承古啟新寫意太古坊. Taking Pride of Place in Quarry Bay JUL/AUG 2016

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1 JUL/AUG Interim Results 年中期業績 12 Professor Paws 我的汪汪好友 16 Mountain Man 勇攀高峰 18 blueprint Labs blueprint 交流分享會 Taikoo Taking Pride of Place in Quarry Bay 承古啟新寫意太古坊

2 Spotlight 焦點 Taikoo: Taking Pride of Place in Quarry Bay Taikoo Place business landmark, vibrant lifestyle hub, our home. As one of Swire Properties biggest investments in a decade, the HK$15 billion redevelopment is moving full speed ahead. CornerStone finds out more. The Taikoo Place story has always been one of transformation. From a sugar refinery and dockyard in the early 1900s to the bustling business district it is now, Taikoo Place continues to evolve. Now with our plan to build One Taikoo Place and Two Taikoo Place, two Grade-A office towers each spanning over 1 million sq ft, Swire Properties is looking to the future. We aim to reshape Hong Kong s office landscape, says Don Taylor, Director of Office. Taikoo Place is already home to many multinational corporations from different sectors and now it s time for us to take it to the next level. And how are we doing that? According to Don, it s all about placemaking and building communities: We re aspiring to transform the area but retain the character by building an open and vibrant mixed-use precinct, he says. The changes we re making are designed to meet the needs of progressive companies who expect quality office space to go hand in hand with appealing amenities for their employees. These changes include bringing 69,000 sq ft of landscaped gardens to the area, an elevated walkway system to connect the buildings in Taikoo Place, and more retail and alfresco dining. Glass Walls & Green Gardens Famed landscape architect Kathryn Gustafson and her firm Gustafson Porter have conceived a unique vision for the gardens, named Taikoo Square and Taikoo Garden : Our design will bring intimate public space with dense planting based on native, tropical plants, says Kathryn. It will be a powerful space that is typified by three large pools. Kathryn explains that the pools include a dry side and wet side so that visitors can engage with the water and as she describes, sit on the edge in contemplation. This is to be a place of discovery and destination, she continues. For example, if you walk to work via the park, you could adjust your route each day and experience different planting, sounds, and light. Our walkway system is being designed by Parisbased firm Hugh Dutton Associés, the minds behind the groundbreaking CLIMATE RIBBON at Brickell City Centre. Hugh Dutton is a long-time collaborator of Swire Properties and also close friends with Kathryn, leading to a synergistic design partnership. The walkway is a sculptural structure, explains Hugh of his work. The arches dance between the buildings, suspending a thin deck minimally, with a structure-free glass wall along the entire length. Kathryn meanwhile is effusive in her praise: His walkway is a floating piece of sinuous light, which people will walk through as if walking in mid-air! she exclaims. It will be an amazing experience to walk through, and as the trees in the gardens grow, they will grow closer to the bridge and allow for a very close experience between the public and the natural world. A New Era Besides these incredible design elements, we re also growing our tech community with the continuation of blueprint, which will be relocated to Dorset House and upgraded into a larger co-working space of 29,000 sq ft, complete with smart meeting rooms, state of the art tech facilities and creative lounge areas for brainstorming sessions. Our much-loved arts and cultural venue ArtisTree will be moved to Cambridge House to accommodate the redevelopment, encompassing 7,000 sq ft of space devoted to world-class arts programmes. Add to this mix an infusion of new dining and retail concepts for the community, and we have the makings of an exciting new era for Taikoo Place. Perhaps Hugh says it best: Creating an open green space with a walkway linking it to the vibrant Taikoo Place life and surrounding community the project is a symbol of cohesion of work, play, culture and nature. It is a model for future development in the city. 2

3 承古啟新寫意太古坊 太古坊 規劃完善的商業地標 生氣勃勃的品味社區, 更是太古地產總部所在地 我們的家 作為太古地產過去十年來最重要的投資項目之一, 太古坊正全速推進耗資港幣 150 億元的重建計劃, 本期 太地點滴 帶你一同探秘太古坊的發展願景及設計構想 太古坊的發展故事是承古啟新的衍變歷程 早在 1900 年代初期, 這裡曾是太古糖廠及太古船塢所在地, 現時已發展為香港最具活力的商業區之一 太古坊重建計劃正是我們持續投放資源 致力創新衍變的最佳例證 重建計劃包括新建兩座總樓面面積分別逾一百萬平方呎的甲級辦公樓 太古坊一座 及 太古坊二座, 而說起未來的發展願景, 太古地產辦公樓業務董事 Don Taylor 介紹 : 太古坊已吸引不少來自各行各業的跨國企業落戶 我們冀望透過重建計劃, 重塑香港的商業區面貌, 進一步提升太古坊成為中環以外最具吸引力的國際商業區 怎樣實現這一願景?Don 認為, 關鍵在於構建社區 : 我們致力投放資源提升區內設施, 並透過打造開放式綜合社區, 為太古坊注入源源活力 我們以一流的辦公樓設計配合完善的周邊配套, 迎合具前瞻性企業的多元需求 重建計劃還包括新建佔地 6.9 萬平方呎的綠化休憩園林 無縫連接太古坊各棟甲級辦公樓的多條行人走廊, 以及更多零售及戶外餐飲選擇 漫遊太古坊新建的兩個綠化休憩園林分別名為 太古中央廣場 及 太古花園, 由屢獲殊榮的園景設計師 Kathryn Gustafson 及其設計公司 Gustafson Porter 操刀 談及園林設計,Kathryn 介紹 : 我們選用適合在區內生長的熱帶植物, 營造翠綠蒼鬱的公眾休憩空間 同時以三個各具特色的水池設計, 為園中注入能量及活力 水池設有嬉水區, 遊人可盡興玩水, 亦或坐在池邊享受獨處的閒適 這裡將成為探索自然 放鬆身心的好去處 若你上班時會經過花園, 不妨每天變換路線, 欣賞園內種類繁多的植被及多彩光影 擔綱行人走廊設計的是巴黎建築設計公司 Hugh Dutton Associés, 團隊曾打造 Brickell City Centre 項目破格創新的環保建築設計 CLIMATE RIBBON 設計師 Hugh Dutton 與太古地產合作多年, 亦是 Kathryn 的老朋友, 兩人的合作默契為太古坊的創新設計帶來不少裨益 Hugh 說 : 行人走廊的結構彷如雕塑, 運用輕巧的流線型玻璃幕牆打造, 好似一條靈動的緞帶, 穿梭於太古坊各辦公樓之間 Kathryn 對行人走廊的設計讚不絕口 : Hugh 的設計就像飄在空中的一道光帶, 身處其中恍若踏入雲端! 園內的植物不斷生長, 會越來越接近行人走廊, 穿行其間好似走進大自然, 將會帶來非常奇妙的體驗 開啟新篇章除了卓絕不凡的創新設計, 我們將延續 blueprint 計劃, 進一步在太古坊孕育創新科技社區 blueprint 將遷至多盛大廈, 提供佔地 2.9 萬平方呎的共用工作空間, 配備智能會議室 頂尖科技設施及創意休憩空間 與此同時, 備受歡迎的藝術文化場地 ArtisTree 將遷至康橋大廈, 以佔地 7,000 平方呎的靈活空間, 繼續呈獻世界級藝術節目 我們還將為區內引入更多特色餐飲及零售概念, 打造活力無限的太古坊新面貌 正如 Hugh 所說 : 太古坊重建計劃引入開放式綠化休憩空間, 並以行人走廊與太古坊及周邊社區相連, 將工作 玩樂 文化及自然元素完美融合, 堪稱未來城市發展的典範 3

