Center fo r Mod ern Cu ltu re a nd Med ia is d ed i cated

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2 a nd a view o f the bear in his n ew lair Volume 92 N umber 7 Aril Un de r t h e Elms Tu itio n a nd fees rise to a ortrait of u nd ers Red d i ng i ntegrates Sayles H all long time s choru d irector Bill Ermey d ies ce a conferen J Sa exami nes the light of America n cities the Forbes Center fo r Mod ern Cu ltu re a nd Med ia is d ed i cated H a rk t h e H era l d s in t h e New s 1 5 One h u nd red years old last fa ll the Brow n Da il y Herald is still asmu ch a arti ci a nt in camus news as its re orter Th e Fa te of t h e F amil y What s threatening the family is n ot the risi ng d ivorce rate o r women s em l oyment bu t ou r trad iti onal image o f family itself says sociologist Fran Go l d sch e i d er She's d etermi ned t o save the family from itself Somethi ng Bol d Somethi ng New 2 8 The h ot va catio n s ot fo r Brow n theater buffs? Th e a n n u a l N Plays Festival is kee ew i ng de nts stu o n camus over wi nter break a nd ing cha ce giv thema n to write a nd rod u ce their ow n w orks Oliver Marti Cov er : ( 1 1 ) a agai nst in ctio n C Photogra h b y doin Bow Su 92 W Post

3 Fond recol l ect ion s Editor: I amsu re that Alvi n Sizer's rece nt BAM remi nisce n ces of Brown fa c u lt y ( Finally Se tember ) in the '305 stirred similar fo n d re colle ctio ns ng al umni amo of every d ecad it also Fo rme triggered memories of e were very similar the ones t o of tod ay she d escribed It therefore seems ad va s ntageou for the Fu n d ca t o italize the on resou r ces ex erien ce a nd networks of the Peace Cor s a nd vice versa Also when she asks stu d ents What ca n you she might co nsid er a nswering by ad vising a d ifferent grou of Brown ed u cators themt o thi nk of the Pea ce Cor s as on e Th e late 305 a nd early 405 were s ent as a stu d e nt in the Cra nston (RI ) school system M y 43 high school year book shows that of the forty tw o a ca d emic or college re cou rse teach ots grassro o ti on f thinking or globally acting locally Geor g e M W Charlesto n SC cda niel ' 72 M A T ers twen ty were Brown (o r Pembroke) grad u ates almost a fu ll 50 ercent!i ca n only gu ess how manymore tau ght the nior high well remem in ju scho ols 5 0 in ad those ditio n t o bered college rofs I also fo nd ly recall 1 00 Yea rs of Women I Editor: fin d it s cu riou in read ing Ti mes have cha nged the December in 91 /I a nu a r y ' 92 e issu of BAM that no those d ed i cated u nsu ng a nd so often menti on ismade of Margaret Bin g h a rn u na reciated Brownmen a nd women w h o started so many townies on a Brown ed u cation before we entered Va n Wi ckle Cates John A Howla nd 48 Stillwell '09 w ho ifmemory serves was the first woma n fu ll rofessor of Brown Universi ty a n d w h o for many years was a n ornament of learning a nd l ore t o Brown a nd t o all the Rhod e Vi neyard Haven Mass Island commu nity Ma urice Adelma n I r '52 Brooklyn Pea ce C or s role 1992 b y Bret on Aiu m'monthl y Pu blished ex t mo nthl y ce J a nu a r y Ju ne a nd Au g u st b it y Brow n Univers y Provid ence R Printed I La ne Press PO Box 130 Bu rlin g t on Vt b y Th e Se nd editoria l corres o nd en ce a nd chan g es o f ad d ress to PO Bo x Provid ence RI Tele ho ne : (401 ) FA X: (40 1 ) (i Ema il : BAM@bro w nvmbno w n ed u ntema k) or BAM@bro w nvm(bitnet) Membe r Cou ncil fo r I Editor: enjoyed read ing the ad d ress b y W orld Wild life Fu nd Presid ent Kath ryn ller Fu (BAM December) t the i nter abou relati onshi between women o verty a nd I was a Pea ce conservation Co r s nteer West the volu in Togo in Africa late 1 I 9605 a nd my fellow nteers volu were co nfro nted w ith ma ny of the rob lems she d escribed a n d worked a in variety o f ays alleviate I was w to them therefore ck by her stru d of the iscu ssion Fu nd s networking with conser banks vatio n tru a nd i nsti tes t u a