Europeisk Nettutviklingsplan 2014

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1 Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP 2014) Europeisk Nettutviklingsplan 2014 Grete Westerberg System Development Committee Nasjonalt Kraftsystemmøte Gardermoen, 28 August 2014

2 ENTSO-E is THE European TSO platform defined by Regulation (EC) 714/2009 Fully operational since 1 July 2009 Represents 41 TSOs from 34 countries 532 million citizens served 880 GW net generation 305,000 km of transmission lines managed by the TSOs 3,200 TWh/year demand 380 TWh/year exchanges

3 Drivere i europeisk nettutvikling Objectives of EU networks: Ensuring the development of a single European grid to permit the objectives EIP Guaranteeing security of supply Completing the internal energy market

4 Europeisk nettutviklingsplan (TYNDP) TYNDP består av: Hovedrapport og 7 vedlegg Vedlegg 6 regionale planer Forutsetninger "Scenario Outlook and Adequacy Forecast"

5 Mange / koordinerte planer Europeisk/ Regional Nordisk plan Nasjonal plan TYNDP/ Nordisk 2014 Europeisk/ Regional/ Nordisk NUP 2015 Nasjonal plan

6 Kvalitet og viktighet Europeisk nettutviklingsplan blir stadig viktigere TYNDP i utvikling TYNDP 2014 Derfor blir TYNDP stadig viktigere: Virkemiddel for å oppnå EUs energipolitikk Kilde til EUs liste over prosjekter av felles interesse (PCI) Gir transparens omkring europeiske nettplaner Sentral del av EUs 2030-mål og Roadmap Kommunikasjon. Forankring av prosjekter, både politisk og mot øvrige interessenter Den europeiske tiårsplanen (TYNDP) var i 2010 tilnærmet en sammenstilling av nasjonale planer. I 2014 er TYNDP blitt en viktig premiss for pan-europeisk nettutvikling. Avdekke nye overføringsbehov, og identifiserer og evaluerer nye prosjekter (PCI) Ivaretar overordnet europeisk nettplanlegging

7 Hva kan forventes av TYNDP 2014? Main concerns RES integration Market integration Security of supply Bottlenecks Pricedifference SoS / Adequacy Target capacities Projects PCI

8 Metodikk

9 CBA: Forsyningssikkerhet og klima løftes CBA- Cost Benefit Analysis Ny europeisk analysemetodikk Harmonisert prosjektevaluering for alle PCI-prosjekter Costs Socioeconomic welfare + losses

10 Scenarier - klimapolitikken viktigste driver Total X-border Exch. 605 TWh Demand incl. Pumping 4167 TWh RES Penetration 49% CO2 Reduction (1990) 62% Total X-border Exch. 734 TWh Demand incl. Pumping 4327 TWh RES Penetration 60% CO2 Reduction (1990) 78% Total X-border Exch. 660 TWh Demand incl. Pumping 3610 TWh RES Penetration 41% CO2 Reduction (1990) 42% Total X-border Exch. 757 TWh Demand incl. Pumping 3712 TWh RES Penetration 40% CO2 Reduction (1990) 36% Strong grid needed for RES integration Market efficiency Security of supply

11 Analyseresultater Markedsintegrasjon

12 Store prisforskjeller mellom Norge og Europa Visjon 3 Visjon 4 Prisforskjell10 /MWh årlig handelsinntekt 1 (1400MW) Visjon 1 Visjon 2

13 Analyseresultater Klimavirkning

14 Kabler gir økt utveksling av fornybar kraft Norske kabler bidrar til reduserte europeiske energitap (fra ny fornybar): NSN NordLink 1,1 2,4 TWh 0,6 1,9 TWh

15 Norske kabler reduserer europeiske CO2-utslipp

16 Forsyningssikkerhet

17 TYNDP: "Doubling the interconnection capacity by 2030" Current transfer capacity 2030 target capacity

18 Forsyningssikkerhet, behov for flere kabler 2030 transmission adequacy

19 Regional / Nordisk nettutvikling

20 Flere kabler på vei

21 Drivere i nordisk nettutvikling 1. RES integration, consumption increase in the Arctic 2. North-South flows in Sweden/Norway/Finland 3. Capacity between Nordics and Continental Europe and UK 4. Integration Baltic states