4 CORPORATE NEWS 公司動向 Swire Properties Reports Solid Results Amidst Market Uncertainty 太古地產公佈 2016 年中期業績 On 18 August, we announced our interim results for 2016, which recorded a slight decrease in underlying profit, mainly due to lower profits from our trading portfolio in Hong Kong. Despite the decline, Chief Executive Guy Bradley commented that we achieved a solid result considering market uncertainty. Hong Kong s subdued retail market continues to impact our malls, but both Guy and Chairman John Slosar remained optimistic about the future of retail in the city and our ongoing performance, citing in particular the strong fundamentals and trade mix of our malls. Retail trends change, consumers change and we have to change with them, said John during our press briefing. We are being very active about looking at our tenant mix and our product offerings, and trying to put forward an offering that gives people an irresistible opportunity to visit. Guy commented on the strength of our retail products, signaling out Pacific Place: The fundamentals of Pacific Place are as strong as they ve ever been and they threaten to get stronger, so we re very optimistic about the long term for the mall. Speaking of the changes to our retail trade mix, he stated, We want to make sure that when the conditions do turn up again, that we will be ready and remain competitive in the market. Meanwhile, our office portfolio in Hong Kong reported high occupancy rates which are helping to underpin rents, and looks to remain stable in the face of relatively robust demand for quality office space. Our mainland projects also gave a stable performance, with TaiKoo Hui a particular standout in terms of increased footfall and a competitive trade mix in Guangzhou. Whilst there was a decline in trading profits compared to the same period last year, we saw profits from Reach in the US and AREZZO in Hong Kong, and Guy was optimistic looking forward, commenting in his message to staff that ALASSIO s strong sales performance this year would be reflected in our results in Guy also highlighted that our growth story would continue with the openings of Brickell City Centre in Miami and HKRI Taikoo Hui in Shanghai, as well as the ongoing redevelopment of Taikoo Place in Hong Kong. 8 月 18 日, 太古地產公佈 2016 年中期業績 基本溢利略微下降, 主要由於來自香港物業買賣的溢利下降 行政總裁白德利表示 儘管市況不明朗, 公司仍取得穩健表現 香港零售市場受壓繼續對公司旗下商場帶來影響, 但主席史樂山及白德利仍對本港零售業及公司一直以來的表現充滿信心, 特別指出公司旗下商場均具強勁優勢及多元化的租戶組合 史樂山在傳媒簡佈會上說 : 零售趨勢不斷變化 顧客也在改變, 我們要因應這些變化作出調整 太古地產一直積極部署旗下商場的租戶組合和產品選擇, 致力帶來與別不同的購物消閒體驗, 為商場增加人流 談及公司旗下商場的零售產品優勢, 白德利特別提到太古廣場 : 太古廣場一如以往具有獨特的優勢並銳意強化, 我們對商場的長遠發展非常有信心 說起對商場零售商戶的調整, 白德利續稱 : 我們希望當市況好轉時, 公司旗下商場已作足準備, 能繼續在市場中保持強勁競爭力 公司香港辦公樓租用率高企為租金帶來支持, 由於市場對優質辦公樓面的需求相對強勁, 預期租用率仍將企穩 我們在中國內地的發展項目亦表現不俗, 當中太古滙的表現尤為亮眼, 不僅商場人流有所增加, 更在廣州打造出別具競爭優勢的商戶組合 2016 年上半年, 物業買賣溢利來自美國 Reach 項目及香港瀚然項目, 較去年同期有所下跌 展望未來, 白德利充滿信心, 他指今年殷然銷情暢旺, 將於公司 2017 年的業績有所反映 此外, 隨著邁阿密 Brickell City Centre 及上海興業太古滙陸續開幕, 以及公司在香港穩步推進太古坊重建, 都將帶動公司業績繼續增長 For more on our 2016 interim results, read our Interim Report 2016 at: 更多太古地產 2016 年中期業績詳情, 請參閱 2016 年中期報告書 : ir.swireproperties.com/en/ ir/reports.php 4

5 CORPORATE NEWS 公司動向 Swire Properties Launches 2016 Biannual Highlights Video 太古地產 2016 年上半年重點回顧 The Company s official 2016 Biannual Highlights Video has now launched! Our new video showcases Swire Properties major events, important milestones and recent achievements, together with commentary on our financial results for the past few months. Watch the video at the links below: 太古地產 2016 年上半年重點回顧 短片現已出爐! 短片介紹了公司在 2016 年上半年的主要活動 重要里程碑及近期發展成果, 以及公司於期內的財務業績摘要 前往以下連結觀看 : Hong Kong viewers 香港觀眾 : youtu.be/7sp8c91xmdw Mainland China viewers 中國內地觀眾 : v.youku.com/v_show/id_ XMTY5MDU1NDA4NA Swire Pacific Announces 2016 Interim Results group NEWS 集團動向 On 18 August, our parent company, Swire Pacific Limited, announced its 2016 interim results. Consolidated profit attributable to shareholders for the first half of 2016 was HK$5,061 million, HK$2,916 million lower than for the first half of Underlying profit attributable to shareholders, which principally adjusts for changes in the valuation of investment properties, decreased by HK$1,285 million or 27% to HK$3,548 million. The decrease in underlying profit reflects lower results from all divisions and the absence of profits from sales of units at OPUS HONG KONG recorded during the first half of 太古公司公佈 2016 年中期業績 8 月 18 日, 太古地產母公司太古股份有限公司公佈 2016 年中期業績 2016 年上半年的股東應佔綜合溢利為港幣 億元, 較 2015 年上半年減少港幣 億元 主要撇除投資物業估值變動後的股東應佔基本溢利為港幣 億元, 減少港幣 億元或 27% 基本溢利減少, 反映所有營業部門的業績轉遜, 以及缺乏去年同期錄得的傲璇單位銷售溢利 5

6 CORPORATE NEWS 公司動向 Launch of New SPL Corporate Website 太古地產推出全新企業網站 Opening animation sequences featuring Swire Properties developments 主頁採用動畫短片展示公司項目的發展歷程 Our brand new corporate website launched earlier this summer here are some highlights of the new site: 今夏, 我們推出全新的太古地產企業網站, 包括以下新亮點 : Clean design with more images and videos 以圖像及短片為主, 網站設計簡潔明快 Check out our new website 前往太古地產全新企業網站 : Interactive maps allow users to view different projects by location or property type 加入互動地圖功能, 讓用戶可以根據物業所在地或類型查找不同發展項目 Expanded content, particularly for our community programmes and Sustainability section 更豐富的網站內容, 特別著重社區活動及可持續發展專頁 Social sharing functions 新增社交媒體分享功能 6