nd by the sts Ed itor: Tha nk you fo r the timeline abou t women at Brown correctio n? You May I make a small ind icate that Rad cliffe grad ates u received Harvard d egr ees for the first time in Wrong Rad cliffe of whi ch I was the amamember first class receive t o Harvard d i l omas b y e virt u of the fa ct that Harvard Presid ent Natha se s n Pu y re signat u a eared above that of Rad cliffe Presi d ent Mary Bu ntin g A the some t time of ght it u s thou was d one t o avoid the e of issu Latin or t he Ad v a ncement a nd Su o rt of Ed u catio n absen ce of anymention of the Pea ce English d i l omas which h ad ca u sed Cor Some s of ou r rograms of the 605 riots o n Harvard Squ are when English Ad d ress Corre ction Re q u ested 2 A P RIL

4 t ici a t ion in al l as ect s of u niversit y lif e T e e a r c o r E u it Women a t Brow n Universit y h e hu nd red y ea rs a g o Rh ode I sland cl u bw omen s earheade d t he drive t o o e n t he doo rs ofbrow n Women a t Br o w n Unit r c rsil y Universit y t o w omen Du rin g the n ext cent u r y w omen st u den t s alumn ae a nd facu lt y so u g ht a nd g ain ed in creased a r The Sea rch f or E q u it y : Universit y Ka u fman W / omen a t Brown edit ed b y Poll y Welt s 5 1 inclu des t en essa ys w rit t en Fa r t oo lon g the histm y o f women a t Brown Universit y has rema ined u nex lored b y schola rs Welcome t o these essa y s which f b cu s on the va ried ers ectives o f su o rt ers o f women s edu ca tion as well as em st udents a lumna e a nd fa cu lt This volume y w omen s init ia tives a nd enla r g e; hasizes ou r u ndersta ndin g b y individu al schola rs The essa y s r esent o f ho w the y ad va nced in a n I v y Lea g u e i nstit u tion the achievemen t s of su cceedin g g e n erat io ns I n t he Com a ny of Edu ca ted Women Ba rba ra Solomon a u thor o f ofbrow n w omen T he Sea rch f o r E q u it y t ells t h e st or y of w omen T h e Sea rch fo r E q u it y w ho w orked t o brin g c ha n g e bot h t o a n ot able inst it u t ion of Alumni R e la ti ons Brow n Universit y Box Providence R] Plea se send me t he followi n g books hi g her edu ca t ion an d t o the w ider w o rld Search fo r Equ i ty ; hardcover _T he Search fo r Equ it y ; a erback each each a na l hook 5 0 ) T ot al Payme nt En clo sed Plea semake checks a y able t o Brown University ADDRESS CITY STATE

5 Wesleyan admi nistrators' d ecisio n d i lomas were introd u ced for Harvard College in Ou r class is also the first to have joint reu nio ns Thanks for i n cl u di ng Rad cliffe in the timeline l ea n H Leventha l ' 83 A M Newto n Mass Editor I : amafraid that st correct Imu a n error r otherwise very informa in you tive arti cle t at abou women Brown I n you r timeline y ou state that b y of the Seven Sisters only Wellesley Mou nt Holyoke Smith a nd Bryn Mawr remai n sex Yo u shou ld also single colleges have cl in u ded Barnard College that on list I n s ite of the d ecision of Columbia College (Barnard s brother school ) t o admit women in the Barnard remai ns a thriving women s college with its ow n se arate bu ild i ngs fa c u lt y a nd ad ministratio n Elea nor J ohnson Kenned y (Barnard 80) Chatham NJ The writer is the wi f e o f[ ohn 70 Editor W Kenned y Editor: For the record ma y I res ect fully correct o ne itemin Charlotte Bru ce Harvey s i nformative Times have changed? On age 2 1 y ou wrote that b y coed u cation s wani ng favor rom ts the [Wesleya n] admi nistrati on t o estab lish a se arate cam u s a nd institu tion t for women Co n necticu College I fa all the admi nistra n Wesleyan ct tion d id was nceremoni sly u ou t o d ecid e it wou ld l onger n o ed cate at its u women Mid d letown cam u s It was rather a gro u o f e nl ightened s citizens generou of N ew Lond o n w h res o in onse the t o raised the seed ney with which mo t o start a high calibre rivate college fo r wome the state!that n in kn own college u ntil as Connecticu t College for W omen It bega admitting n stu d ents in is n ow coed cati u onal Sara Lee Silberma n ' 63 N ew Lond o n Con n The writer is associate ro f essor o f histor y a t Connecticu t Colle g e in New London A l ea for forg iv en e ss Editor: I wou ld like to re em hasize that my su ggesti on that Dou g Harmbe re admitted t o Brown d oes n ot re resent a cond oni ng of hatred a nd bigotry bu t 4 A P RIL

