified for the recertification process. Personnel performing heat treatment shall be qualified to follow contractor s procedures for heat treatment. Slide 35

36 Issuance of third party recertification completion certificate If a third party has verified a successful completed recertification according to this RP, the third party is to issue a RCC, if required by the employer (e.g. in Appendix C). The certificate shall as a minimum include the following information: Traceability to the recertified equipment with description (name) of the equipment. OEM. Regulations, codes and standards used as basis for the recertification. Employer of equipment and contractor. Scope of work. Description of third party involvement. Non conformities and compensating measures. A recertification certificate shall be issued to cover assembly/sub-assembly level. Slide 36

37 Objective of DNV RP E-101 Recertification shall secure the functionality and reliability of the well control equipment for the next 5 years service We shall be the leading provider of qualification/requalification services to make a difference in getting systems, equipment and components right first time. Slide 37

38 Slide 38

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Virginia Tech. John C. Duke, Jr. Engineering Science & Mechanics. John C. Duke, Jr.

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From Policy to personal Quality

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(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa

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SafeRing / SafePlus Retrofit of under voltage coil V Module

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SafeRing / SafePlus Retrofit of auxiliary switch S9 for relay trip indication V module

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The regulation requires that everyone at NTNU shall have fire drills and fire prevention courses.

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(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa

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