22 Project package mid term & long term Midterm Projects Long term projects

23 Oppsummering

24 Store investeringer i det europeiske kraftsystemet mrd. Euro frem mot år 2030 Midterm Long term AT 1.9 IE 2.0 BA 0.1 IS BE IT 5.9 BG 0.3 LT 0.7 CH 1.6 LU 0.2 CY 0.0 LV 0.4 CZ 1.5 ME 0.1 DE MK 0.1 DK 3.7 NI 0.5 EE 0.2 NL 3.3 ES 4.3 NO 7.9 FI 0.8 PL 1.9 FR 8.4 PT 0.7 GB RO 0.5 GR 2.6 RS 0.4 HR 0.2 SE 3.6 HU 0.1 SI 0.6 SK 0.3 Total

25 Grønn klimapolitikk større investeringer RES integration Vision 4 Green revolution Larger structural reinforcements of the regional backbone are needed Vision 1 Slow progress IEM integration Limited reinforcement of the regional backbone is necessary

26 Generelt god nytteverdi marked, RES, CO2, SoS Approximately 1% increase of the total end user s electricity bill ->but delivering at least twice as much benefits 2 to 5 /MWh reduction of bulk power prices by 2030 Up to 150 billion to implement projects of pan-eu relevance by 2030

27 CO2 emissions [Mt] - CO2 reduction compared with 1990 [%] TYNDP 2014 Up to 150 billion for projects of pan-eu significance by 2030 (1-1.5 /MWh, about 1% of bill) Reduction of 2 to 5 /MWh for bulk power prices by 2030 Up to 50,000 km of new or refurbished grid investments (23.000km new overhead lines) Optimised land use: the crossed urbanised areas account for less than 4% of the total km of lines CO2 emissions volumes and reductions in comparison with 1990 through the 2030 Visions Vision 1 Vision 2 Vision 3 Vision 4 0% -20% -40% -60% -80% -100% Mitigation of 20% of CO2 emissions for the European power sector Accommodating up to 60% RES of total consumption in 2030

28 TYNDP Next steps 10 July 20 September 2014 web based stakeholder consultation 4 September TYNDP 2014 stakeholder workshop End October TYNDP 2014 submission to ACER for opinion End 2014 final TYNDP 2014

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(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2310382 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. C07D 401/12 (2006.01) A61K 31/4412 (2006.01) A61P 35/00 (2006.01) C07D 401/14 (2006.01) C07D 403/12 (2006.01)


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(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2178851 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. C07D 261/08 (2006.01) A61K 31/42 (2006.01) A61P 3/06 (2006.01) C07D 413/12 (2006.01) Patentstyret (21) Oversettelse


(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2114970 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. C07F 9/58 (2006.01) A61K 31/44 (2006.01) A61P 1/00 (2006.01) A61P 11/06 (2006.01) A61P 19/02 (2006.01) A61P





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(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

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(12) Translation of european patent specification

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(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2613860 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. B01D 15/18 (2006.01) C11B 3/10 (2006.01) C11C 1/00 (2006.01) C11C 1/08 (2006.01) Patentstyret (21) Oversettelse


(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2252286 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. A61K 31/357 (2006.01) Patentstyret (21) Oversettelse publisert 2012.01.16 (80) Dato for Den Europeiske Patentmyndighets


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(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2272978 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. C12Q 1/68 (2006.01) Patentstyret (21) Oversettelse publisert 2012.08.13 (80) Dato for Den Europeiske Patentmyndighets


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 248071 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 33/12 (2006.01) C09K 8/92 (2006.01) E21B 33/122 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)


(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift. Avviker fra Patent B1 etter innsigelse

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift. Avviker fra Patent B1 etter innsigelse (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2175588 B2 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. H04L 12/14 (2006.01) H04L 29/08 (2006.01) Patentstyret Avviker fra Patent B1 etter innsigelse (21) Oversettelse


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 289873 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H01R 13/23 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2016.06.06 (80) Date


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2825369 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B29C 65/34 (2006.01) B29C 65/82 (2006.01) F16L 47/03 (2006.01) G01M 3/28 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial


(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2011486 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. A61K 9/20 (2006.01) A61K 31/44 (2006.01) Patentstyret (21) Oversettelse publisert 2012.09.17 (80) Dato for Den