6 sew Cullen Th e w ord is in t er r e t er H e l e n Joh n s Ca rrol l u s Ed itor: Th December cam e e carried a let issu ter fromjane A ndrew o n regretting that y o u d id not id e ntify Mr Shevard nadze s i nter reter his fo r s eech at Brown Th e ed itor s res onse was : The nslator is Lynn tra Vissen When there are so many Brow n alumn i worki ng so hard to try t o i n crease the recognitio n of Brown abroad as a n institu tio n which d is e ns Ed itor: I read with i nterest the fi ne arti cle b y Cind y Himes FromEqu i ty to ali ty Equ (BAM December) I view n of com the arti cle s rehe nsiveness itma y as i cking im si ngle be seen to ou t on e nit bu t I thi nk it item orta nt to oint that J oh ns o u t Helen d cam id no t attain high social s statu o n s u beca se u of her athletic b beca se u t u of rowess her alities qu of lead ershi a nd i ntegrity excellent es a n ed (the u cation Brown Club of Fra nce at last nt cou h ad more a nd character As I recall Helen was amu ch tha n 270 names o n its ad d ress list ; the admired member of ou r class a nd yes Brown Club of Great Britain hasmore) it is d ismayi ng to reflect that the ed itors we d id l ove t o watch her swim! Het t y Poles Christ e 36 Le a rn h ow t o h a ve y ou r b o o k u blished of the Brow n Al umni Monthl y d o n ot kn ow the d iffere n ce between a n i nter So u th Had ley Mass Y o u a re i nvite d t o se nd fo r a tre e i l lu s reter a nd a tra nslator t ra te d g ui d e b o ok whi c h ex lai ns h ow you r b o ok c a n b e u b li s h e d romot ed You need n ot be a d i lomat o r a la n a n d mark et e d age tea cher ow that the work gu t o kn of a nal inter rofessio reter has little in with that co mon of a O ne s translator activit y is oles a art fromthat resem of the a n d the bear little t w o other ce blan A i nter n reter works with s a eech tra nslator ith the w writt en word A l gh some thou eo le nally have occasio t o d o both for economic reasons com etent rofessionals very rarely d o Maybe the BAM s ed itors sho u ld learn a few thi ngs abou t tod ay s world a little fu rther afield tha n Cra nsto n or East Greenwich Peter F Kenton 49 Paris U n Wh ether you r s u bj e ct is ti o n no n l l ic ic t io n etr o r o y s c i lar e nt ific s c h o l y s e cialize d ( ev e n c o ntr o v e r s i a l ) t h i s ha n d s ome 4 0» a g e broc h ure wi ll sh ow y arra o u h ow t o n g e l o r rom t u b Iica t io n li a t or u b s h e d u h s e s e cial l y nform i w l l fi t hi let va i nd s b o ok luab le a nd you co writ ative F o r r fre e y e t o VANTAGE PRESS I n c De t Y W 3 4 St 9 Y Ne w ork M V This edition of Denise L evert ov s collection of oems entitled R a n g e w a s rod u ced t o commemorate the 1 00t h a nniversary of w omen attendi n Universit The g Brow n y a ers u sed were Nidi g g en Mohawk a nd ha ndmade Gastaldi The cover came o w a s desi g ned for this s ecial event Th e book is entirely ha nd a va riati n u sin g on of a fol a n ccordion d The w oodcu t ima g es were ri nted directly fromthe ha nd cu t bl ocks b y Walter Feldma n Th e entire edition is limite d t o 1 00 co ies numbered 1 to 74 a nd lettered A to Z 74 numbered co ies are si g ned b y the artist ; The the 26 1et t e red co ies are si g ned b y both the art ist a nd t he o et a co To u rchas e y l ease send you r check (made ayable t o Br o w n Un iversit y Lib r a r y) t o Rosemar y L Curat or of the Harris Collection John H a y Librar y Box A Brow n Universit y Providence RI Numb e r e d c o i e s: $200 Le tte re d co i e s: $ Sh i in g a n d h a n dl in g : Br ow n Z i g g u r a t P r e ss BR O W N A LU M N I M O NTH LY 5