7 MarketiNG & PromotioNS 市場推廣活動 Hong Kong s Hottest Dining Destination Pacific Place Food lovers, take note: during the second half of 2016 and throughout 2017, 10 new dining outlets will open at Pacific Place mall and Starstreet Precinct. The new eateries will span a range of cuisines, including Thai, dim sum, Japanese fusion and creative brasserie food. Pacific Place also hosted a summer extravaganza of popup shops in July and August. In Garden Court, shoppers were treated to a Harvey Nichols Pop-Up Zone and beach chill-out zone. On Level 1, a pop-up from swimwear brand Vilebrequin whisked shoppers away to the sunny French Riviera, while the Havaianas X Brickhouse collaboration combined trendy Havaianas beachwear with cocktails and fresh Mexican tapas. The cherry on top had to be the Nutella pop-up store, where visitors could personalise their own Nutella jars as a tasty keepsake and children learned how to make Nutella treats in cookery classes. 美食新熱點 太古廣場美食愛好者看過來! 從 2016 年下半年起直至 2017 年, 太古廣場及星街小區將進駐 10 間矚目新食店, 匯聚泰式風味 中式點心 日式料理和創意法式小酒館等新滋味 炎炎夏日, 太古廣場還推出一連串以陽光海灘為主題的期間限定店, 比如設於 Garden Court 以沙灘場景佈置的 Harvey Nichols 期間限定店, 以及位於 1 樓的泳衣品牌 Vilebrequin 期間限定店, 讓購物人士仿如置身陽光普照的法國蔚藍海岸 沙灘時裝潮牌 Havaianas 更聯手型格墨西哥餐廳 Brickhouse, 精心炮製特色雞尾酒及地道墨西哥小食, 帶來與別不同的時尚美食空間 最吸引眼球的當屬首度登陸香港的 Nutella 個性化訂製服務特色限定店, 小朋友更化身小廚師, 參加親子工作坊學習製作 Nutella 美食 Beat the Summer Heat 清涼一夏 Taikoo Li Sanlitun Just when the summer heat had reached its peak, Taikoo Li Sanlitun provided the perfect ice-cold antidote. From 9 July to 7 August, ice cream brand Magnum transformed The Red into a pop-up Pleasure Store. With a choice of imported Belgian chocolate and more than 30 toppings, thousands of ice cream lovers waited to get their hands on a Magnum ice cream popsicle. 三里屯太古里炎夏熱浪來襲, 三里屯太古里為遊人帶來解暑佳品 由 7 月 9 日至 8 月 7 日期間, 雪糕品牌 Magnum 登陸三里屯太古里, 在紅館開設 Pleasure Store 愉悅店, 提供比利時進口朱古力雪糕和 30 多種配料, 吸引數千名雪糕迷大排長龍 一啖 Magnum 特色雪條, 為酷暑帶來清涼滋味! 7

8 MarketiNG & PromotioNS 市場推廣活動 NBA 巨星北京行 頤堤港 7 月 24 日, 頤堤港迎來 NBA 球星韋德及哈斯勒姆, 亮相全球首家以韋德命名的頤堤港 WADE Store, 作為其 Make Your Own Way 2016 韋德中國行的最後一站 韋德與現場球迷熱情互動 一起自拍大合影, 令到場球迷近距離目睹大將風采, 氣氛熱烈 NBA Stars Descend on INDIGO INDIGO On 24 July, INDIGO hosted NBA stars Dwyane Wade and Udonis Haslem at the mall s Wade Store the first of its kind in the world. They were at INDIGO for the Way of Wade Make Your Own Way Beijing Stop, an event that included interactive sessions where fans could meet their basketball idols face-to-face for photos and autographs. TEDx Sanlitun at The Red TEDx 三里屯亮相紅館 Taikoo Li Sanlitun TEDx, a series of local, self-organised events modelled after the TED global conference series, was created to spark important dialogue and conversations in cities throughout the world. On 28 August, a series of enlightening talks titled TEDx Sanlitun were held at The Red for the whole Sanlitun community. With a theme of Red, the TEDx event attracted more than 150 attendees and featured 12 dynamic speakers from different industries in Mainland China. Max Yu, General Manager of Taikoo Li Sanlitun, came on stage to give a talk titled 3 Hours in the Life, where he told the audience three important stories from his own life one about his family, one about his career path and one about his business acumen. Run to Feed 樂跑助人 Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu For the second consecutive year, Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu hosted and sponsored Run to Feed, a unique event that raises funds for charity organisation Heifer China. On 25 June, more than 100 participants, all clad in striking pink event shirts, gathered at the complex for a scavenger hunt. Throughout the day, teams ran around completing various tasks, with the speediest team crowned the winner of Run to Feed. Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu donated RMB 200 for each participant, resulting in a matching gift of more than RMB 20,000 to Heifer China to help underprivileged farmers in Kashgar. 成都遠洋太古里今夏, 成都遠洋太古里連續第二年舉辦及贊助 Run to Feed 樂跑助人活動, 為慈善機構海惠 小母牛籌款 6 月 25 日, 百餘名參賽者齊聚成都遠洋太古里, 身著亮粉色的隊服穿梭於里巷間, 找尋任務點並完成各項挑戰, 由速度最快的隊伍贏得冠軍寶座 成都遠洋太古里為每名參賽者向小母牛配捐人民幣 200 元, 共捐贈人民幣兩萬元善款, 用於幫助新疆喀什地區的貧困農戶 三里屯太古里 TED 大會倡導透過跨界交流 用對話及想法改變世界 2009 年,TED 推出由粉絲自發組織 以當地語言為主的 TEDx 項目, 在世界各地匯聚當地不同領域的傑出人士, 分享他們對世界的洞見 8 月 28 日,TEDx 三里屯以 紅 為主題, 首度亮相三里屯太古里的紅館, 由 12 位來自不同行業的精英講者, 為三里屯社區呈獻一場精彩絕倫的思想交流盛宴 在 12 名講者中, 三里屯太古里總經理余國安亦以三個妙趣橫生的小故事, 講述了他人生中別具意義的三小時, 關於家庭 職場, 以及項目管理之道 8

9 A New Website for Marketing & Promotions 市場推廣活動 As the redevelopment of Taikoo Place continues, we felt it was high time that its web presence reflected its ever-evolving identity. In August, we launched a new website for Taikoo Place that captures the unique character of the area and everything it has to offer. To help express this, we invited UK-based illustrator Kavel Rafferty to spend a week soaking up the atmosphere in Taikoo Place, which allowed him to create a set of hand-drawn characters and scenes that are featured on the new website. These illustrations are complemented by a set of specially commissioned photographs of the area, which portray the many sides of Taikoo Place. Also in development is an online lifestyle magazine scheduled to launch this autumn and filled with art and culture happenings, dining trends, fitness tips and more. One of these art events is scheduled to take place from 10 September to 7 October at ArtisTree. Titled REVEAL 2: FOR THE CITY. FOR THE COMMUNITY, this exhibition is a follow-up to REVEAL 2013, which showcased the artistic and creative works of Hong Kong architects. Organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA), REVEAL 2 coincides with HKIA s 60 th anniversary, and examines the idea of community, and how architecture informs and shapes it. Given the relationship between Taikoo Place s physical space and the community that it supports, REVEAL 2 s month-long exhibition at ArtisTree is especially appropriate. We hope to see you there! 作為香港建築師學會成立 60 周年紀念活動的一部分, 我們將於 9 月 10 日至 10 月 7 日在 ArtisTree 舉行 築 自室貳之家 - 城 展覽, 展出多種破格創新的設計作品, 透過建築師的視角, 重新審視建築環境與社區密不可分的重要聯繫 太古坊推出全新網站 隨著太古坊重建計劃穩步推進, 我們亦為太古坊帶來了全新的 網絡形象 八月, 全新太古坊網站正式亮相, 除了以嶄新的視角展現太古坊與別不同的特色, 我們還邀請英國知名插畫師 Kavel Rafferty 親臨太古坊, 以手繪插畫紀錄下最具代表性的 太古坊地標 其他 亮點還包括特別拍攝的一組創意照片, 別具巧思地展示出太古坊源源不斷的活力, 以及與自然和社區人士和諧共融的氛圍 此外, 我們計劃於今秋推出電子版生活品味雜誌, 介紹區內的藝術文化活動 餐飲潮流 健身貼士及更多實用資訊 9