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(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

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(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2170890 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. C07D 487/04 (2006.01) Patentstyret (21) Oversettelse publisert 2012.03.12 (80) Dato for Den Europeiske Patentmyndighets


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2393414 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61B /00 (06.01) G06F 19/00 (11.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 16.02.22


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 232784 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G06K 19/07 (2006.01) A01N 2/00 (2006.01) A01N 43/00 (2006.01) A01N 9/00 (2006.01) C02F 1/0 (2006.01) C09D


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2403 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C12P 7/06 (06.01) C12N 1/ (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published.12.21 (80)


(12) Translation of European patent specification

(12) Translation of European patent specification (12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 297602 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61B 17/29 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 17.0.1 (80) Date of


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2231998 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. E21B 17/10 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.10.05 (80)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 276778 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. CM 17/00 (2006.01) CM 177/00 (2006.01) F01M 1/12 (2006.01) F01M 9/02 (2006.01) CN 30/12 (2006.01) CN 40/26


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(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 22246 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B41J 2/0 (06.01) B41J 2/17 (06.01) B41J 29/38 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2805325 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. G10L 19/005 (2013.01) G10L 19/09 (2013.01) G10L 19/10 (2013.01) G10L 19/12 (2013.01) G10L 19/22 (2013.01)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2760729 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B63B 3/40 (2006.01) B63B 27/36 (2006.01) B63G 8/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)


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(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 274808 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B63B 21/66 (06.01) G01V 1/38 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published.07.


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2575721 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. A61G 5/12 (2006.01) A47C 7/02 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published


(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2246321 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. A61K 9/20 (2006.01) A61K 31/135 (2006.01) C07C 211/42 (2006.01) Patentstyret (21) Oversettelse publisert 2011.12.12


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2750905 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B60F 5/02 (2006.01) B64C 3/56 (2006.01) B64C 37/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2614824 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61K 31/4196 (06.01) A61K 31/424 (06.01) A61P 21/00 (06.01) A61P 2/04 (06.01) C07D 249/08 (06.01) C07D


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2794287 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B60C 1/00 (2006.01) C08K 3/04 (2006.01) C08K 3/36 (2006.01) C08L 9/00 (2006.01) C08L 21/00 (2006.01) C08L


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(12) Translation of European patent specification

(12) Translation of European patent specification (12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 2238081 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. C02F 3/00 (2006.01) C02F 1/52 (2006.01) C02F 3/30 (2006.01) C05B 7/00 (2006.01) C05F 17/00 (2006.01)


(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2128505 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. F16L 9/12 (2006.01) F16L 3/14 (2006.01) F16L 11/127 (2006.01) F24F 13/02 (2006.01) H05F 3/02 (2006.01) Patentstyret


(12) Translation of European patent specification

(12) Translation of European patent specification (12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 299907 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61M 11/04 (06.01) A24F 47/00 (06.01) A61M 11/00 (06.01) A61M /06 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2742206 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 43/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 201..12 (80) Date


Internasjonale perspektiver på offshore vind. 3. november, 2009 Berit Tennbakk, Econ Pöyry

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(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2630292 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. D21C 11/06 (06.01) D21C 11/ (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1.06.1


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2616307 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B61L 29/28 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2016.03.07 (80)


(12) Translation of European patent specification

(12) Translation of European patent specification (12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 289243 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A63H 33/08 (2006.01) A63H 17/06 (2006.01) A63H 33/06 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2729226 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A63H 33/08 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1.12.28 (80) Date of


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2660342 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C22C 19/0 (2006.01) C22F 1/ (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published


(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2285808 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. C07D 471/20 (2006.01) A61K 31/407 (2006.01) A61K 31/424 (2006.01) A61K 31/437 (2006.01) A61K 31/438 (2006.01)


Klima og landbruk. Bjørn Gimming. Norges Bondelag

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(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2229212 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. A61N 1/36 (2006.01) H01L 27/144 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2334984 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. F21V 33/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.10.05 (80)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2123333 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. A63C 9/00 (2012.01) A63C 9/20 (2012.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2713003 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 19/16 (2006.01) E21B 19/20 (2006.01) E21B 19/24 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 272424 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H02G 1/068 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1.07. (80) Date of The