7 First a g a in J Sa u nd ers R ed d i ort ra it t o h a n g Sa yl e s H a l l 6 A P RI L


9 t o d isagree with in Flynn s session of this year s Brown / Provid ce rnal bli en Jou Pu c Affairs Co nferen ce Exec tive Vice President Robert u remarks cam This yea r s residential aign Hu d t nu said has d is layed s no consciou effort t take cities o ou r seri A Reichl e y n oted that the o u sl y a nd I resent it conferen ce series was ad d ressi ng the to ic of Ameri ca ' s cities for the second cam aign ad visors ( N oth in g ever g ot thr ou gh the H e d is araged the ign oran ce of time Th e first was t en years John Su nu nu s of the world a g o That the su bject warrant Re u blica ns co ntend ing a nd lashed ou t at his fellow ed a second exami nation that they more so tha n the so so on after the first is o n e good i nd icatio n ma nymore d ramatic on es that this ntry has yet cou not come gri t o s with the rob amo ng lems that beset its urba n Many of the areas roblems have worsened the : crime AIDSe id emic a nd its the erosion o f cial so effects services lti ng resu fromcu t ba cks in fed eral a id ro the flight of themid grams d l e class This year's co nferen ce entitled Wh Will Save the o America was the n ngest with ni ne lo ever se arate ns sessio a nd all a n d a It y featu red filmfestival a cad a sena emicsmayors to r jou rnalists a nd head s of Th e n o n rofit agencies BAM atten d ed several of the sessions a nd herewith re sents a brief re ort what o n was said b y some of those closest the stresses t o a nd the romises embod ied b y America u rban tod ay Tw elft h Pu b l ic A ffa irs Conferen ce g ra l es w it h rob l ems a nd fu t u re ros ect s said of America ' s cit ies ou r nati onal lead ers d 't have a nything on even t o offer the o n on e number e ncerning the issu co eo le of America a nd America s citi es Flynn s keynote ad d ress was the first a al Michael n nu jobs the cou n try smajor cities Th e Boston w h o mayor is a also ggested su Democrat that in creased fed eral s end in g on u rban u bli works c rojectsmight be a way t o revitalize the natio nal econ om y H e referred a to su r Demo crats are insensitive t o the roblems of cities There is a com assion g a in regard t o American cities Tw o third s of the federal bu d get cu ts in the early Hu d nu t con tin u ed came ou t of the hid es of cities You ca nn ot balance a bu dget o n the backs of the o or eo le of America Th e risi ng tid e d id not lift all boats in the I n general he sa id the em hasis b y city g ov ernmen t s on econ omic d evelo st give way mentmu the in 1 a sing 9905 t o refocu on social issu es ; this w ill requ ire bold n ew national o licies blaze the t o w a y will save the Who America city n? Hu d t nu con clu d ed A ll of u s will if we roll u ou r sleeves Bra dl ey Meza a nd Da rden Com l exit y ho e Fl y nn a nd H u dnu t : Pu t cit i es b a ck on t h e n a t i ona l ol it i ca l ma P Howard Metcalf R Swearer Memorial Lectu re It was named or in ho n of the conference s tw o rinci a l fou n d ers the late chair ma n a nd u blisher of the Provid ence Jou rnal Com a vey that i nd icated that 75 ercent of ci ties have US s su end ed ca ital rojects se becau of a lack of fu nd The res ond ent t o Flynn s s eech was former William starring for I nd iana olis Mayor s a nd ra cia l ten sion N ew Jersey Senator Bill Brad ley was n o u shover on the basketball cou rt: after com leting st u d ies at Prin ceton (a n d Bosto n Mayor Ra y Flynn n y a nd the late Brown resi Hu d n u t a Re u blica n n ow Oxford on a Rh od es Scholar w h o is resid ent of the US Co nference of Mayorsmad e n o secret of his ire at what he erceives as the nearly total neglect of cities a nd their roblems b y themaj or olitical arties in this resi d ential electi o n year Th e sa d thi ng