10 HotELS NEWS 酒店動向 The Continental Reopens with a New Look 嶄新回歸 In August, The Continental unveiled a fresh new design and an exciting new menu. CornerStone talked with Executive Chef Joey Sergentakis and Restaurant Manager Vikash Vaswani to learn more about the new look and flavours on offer. 八月,The Continental 重新開幕, 帶來煥然一新的餐廳設計及新菜單 太地點滴 走訪主廚 Joey Sergentakis 和餐廳經理 Vikash Vaswani, 暢談嶄新回歸的 The Continental Hi, Joey. Can you share some highlights from The Continental s new menu? Joey: We ll be doing a whole blue lobster (weighing in at 1 kg!) which we ll serve with lobster risotto and tarragon gratin. Also, we ll be featuring a tasting menu that focuses on the season of tomatoes. I m working very closely with my suppliers and will source the best tomatoes I can find, and every course on the menu will feature a type of tomato prepared in a different way. Timothee, our bar manager, will also be working on a tomato cocktail to pair with this menu. What s the inspiration behind the new menu? Joey: It s all about summer. I m working with the best products I can get in the season, and then I m seeing where that takes me. What s your favourite new dish? Joey: La bouillabaisse de rouget. It s a classic, but when it s done right it s one of the best dishes ever. We serve it with mussels, langoustines, crab and clams. Vikash, can you tell us more about the design ideas behind this facelift? How does it differ from The Continental s previous look? Vikash: As much as we loved the aesthetics of our previous look, we made it warmer to mirror the energy of our team. We ve worked with a very talented designer and through his vision I truly feel The Continental is going to be a much more inviting and cosier space. We re also extending our bar area and adding a nice surprise on the terrace. Are there any new elements which customers can look forward to? Vikash: There are quite a few elements to look forward to: the lounge, the terrace with a live DJ booth and a portable bar set up outside, and a dramatically increased drinks list. And, of course, there s going to be an awesome selection of fresh, seasonal food created by Chef Joey! 你好 Joey, 可以介紹一下 The Continental 的新菜單有哪些亮點嗎? Joey: 我們的主打菜是原隻藍龍蝦 ( 重 1 公斤!), 搭配龍蝦意大利飯和烤焗龍蒿 精選菜單則以時令蕃茄為主角, 我和供應商緊密合作, 搜羅品質最上乘的蕃茄, 每道菜都以不同的烹調方法呈現 酒吧經理 Timothee 還特別調製了一款蕃茄雞尾酒, 配搭精選菜單 新菜單的靈感來源是什麼? Joey: 夏日風情 我選用最上乘的時令食材, 希望碰撞出美味新火花 你最喜歡哪道新菜式? Joey: 馬賽什錦海鮮魚湯 (La bouillabaisse de rouget) 這是一道傳統菜式, 但只要烹調得宜, 定會是天下第一美味 我們還加入了青口 小龍蝦 蟹和蜆 你好 Vikash, 可以介紹一下餐廳翻新設計的背後理念嗎? 與原設計有何不同之處? Vikash: 無論是之前還是翻新後的設計, 我們都很喜歡 原先的設計注重美感, 現在則更側重營造溫馨的就餐環境, 展現團隊的活力和熱情 我們與一位才華橫溢的設計師合作, 打造出更加親和 舒適的動人氛圍 我們亦擴建了吧台區, 還在露台為顧客準備了驚喜 The Continental 有哪些不可錯過的新亮點? Vikash: 餐廳加入了許多新元素, 比如酒廊 現場 DJ 戶外移動吧台等, 我們的飲品單也增添不少新選擇 當然, 最不能錯過的定是主廚 Joey 精心炮製的時令美食! Pop-Up Noodle Bar by EAST 東隅麵檔 Craving a bowl of hot, soupy noodles? You re in luck from 14 July to 7 November, EAST, Hong Kong is hosting a pop-up Noodle Bar at Cityplaza, where hungry shoppers can choose from six different Asian noodle dishes: Malay Chicken Laksa, Sichuan Pork Hotpot, Vietnamese Beef Pho, Thai Tom Yum Kung, Shoyu Ramen and Hainan Chicken. Each dish can be paired with a refreshing Citrus Cooler or a Lychee-licious drink to complete this tasty pop-up noodle experience. 想吃一碗熱湯麵? 由 7 月 14 日至 11 月 7 日, 香港東隅酒店在太古城中心推出期間限定麵檔, 為肌腸轆轆的購物人士提供六種各具特色的亞洲麵食, 包括馬來雞絲叻沙 四川豬腩肉麻辣鍋 越式牛肉湯河 泰式冬蔭功湯米粉 日本醬油拉麵和海南雞湯麵, 食客還可選配清新的柑橘或荔枝特飲, 叫人回味無窮 10

11 AMBASSADOR UPDATES 愛心快訊 LOVE S TEAM: Together for 15 Years To celebrate Community Ambassador s 15th anniversary, we will be hosting LOVE S TEAM, a three-day community event at ArtisTree from 14 to 16 October. In preparation, over the past few months our team in Hong Kong have been busy training more than 300 volunteers from our Community Ambassadors and NGO partners to help plan a variety of fun activities: In July and August, our musically inclined Ambassadors rehearsed and recorded We Are One, the LOVE S TEAM theme song composed by the talented Evan Li (PAD). At the same time, 200 Ambassadors and people with different abilities from our NGO partners starred in a video celebrating the Community Ambassador Programme s 15 years of contributions to the community. Our Ambassadors are now busy participating in other LOVE S TEAMrelated activities, including using salvaged peach blossom flowers to make handcrafted jewellery that will be sold at the event, learning balloontwisting skills, and designing and modelling outfits for a runway show that will take place on 15 October. True to the theme of LOVE S TEAM, all these activities will involve and benefit our NGO partners. Remember to mark your calendars see you at ArtisTree in October! 十月 ArtisTree 同一添約定你 為慶祝同行 15 年的溫暖歷程, 太古地產愛心大使將於今年 10 月 14 至 16 日 在太古坊 ArtisTree 舉辦為期三天的社區慈善活動 同一添 過去數月來, 我們的愛心大使團隊聯合 300 多名同事義工及來自不同社福機構的合作伙伴, 以一連串豐富有趣的活動, 密鑼緊鼓地籌備同一添 : 七月, 我們招募一班熱愛唱歌的同事, 參與錄製由愛心大使李沛杭 ( 公共事務部 ) 創作的同一添主題歌 We Are One 此外, 我們請來 200 名愛心大使, 以及來自合作機構的社群代表, 共同錄製太古地產愛心大使 15 周年紀念短片 而最近數個周末, 我們的愛心大使正熱情參與不同主題的活動, 為同一添融入更多元素 當中包括回收桃花再造手工飾物用作慈善義賣 學習扭製新氣球造型, 以及設計 試身將於 10 月 15 日共融時裝表演中展示的創意服裝 這些活動緊扣 用心感受 主題, 每一項都聯合不同的社福機構舉行, 希望推動關愛文化, 感動更多人欣賞共融力量 今年十月, 愛心大使約定你, 齊來 ArtisTree 參與支持同一添社區慈善活動! 11