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2386834 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G01F 1/44 (06.01) G01F 1/74 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1.09.14


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2438237 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. D21H 19/36 (06.01) D21H 17/46 (06.01) D21H 17/2 (06.01) D21H 17/6 (06.01) D21H 19/40 (06.01) D21H 19/62


Fra Brüssel til Brynseng

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(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2182721 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04N /33 (2006.01) H04N /74 (2006.01) H04N 9/31 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2119189 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04W 12/06 (09.01) H04L 29/06 (06.01) H04W 4/22 (09.01) H04W 76/00 (09.01) H04W 76/02 (09.01) Norwegian


KORRIGERT FORSIDE / CORRECTED FRONT COVER. (12) Translation of european patent specification

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(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2248674 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B42D 15/02 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.10.19 (80)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 28448 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C07D 213/81 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1..26 (80) Date of The


(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift 1 3 (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 2207775 B1 (19) NO NORGE (51) Int Cl. C07D 401/12 (2006.01) A61K 31/5377 (2006.01) A61P 3/06 (2006.01) C07D 401/14 (2006.01) C07D 413/14 (2006.01)


NO/EP2212249. P a t e n t k r a v

NO/EP2212249. P a t e n t k r a v (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2212249 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C01B 33/037 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 201.0.11 (80) Date


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2777162 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04N 19/13 (14.01) H04N 19/3 (14.01) H04N 19/174 (14.01) H04N 19/176 (14.01) H04N 19/0 (14.01) H04N 19/91


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 231671 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B43M 1/00 (2006.01) B21G 3/12 (2006.01) B21G 3/28 (2006.01) F16B 1/02 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property


(12) Translation of European patent specification

(12) Translation of European patent specification (12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 2790 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 41/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2018.06.04 (80) Date


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 269179 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. F21S 8/02 (06.01) F21V 17/16 (06.01) F21V 21/04 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2344826 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. F28D 9/00 (2006.01) F28F 3/08 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 268417 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A47F 1/12 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2016.07.04 (80) Date


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2616248 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. G03C 11/08 (2006.01) B41M 7/00 (2006.01) G02B 1/11 (2015.01) G03C 11/14 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial


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(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

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(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2297674 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. G06K 9/00 (2006.01) G06K 9/36 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 237122 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G06K 7/08 (06.01) G06F 3/044 (06.01) G06F 3/0488 (13.01) G06K 19/067 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 278170 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B01J 23/89 (2006.01) B01J 21/12 (2006.01) B01J 23/7 (2006.01) B01J 37/02 (2006.01) B01J 37/08 (2006.01)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 22304 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C09K 8/487 (06.01) C04B 24/28 (06.01) C04B 28/02 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2372393 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G01S 19/18 (2010.01) G01S 19/23 (2010.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published


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(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2197976 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C09K 8/80 (06.01) C04B 3/18 (06.01) C04B 3/622 (06.01) C04B 3/626 (06.01) C04B 3/628 (06.01) C09K 8/62


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 211264 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C07D 209/08 (2006.01) A61K 31/63 (2006.01) A61P 3/00 (2006.01) C07D 213/71 (2006.01) C07D 231/6 (2006.01)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 21631 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04N 7/04 (2006.01) A63H 3/28 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2593429 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. C07D 211/46 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.11.02 (80)


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 22127 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04J 3/02 (06.01) H04L /14 (06.01) H04L 27/26 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation


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(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 29028 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. GL 19/12 (2013.01) GL 19/02 (2013.01) GL 19/09 (2013.01) GL 19/24 (2013.01) Norwegian Industrial Property


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2734283 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B01D 3/00 (2006.01) B01D 3/74 (2006.01) C02F 1/66 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)


(12) Translation of European patent specification

(12) Translation of European patent specification (12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 2402288 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C02F 1/38 (2006.01) B01D 47/00 (2006.01) B01D 3/14 (2006.01) B01D 3/0 (2006.01) B01D 3/96 (2006.01) B04B


(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift

(12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (12) Oversettelse av europeisk patentskrift (11) NO/EP 237066 B1 (19) NO NORGE (1) Int Cl. E06C 1/12 (06.01) Patentstyret (21) Oversettelse publisert 14.02.24 (80) Dato for Den Europeiske Patentmyndighets


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