is Flynn d res ent ectively Flynn also argu ed fo r a n rima ry urban in resid en oti ng election n tial years that the r states that fou held the earliest rimaries or ca u ses cu N ew H am Iowa a nd th Sou shire Maine Dakota in clu d ed ne no of a fellow at the Ken ned y School of Government s I te nstitu of P olitics Cam in Hu d a n u friend t bridge of Howard Swearer s when both were u nd ergrad ates at u Prin ceton a nd a artici a nt the in bli affairs u c ce co nferen fou nd little here shi ) he s ent years t en laying ball ro with the N York ew Knicks his in ad d ress Similarly the o n eo le of Ameri ca's Brad ley d id n t shy cities fromconfr onting some a r ticu la rl y vexing issu es Racial tension for instan ce

10 lm ti ng ch a lemen su strate g y wou ld ire three requ i nitial ste s : 1 ) End viole ce n b y setti ng les ru of civil behavior a nd remai ni ng u n i n timid ated ; 2) rage Encou res nsibility o a nd kn owled ge as the basis fo r child reari ng a nd family life ; 3) Create jobs om that will last in a n econ y that is growi ng t racial withou t en growth ns fester sio a nd ho e will langu ish Th e key to all of this ti on is co mitted to red u c in g o verty in Sa n A ntonio arti cu larly u rged the natio n to i nvest in child ren a nd families J o e T Dard e n d ea n of rba affairs u n rograms at Michiga State n University a nd rofessor of geogra hy a nd rba affairs said u n there that the cer ns con of today's i ci ty n ner resid ents are the same as th ose in whe n America cities ex n l od ed in race riots si : jobs hou ng t his leav thro u gho u career in the A dmi nistra g Nixo n where he tio n chaired the nal Task Force Natio o n Povert y a nd I n t e r g o v er n mental take a Relatio ns to ost at the Br okings I nsti o tu t io n in Natha n remi n d ed his a u d ience of a n oft qu oted line fromthe re ort of Presi d ent Johnso n s Kerner Com (whi ch Natha missio n n worked on a nd which was head ed b y er Otto Kern Brad ley said is ed u cati on a nd the qu ality of ed u catio n the commis Ou r nation a ccom a nied b y in creased voter ercentages in u rba n areas a nd a fo u nd ati o n of d a t d a y lead ershi y d ed ica ted lasti ng change t o o n ot charismatic lead ershi Cho co G o nzalez Meza execu tive d irector fo r Part for ou r child ren While the es have issu remained consta he said nt the circumsta nces have cha nged A red u ctio n of ma fa ring jobs n u ct from u in cities a oliti cal ower shift cities t o su bu rbs a nd the sio n co nclu d ed ismovi ng toward tw o societies: o ne bla white se ck on e arate a nd u nequ al That is n the way I ot think t America twenty abou years Natha n said later The eth nic co mu ni ty is i n creasingly o or u rban fragmented now One ca u se o u latio n all have led t o a cru shing of the d reamof u ward mobility fo r many city resid ents of the rrent cu Nathan crisis said ironicallyma the be y ccess su of the Civil Rights which Co missio n created Wh at is need ed to restore ho Dard en said e a ronged effort b three y is avenu es o u t not i nto i nte grated neighborhood s bu t into what [are called ] zones city d wellers : orga nized of emergence little stu d ied o litical coalitio n rotest bu ild i ng a nd e self con omic d evelo ment bo rhood s mid d leclass ethni c neigh The violence of S ike Lee's America he said is a very small art ershi h fo r Ho e in Sa n A ntoni s o Texas ent art of her remarks d eb nki ng u smyths t variou abou eo le o n welfare u si ng her ow n story one of child hood overty a nd d iscrimi natio n a nd al even t u su ccess I e u niqu? she asked A l u tel y cial welfare n ot So said are rograms she ha nd Am bso n ot ts o u ; they were m hand u from s t o liftme a nd y family P overty overty ngs all belo t o of If we u s d o n 't invest in eo le n ow it will cost u s twice asmu ch Na tha n : Ta k i ng l ong v i ew t h e If we're goi ng solve the t o roblems o f the we cities need take