12 AMBASSADOR UPDATES 愛心快訊 Paint for Hope 畫出光明 Twin four-year-old sisters Pearl and Crystal, who live in Beijing, were born with a genetic eye disorder called familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR). As their vision deteriorates, they risk losing their eyesight if they do not undergo an expensive surgery. Their foster parents cannot afford the surgery, so the United Family Charitable Fund stepped in by launching an online fundraising campaign in June. This spurred our Community Ambassador team in Beijing into action. On 16 July, our Community Ambassadors hosted a finger painting event that culminated in a video chat with Pearl and Crystal. Our Ambassadors raised RMB 10,000 to donate to the girls through the United Family Charitable Fund. We wish these two amazing girls a bright future! 北京一對年僅四歲的孖生姊妹 Pearl 和 Crystal 患有先天性眼疾 家族性滲出性玻璃體視網膜病變 (FEVR) 隨著視力日漸衰退, 她們若不接受手術, 便很可能失明, 然而兩人的養父母卻負擔不起高昂的手術費用 有見及此, 慈善機構和睦家愛心基金於六月發起網上籌款活動, 向兩姊妹施以援手 太古地產北京愛心大使積極響應, 於 7 月 16 日舉辦手指繪畫活動, 並與兩姊妹視頻連線, 為她們加油打氣 愛心大使共籌得人民幣一萬元善款, 並透過和睦家愛心基金捐贈予兩姊妹 祝願她們早日康復, 擁有光明的未來! 12 Professor Paws Visits TaiKoo Hui Is there anything better than cuddling a warm, wriggling bundle of fur? Colleagues in TaiKoo Hui and their kids found out firsthand during our special Ambassador event this summer! We partnered with Animals Asia Foundation (AAF) to host an event with Professor Paws, an AAF programme that uses therapy puppies to help people learn about safety around dogs, responsible pet care and compassion for all animals. Not surprisingly, the event filled up within minutes of recruitment, and our younger Ambassadors especially enjoyed playing with the friendly puppies! The event included a video presentation featuring singer Karen Mok, as well as poster making. Our TaiKoo Hui Ambassadors report that everyone had a furry good time. 我的汪汪好友 今個盛夏, 太古滙與亞洲動物基金 ( AAF) 狗教授 計劃合作舉辦特別活動, 讓我們的愛心大使及其子女得以與一群憨厚可愛的 狗教授 近距離接觸, 學習與狗狗安全相處的知識, 以及如何負責任地照顧寵物 愛護動物 活動反應熱烈, 愛心大使踴躍參加, 當日除了播放由歌手莫文蔚拍攝的視頻講座外, 我們的愛心小大使還在現場創作主題海報, 度過歡樂 茸茸 的溫馨時光!

13 Tips for Joint Pain Management 關節保健錦囊 SUSTAINABILitY UPDATES 可持續發展資訊 Most of us have experienced aches and pains at some point in our lives. To help our Building Management and Technical Services teams better understand and address joint pain, we held six sessions in Hong Kong over the summer. During the sessions, a professional trainer shared some advice on joint pain prevention here are some of the most useful tips that anyone can follow: 關節痛十分常見, 不少人或多或少都會受其折磨 為幫助同事了解並預防關節痛, 今夏我們為香港各中心的物業管理及技術服務團隊舉辦了六場講座, 由專業治療師介紹如何預防常見關節問題, 並分享實用小貼士, 一起擊退關節痛 Dietary tips 飲食方面 Exercise tips 運動方面 Omega-3 fatty acids are good for keeping joints healthy, so try to eat more omega-3-rich fish (especially salmon and mackerel) or simply have some fish oil capsules 奧米加 3 脂肪酸有助促進關節健康, 可以多吃富含奧米加 3 的魚類 ( 特別是三文魚和鯖魚 ) 或直接服用魚油丸 If you re a vegetarian, these acids can also be found in dark green vegetables, flaxseed oil, canola oil, soybeans, walnuts and Brazil nuts 素食者可透過進食深綠色蔬菜 亞麻籽油 芥花籽油 大豆 核桃和巴西堅果, 獲取奧米加 3 脂肪酸 The more you move, the less joint stiffness you ll have, so remember to take standing breaks and do some stretches while at your desk 適度運動能使關節更靈活, 從而減少關節痛 伏案工作時, 不時起身走動稍作休息, 也可以坐著做些簡易的伸展動作 Good posture is important to staving off joint pain, so remember to stand and sit up straight, and try to participate in exercises like swimming, which help relieve joint pain as well 良好的姿勢有助預防關節痛, 站立或坐下時都保持挺直, 並嘗試做一些有助舒緩關節痛的運動, 比如游泳 National Safety Month at TaiKoo Hui 安全生產關乎你我 To mark National Safety Month in Mainland China, the team at TaiKoo Hui recently held a series of activities aimed at promoting a strong safety culture at work. These included the 2016 Safety Month Photo & Video Competition, which invited colleagues to take safetyrelated photos or videos, as well as a discussion about workplace safety training led by an expert from the Guangzhou Safe Operation Association. The activities are part of TaiKoo Hui s ongoing pursuit of working together to achieve zero harm. 為響應 全國安全生產月, 太古滙團隊舉辦了一系列活動, 以推廣及加強安全文化 活動包括由技術統籌及可持續發展部發起的 2016 年安全生產月攝影及短片比賽, 邀請同事拍攝與工作場所安全有關的照片或短片, 進一步提升安全意識 此外, 太古滙還請來廣州市安全生產協會的專家, 為同事展開工作場所安全培訓, 齊力邁向零工傷目標 13

14 SUSTAINABILitY UPDATES 可持續發展資訊 Swire Hotels Invites Colleagues to Go For It 趣味挑戰無所不能 Swire Hotels brand culture encourages colleagues to make a difference, grab opportunities, take the initiative and go for it! To help colleagues live up to these lofty ideals, every Wednesday and Friday in July, Swire Hotels organised the We Go For It Challenge in the pantry. Colleagues were encouraged to take on a series of fun challenges that pushed them out of their comfort zones, with Swire Hotels donating HK$50 to Food Angel, a food rescue and food assistance programme, for every successful challenger. This prompted 276 colleagues to go for it by challenging themselves to do crazy things like eat a slice of lemon, strike a pose on a yoga mat and jump rope on a foot reflexology mat. In the spirit of the challenge, Swire Hotels colleagues came, saw and conquered with confidence and ease. So far, the team has successfully raised a total of HK$13,800. It s not that hard when you just go for it, said Andrew Chiu, People Development Intern. Push yourself and you ll see there is no limit. 太古酒店的品牌文化鼓勵同事勇於嘗試 把握機會 採取主動 以及奮力一搏! 為幫助同事理解並實踐這些理念, 太古酒店由七月開始, 每周三及周五都會在茶水間舉辦 We Go For It 活動, 鼓勵同事跳出舒適區 接受包括吃檸檬 擺出高難度瑜伽動作 及在腳底按摩墊上跳繩等多個趣味挑戰 每當有一名同事成功過關, 太古酒店便會向食物回收計劃 惜食堂 捐出港幣 50 元 活動啟動以來, 已有 276 名同事參加, 共籌得港幣 13,800 元善款 人力發展部實習生趙晟皓說 : 只要大膽嘗試, 沒有事情可以難倒我們, 勇往直前便會發現無限可能 14

15 New, Sustainably Designed Cityplaza Office 太古城中心綠色辦公室 SUSTAINABILitY UPDATES 可持續發展資訊 In mid-2015, the Cityplaza Management Office (CPMO) moved from One Island East to a new office on 16/F of Cityplaza Four. Green considerations were implemented throughout the design and construction stages of the new office. Let s take a look below: The open-plan design allows for maximum natural light, while motion and daylight sensors minimise the need for artificial lighting Construction waste was recycled Measures were introduced to improve ventilation and reduce air temperature, including the use of an awardwinning portable ventilation device designed by the technical team at Cityplaza The materials and equipment for the new office are either certified as green products or were reused from the old office The new office has been tested for water quality, noise level and indoor air quality As a result, the CPMO office has achieved the bestin-class BEAM Plus Interiors Version 1.1 and LEED Commercial Interiors Version 2009 Final Platinum ratings. Congratulations! 2015 年中, 太古城中心辦事處從港島東中心搬遷至太古城中心四座 16 樓新址 新辦公室將環保元素融入從設計到裝修的各個階段, 亮點包括 : 採用開放式設計, 充分引入自然光, 並安裝動態及日光感應器, 將人工照明的需要減至最低 妥善回收建築廢料 採取措施以改善施工階段的室內通風並降低氣溫, 包括使用由太古城中心技術團隊設計的便攜式通風裝置 選用經環保認證的材料及設備, 或重用舊辦公室的物料 水質 噪音水平及室內空氣質素均通過測試 憑藉在環保方面的不懈努力, 太古城中心辦事處的新辦公室榮獲 綠建環評室內建築評估 1.1 版 及 領先能源與環境設計 商業室內 2009 版 的鉑金級認證, 再次祝賀! Launch of Sustainable Development Report 2015 太古地產發佈 2015 可持續發展報告 Sustainable Development Report 2015 This summer, we launched our Sustainable Development Report In addition to providing an overview of the economic, environmental and social performance of our business and activities, we also drew special attention to some of our most notable SD initiatives. Our 2015 report s Sustainability in Action feature covers Brickell City Centre s people-centred, integrated design approach, as well as details about the CLIMATE RIBBON, the development s visionary architectural feature which binds each component together while also improving the microclimate of the public spaces. Other highlights include our 2020 Energy Reduction pledge, our inclusion in leading global and regional sustainability indices and our myriad community programmes. 今夏, 太古地產發佈 2015 可持續發展報告, 當中除了回顧公司業務和在經濟 環保及社會等方面的表現, 還聚焦太古地產在可持續發展領域的重要措施 報告中的 實踐可持續發展 專題介紹了 Brickell City Centre 項 Read the report on our corporate website: 前往太古地產企業 網站查閱有關報告 : en/sustainability/ sustainable-developmentreports.aspx 目以人為本的綜合設計理念, 詳述項目中獨具創建的破格設計 CLIMATE RIBBON, 在連接項目各部份之餘, 更改善了公共空間的微氣候 其他重點內容還包括 2020 年節能宣言 太古地產獲納入全球及地區可持續發展指數, 以及我們於年內舉辦的多個社區活動 15

16 on the FRONTLINE 前線 Yip Lung Wan: Mountain Man 葉龍澐 : 勇攀高峰 Ask Yip Lung Wan (TPMO Technical Services) what his favourite activity is outside of work and he d be hard-pressed to give you just one answer. This onetime tennis player now counts running marathons (while in costume It s fun and eye-catching, he says), cycling (he once circumnavigated Taiwan on two wheels), trekking (at altitude in Tibet) and long-distance running (he completed the 100-km Oxfam Trailwalker). But wait there s more! On 20 May, Yip Lung Wan marked yet another milestone when he successfully climbed to the peak of the over 5,000-metre-high Haba Snow Mountain in Yunnan Province in Mainland China. Trekking is one of my favourite activities, he says proudly. Not only is it challenging and rewarding, but the view from the mountaintop is stunning. On his home turf in Hong Kong, Yip doesn t stay in one place very long, either. Hong Kong has a lot of exciting hiking spots with nice views I ve been to most of them already, he tells us. Night-time hiking is my favourite, as you can take amazing photos of the night skies. Asked about his next adventure, Yip cracks a knowing smile. My next challenge will be the 6,000-metre-high Mount Siguniang in Sichuan Province wish me luck! 要問太古坊辦事處技術服務團隊的葉龍澐 ( 阿龍 ) 最喜歡什麼工餘活動, 想必他一定很難回答, 他的興趣愛好實在廣泛, 難以只選一樣! 阿龍讀書時是校隊網球手, 畢業後開始跑馬拉松 ( 他喜歡戴著公仔跑, 因為這樣 有趣又有型! ), 並已陸續完成騎腳踏車環島遊台灣 遠征西藏高地及樂施毅行者 100 公里跑山等一連串挑戰 不過, 他的挑戰之旅遠不止於此! 5 月 20 日, 阿龍成功登上中國雲南省海拔五千多米高的哈巴雪山頂峰, 達成又一個新里程碑 他自豪地說 : 登山是我最喜愛的活動之一, 既富有挑戰又帶來滿滿的成就感, 登頂後更可將壯闊的美景一覽無遺 即便在香港, 阿龍也停不下腳步, 喜歡四處走走 : 香港有很多風光明媚的遠足好去處, 大部分我都已經去過, 我最愛夜間行山, 可以沿途拍下平日裡看不見的美麗星空 說起下一個歷險計劃, 阿龍會心一笑說 : 我準備挑戰四川省海拔六千米高的四姑娘山, 祝我好運吧! Trekking is one of my favourite activities, it's challenging and rewarding 登山是我最喜愛的活動之一, 既富有挑戰又帶來滿滿的成就感 16

17 Owen Lui: Latte Artist Extraordinaire 呂浩泓 : 拉花達人 If you re a coffee lover working in One Island East, you probably already know Owen Lui. He s the guy who somehow manages to juggle a tamper, steam wand and portafilter in one hand while ringing up an order with the other all with a warm smile on his face. This skilled barista joined Public, Swire Restaurants café and restaurant, in 2014 after a stint at another café, where he learned the tricks of the trade. Since then, Owen has dedicated himself to the craft of making the perfect pour behind the counter at Public. As a barista, the most difficult part is to maintain the quality and taste of every cup of coffee made every day, he says. Many factors can affect the taste of coffee, such as the temperature of the milk and water, how long you take to make the coffee and even slightly different gestures. You need practice, practice and more practice there are no shortcuts. This single-minded focus, which includes visits to numerous other cafés for inspiration, shows in Owen s work and in the recognition he has received from industry peers. At the 2015 Motta Latte Art Championship, Owen won third runner-up, and at the 2016 L.A. Wars by Why 50, Owen was crowned champion. The pride he takes in his work also has a positive impact on the relationships he has formed with his regular customers. Since many customers come and grab a coffee every day, I can tell what they will order without even asking. I ve made new friends here and it makes my work even more rewarding. And for all you home (and office) baristas reading this, Owen has an easy tip you can apply to improve your brewing technique: Use warm cups to make your coffee it will taste much better! on the FRONTLINE 前線 若你在港島東中心上班又喜歡喝咖啡, 想必對呂浩泓 (Owen) 的大名已有耳聞 沒錯, 他就是 Public 那位笑容可掬 動作嫻熟的年青咖啡師 Owen 曾在一間咖啡店短期工作並學習咖啡沖調技巧, 於 2014 年加入太古餐廳旗下的咖啡店及餐廳 Public, 之後便一心一意苦練泡製完美咖啡的技藝 對咖啡師而言, 最大的挑戰莫過於保持沖調水準的一致性 讓每杯咖啡都維持一樣高水準的品質和口感, 絕非易事 Owen 分享道, 在沖調過程中, 很多因素都會影響咖啡的味道, 比如牛奶和水的溫度 沖調時間及手勢等, 即使是細微的差別, 都足以令咖啡的口感發生變化 只有不斷練習才能熟能生巧, 沒有捷徑 除了手沖咖啡,Owen 還熱衷研習拉花技術, 並為了取經不時去其他咖啡店 踢館, 他的勤奮和努力也贏得不少榮譽, 比如在 2015 年的 Motta Latte Art Championship 比賽獲得第四名, 以及在 2016 年的 L.A. Wars by Why 50 比賽中一舉奪魁 Owen 很享受工作的樂趣, 更將這份自豪轉化為用心待客 : 很多客人每天都來買咖啡, 時間久了, 我便記得他們的喜好 我在這裡還結識不少新朋友, 令每天的工作都更有動力和滿足感 說起在家或辦公室裡沖泡咖啡,Owen 立刻送上一計貼士 : 用溫熱的杯子沖咖啡, 口感會更好! English Training Programme Over the past few months, Pacific Place has introduced a more diverse tenant mix to attract a wider range of customers. In parallel with this, our Training & Development team developed a customised training programme to boost the spoken English language skills of the Pacific Place Building Management Team s frontline staff, so they can more effectively communicate with customers and provide them with exceptional service. The programme emphasised vocabulary and phrases related to real-life situations, such as giving clear directions, handling emergency situations and helping with lost and found items. Following its success at Pacific Place, the team plans to extend the programme to other developments in our Hong Kong portfolio. I enjoyed the programme a lot, said Leung Kin Lung (PPMO BMT). Through it, we learnt many useful work-related phrases. I feel that I m now able to better communicate with customers and make our conversations more effective. 英語培訓計劃 過去數月, 太古廣場持續引入更加多元化的租戶組合, 以吸引不同類型的顧客群 為配合這一舉措, 培訓及發展部亦為太古廣場物業管理團隊度身打造了一項英語口語培訓課程, 希望提升前線員工的英語會話能力, 更好地與顧客溝通並提供卓越的服務 培訓課程重點學習與日常工作息息相關的詞彙及短句, 讓員工得以發出清 晰指示 處理緊急情況, 以及協助尋找及認領失物等 課程在太古廣場取得不俗成績, 培訓及發展部正計劃將之擴展至公司在香港的其他發展項目 課程令我學會不少與工作相關的用語 梁健龍 ( 太古廣場辦事處 物業管理 ) 說, 現在我們可以更好地與顧客交流, 令溝通更順暢 17

18 ShariNG Corner 分享園地 blueprint Labs Kicks Off 交流分享啟迪新思 blueprint Labs are spirited gatherings comprising colleagues from Swire Properties and blueprint startup alumni and mentors, who provide the latest insights on technology and trends across various industries. The inaugural blueprint Labs session, which was held on 3 August within blueprint in Cornwall House, discussed Millennials in Hong Kong and China, are we planning for our customers of the future? The session included more than 20 of our colleagues and featured blueprint startups Ivyspace and Launchpilots, who shared their insights on understanding and marketing to this newer target audience. The session featured a wide-ranging discussion on how millennials interact with their peers online and offline, how brands can better engage with them, trends and tools used by young people and the outlook for the future. The next session of blueprint Labs will forecast the latest in recruitment, training technologies and engaging your team. To stay up to date and for registration details, please follow SPLinks and Yammer. 今年八月起,blueprint 正式推出交流分享活動 blueprint Labs, 邀請創業公司代表 創業導師和太古地產同事聚集一堂, 探討各行各業的科技發展趨勢 首場 blueprint Labs 分享會於 8 月 3 日在康和大廈 blueprint 辦公空間舉行, 以 中港兩地的千禧世代 了解你的未來客戶 為題, 由新創公司 Ivyspace 和 Launchpilots 分享他們對千禧一代的認識和見解 活動吸引二十多名同事參加, 大家探討如何透過線上及線下工具與千禧世代保持聯繫 吸引他們參與品牌活動, 以及年青人喜歡的交流平台和潮流趨勢等話題 未來,blueprint Labs 還將探討員工招聘 培訓技術 團隊建設等方面的最新發展 更多詳情請關注 SPLinks 及 Yammer Vox Pop 一人一句 Q: Where's the funniest place you ve caught your Pokémon? 問 : 你覺得在哪裡發現 Pokémon 最有趣? Denise Leung (TSSD) 梁卓雅 ( 技術統籌及可持續發展部 ) The day after Pokémon Go launched in Hong Kong, the area around the artwork Two to Tango became so surreal to me because of the huge crowds of people gathered there! Pokémon Go 登陸香港的第二天, 太古坊 Two to Tango 周圍擠滿了人, 原來大家都在搜尋小精靈, 真有點不可思議! Alex Chan (CGMO) 陳寶威 ( 東薈城辦事處 ) I had a really amazing start to the day when I caught a rare Pokémon called Venusaur at the entrance of Citygate! Sometimes you just need luck. 最有趣的是有天上班路上, 我在東薈城門口捉到一隻奇異花, 玩遊戲也得要些運氣 Baby talk 牙牙學語 Hello everyone, I am Nip Nip (Luke). How time flies! I am nearly 5 months old now. I like communicating with others a lot, so when you meet me, feel free to talk to me and I will be a very good listener! 大家好, 我叫聶聶 時間過得真快, 我快五個月大了! 我很喜歡與人交流, 若有機會見面, 歡迎您和我談天, 我是一個很好的聆聽者呢! Marlene Lee (TSSD) 李敏庭 ( 技術統籌及可持續發展部 ) Hi everyone, I am Kiwi. I came to this amazing world a whole month earlier than scheduled a big sweet surprise for Mommy! 大家好, 我是 Kiwi 我迫不及待想要與媽咪見面, 提早一個月來到這個奇妙的世界 感恩上天的安排, 一切剛剛好! Josephine Hu (TKH) 胡詩璿 ( 太古滙 ) Louis Fung (Swire Hotels) 馮啟南 ( 太古酒店 ) Hong Kong Velodrome Park in Tseung Kwan O was definitely the funniest place for catching Pokémon. I went there three days after the game launched and I can still recall the exciting moment when Blastoise appeared! 將軍澳的香港單車館公園是數一數二的熱點, 尤其是遊戲剛登陸那幾天, 我還在那裡捉到了水箭龜! Leo Wong (RM) 黃俊暉 ( 住宅市場推廣部 ) Lai Chi Kok Park must be one of the funniest places, it's famous for having a lot of Squirtles. I can still remember one night a kid shouted Gastly and then everyone in the park started running after him for several blocks to catch it! 我家樓下的荔枝角公園有 車里龜放題 之稱 有一晚, 一個小學生突然大叫 鬼斯!, 然後整個公園的人都跟著跑起來, 跑了三 四個街口之後終於捉到, 好不歡樂! 18

19 Reynisdrangar basalt sea stacks Reynisdrangar 玄武岩柱 ShariNG Corner 分享園地 On the Road with Raymond Chan 在路上 Raymond Chan (Residential) is a self-professed curious weirdo with the soul of an explorer and the eye of a professional photographer. For more than 10 years, he s travelled around the world, capturing the beauty of different destinations in his own unique way. Raymond is interested in aerial photography, which allows him to capture different perspectives and angles. Combined with the latest smart shooting technologies, Raymond is able to take mindbendingly beautiful, surreal shots of different landscapes. His latest journey took him to Iceland, where he spent 10 days driving around and exploring the stunning landforms and mysterious polar lights. Iceland has been one of my dream destinations for years, and I m glad that I finally made it last year, recounts Raymond. I d planned to stay in my own tent, but it was so windy that it was blown away. So I gave up that crazy idea and found a place to stay via Airbnb. It s a great way to learn about the local culture. Raymond was able to spend his time chasing the famed Northern Lights, which lit up the night skies of Iceland. Raymond was ready with his trusty camera, taking numerous photos of this unforgettable sight. I know the shots look like iphone wallpaper, he laughs, but they were all taken by me! His Iceland trip behind him, Raymond is already looking forward to his next adventure. I like trying new things, he says. It makes life so much more interesting to know different people, experience the unknown and be surprised! If Raymond is any indication, the world needs more curious weirdos. Polar lights in North Iceland 冰島北部欣賞極光 US plane wreck at Sólheimasandur 墜落在 Sólheimasandur 的美軍飛機殘骸 陳永盟 ( 住宅物業 ) 笑稱自己是個興趣多多的 怪人 他熱愛探險和用鏡頭捕捉所到之處的獨特景致, 十多年來, 他的鏡頭已記錄下不少世界各地的自然美景 近幾年 Raymond 又迷上了航拍, 透過新技術, 以全然不同的視角拍出動人心魄的景觀 早前,Raymond 更遠赴冰島, 驅車自駕十天, 探尋冰島奇特的地貌和神祕的極光 冰島是我嚮往已久的地方, 很高興終於在去年實現夢想 回顧冰島之行,Raymond 仍意猶未盡, 本來我打算住在自備的帳篷裡, 結果風太大, 把我的帳篷都吹跑了, 最後不得不放棄紮營的想 法, 轉而在 Airbnb 上找了一個本地人家住下, 倒也不失為了解當地風土民情的好方法 來到冰島,Raymond 絕不會錯過追蹤神秘的極光, 而他的 老伙計 也不負所託, 記錄下無數美輪美奐的夜空 : 朋友說這些照片看起來跟手機背景圖片一樣, 但確實是我親手拍攝的! 離開冰島,Raymond 已著手計劃下一次旅程 : 我喜歡嘗試新事物 認識不同的人 探索未知的旅程, 不斷獲得新體驗令人生更有滋有味! 像 Raymond 這樣做一個熱愛生活的 怪人, 何嘗不是一件快事! 19

20 ShariNG Corner 分享園地 生活點滴 危婧 你好 Kaki! 你在太古地產中國負責什麼工作? 我在北京人力資源部工作, 負責員工招聘和新同事入職, 同時參與挑選招聘顧問及獵頭公司 可以介紹一下你自己嗎? 朋友眼中的我真實不做作, 活潑外向, 一直都充滿正能量 我崇尚簡單自然的生活, 喜歡閱讀 烹飪 手工製作 划龍舟 唱歌 跳舞 繪畫等, 興趣愛好很廣泛 A Day in the Life of Kaki Wei Hi Kaki! So, what do you do at SPLC? I work in the Human Resources Department in Beijing, where I m responsible for new staff recruitment and registration, as well as recruitment agency selection and other related work. Tell us more about yourself. My friends say I am very genuine, friendly, outgoing and always cheerful. I like to live a simple and natural life. My hobbies include reading, cooking, making handicrafts, dragon boating, dancing, singing and painting just to name a few. What s a typical day like for you? Every day is different and colourful. My daily work includes organising recruitment and talent selection, arranging interviews and also handling work permit applications for foreign colleagues. Swire Properties views our people as our most valuable asset, so within the HR Department, it s our job to ensure that this people-oriented approach can be realised and our colleagues can work happily in an equal, open and harmonious environment. What do you enjoy best about your job? As part of an inherently social species, I like to communicate with different people. At work, I'm able to meet many people, including job candidates, recruitment agency representatives and colleagues, and through communication and discussion, I have gained a lot of new perspectives and ideas, which helps me to understand the world further. What s been your most memorable experience at the Company so far? I took part in a Community Ambassador event during which we visited children with cerebral palsy at the Morning Sun Rehabilitation Centre in Chaoyang District and gave them some cute hand-knitted scarves, hats, mittens and vests that we had made as small gifts. The lovely kids sang a song in appreciation of our visit titled A Grateful Heart, which they had practised for months, and I was deeply touched by their indomitable and optimistic spirit. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I love trying new things and watching dramas, concerts, operas and all kinds of art performances. I started playing samba drums in 2011, and I am also a fan of painting, which is a good way to balance my dynamic life with moments of quietude. All of these activities bring me joy happiness is the key to a balanced life, isn t it? 你的日常工作是怎樣的呢? 多姿多彩, 每天都有新鮮感 我的日常工作包括舉辦招聘活動 甄選合適的人才 安排面試, 以及處理外國同事的工作簽證事宜 太古地產一向將員工視為最寶貴的資產, 而人力資源部就是負責貫徹落實以人為本的理念, 讓同事能夠在平等 開放及和諧的環境中愉快工作 你最喜歡工作的哪個方面? 作為社會的一份子, 我喜歡與不同的人交流 在工作中, 我可以與不同的人群接觸, 比如求職者 招聘顧問和同事等, 透過和大家交流討論, 從中獲得很多啟發和新視角, 加深對大千世界的認識 加入公司以來, 你最難忘的經歷是什麼? 我曾參加公司愛心大使計劃的活動, 探訪朝陽區晨光腦癱康復中心的患病兒童, 為他們送上手工編織的圍巾 帽子 手套和背心 為答謝我們, 可愛的孩子們特別排練多月 為我們唱了一首 感恩的心, 他們頑強的意志和樂觀的精神令我深受感動 工作之餘, 你有什麼愛好呢? 我喜歡探索新事物, 欣賞話劇 音樂會 歌劇等各種藝術表演 我從 2011 年起開始玩桑巴鼓, 平時也喜歡畫畫, 調劑一下熱鬧忙碌的生活, 為內心帶來片刻寧靜 人們常說要找到生活的平衡, 這些休閒活動帶給我無比快樂, 不正是獲得平衡的好方法嗎? 20

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WPG Holdings Ltd. (3702.TT/3702.TW) Nov. 2nd, 2012

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Newsletter. 1/F, 60 Weldon Street Burwood NSW

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CONTENTS 公司概覽公司資料財務摘要未經審核簡明綜合財務報表未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註管理層討論及分析其他資料

CONTENTS 公司概覽公司資料財務摘要未經審核簡明綜合財務報表未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註管理層討論及分析其他資料 CONTENTS 目錄 2 3 5 6 10 19 28 Company Profile Corporate Information Financial Highlights Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statement Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


WPG Holdings Ltd. (3702.TT/3702.TW) 3Q13 Earning Release. Oct. 31th, 2013

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Kort beskrivelse: Elevene øver på gloser relatert til rom og hjemmet. I lytteoppgaven følger vi ungdommer på leilighetsjakt.

Kort beskrivelse: Elevene øver på gloser relatert til rom og hjemmet. I lytteoppgaven følger vi ungdommer på leilighetsjakt. RESSURSARK LYTTEMATERIELL - FREMMEDSPRÅK Tittel: Leie leilighet (2015) - Kinesisk I Kort beskrivelse: Elevene øver på gloser relatert til rom og hjemmet. I lytteoppgaven følger vi ungdommer på leilighetsjakt.


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RESSURSARK LYTTEMATERIELL FREMMEDSPRÅK RESSURSARK LYTTEMATERIELL FREMMEDSPRÅK Tittel: Hjem til vårfestivalen (2015) - Kinesisk I Kort beskrivelse: Elevene jobber med kulturkunnskap, nærmere bestemt kinesisk nyttår (vårfestivalen). De øver på


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Mannen min heter Ingar. Han er også lege. Han er privatpraktiserende lege og har et kontor på Grünerløkka sammen med en kollega. Kapittel 2 2.1.1 Familien min Hei, jeg heter Martine Hansen. Nå bor jeg i Åsenveien 14 i Oslo, men jeg kommer fra Bø i Telemark. Jeg bor i ei leilighet i ei blokk sammen med familien min. For tiden jobber





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Thermoelectric Modules

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