the ng t o lo view said Ri chard P Natha n 5 7 rather sing what than focu o n he called the over u bli ciz ed roblems of vi ce olen a nd ethni ns c tensio d rama t iz ed in S ike Lee's filmdo the Ri g ht Thin Alth gh o u g Natha n raised Lee s film he said the real d omestic es fa ci ng the are issu nation larger Provost at the Nelson Rockefeller College of bli Affairs Pu c a nd Policy at Natha has n A SUNY Albany of rba u n America America ns are nha u y with the lts of the resu Rea g a era n fu nd i ng tba cu cks Natha n said a nd the sh u will be t o u t d omesti c es back the issu o n agend a d ri ng the u u comi ng elec ti o ns Ever the tea Natha n cher me reco nd ed oks tw o bo rther for fu read i ng Robert : Reich s The Work of Na t ions a nd David H a lbe rstam s short The Next Ce ntu essay r y Natha left his a n u d ce ien a nd closed th conference om e with a word of wisd omfr L Men cken : every Fo r sim there is a solu tio n roblem which is le neat a nd H wro ng later Meza whose orga niza strad d led the line between a cad emia a nd u blic o licy

11 Ma l colms Forb es Cent er R osen tb ar s d eafca for Mod ern Cu l t u re a nd Med ia is d ed ica t ed has always h ad It is rare for a scho ol of liter ary theory a n d cri ticism similarly to shake con cern confu se a nd ou trage Bu t semiotics arod ied maligned rebu ked a nd a n ow synd icated Times followed at the columnist Center the Salomo n o n cam u s Th com e a nel was osed of E d Ball 85 art a n criti ny Elliott c; '92 Pen ; a nd literary rist Heather theo I O H N FO R ASTE rid icu led hasmanaged t o Find lay '82 Fil maker Tod d rvive the slings su a nd arrows of u nfriend ly acad emics as well as criti cs of niversity u l I cu rricu ums nd eed it has become o n e of themost o u lar co centrations at n Brown; n early one hu nd red stu d ents grad ate the u in d isci line ea ch Last year Haynes 85 whose Poi film was the night son shown before at the Theatre Avon Thayer o n a nd Da o Street Tran 94 ex ected t o be art of the a cou ld n ot be nel Professor Michael resent Silverma nmod erated a nd Forbes filled on e of the A u g u st 1 8 the vaca nt chairs When a u d i summer on a nniversary of the birth of the late blisher u MalcolmS Forbes Presid ent Gregorian a n n ou n ced that a $ 2millio n gift fromthe Forbes Fou n d ation woul d end ow a center ence seating reached ca a ci t y more interested st u d ents sat the o n floor a nd clogged the d eering into oorway the A room ro riately nt en ou tw o ceilingmou gh for the stu d y ofmod ern cu l ed televisio ns thou gh image t u re a nd med ia (Und er the less a nd framed the mu te Elms Se tember) March Oh 1 0 Th e M a l Forbes Center was colms ded i cated MalcolmForbes's ngest stee you son Brown tru Timothy Forbes ' 76 a semi otics film centrator con a nd stu d ent while at Brown a nd now resid ent of America n Herita was g emagazine ng t a amo abou d ozenmem bers o f the Forbes family a nelists like bo oken ds All life long the same estions the same qu a laments a chara c nswers ter el in Samu Beckett s lay Semioti as a cs End g ame litera ry a nalyzes lit theory era t u re a nd other forms of It co mu nication ro claims that it d oes its work froma new ers If ective su ch a u niqu e a ngle is os w ho atten d ed a n aft erno on sible then new qu estio ns of which with began events a a nel d iscu ssio n A The or y o f Med ia : Ca n It Be elicit a may n ew from The nswers a nel s to ics ra nged on e a nelist s that assertion ght Tau? at the center s n ew silen ces o r what a writer offices at 1 55 George Street The formal d ed i cation resid ed over b y Presid ent Gregorian a nd with s eech es b y Professor of Mod ern Cu l t u re a nd Med ia Mary of the cen A Doa nn head ne ter ; Forbes ; a nd A M Rosen former tive execu ed itor thal of the New York Times a n d chooses im not t aremore o say orta nt what the than writer does say a t o d s iscu sion of d isassembling al visu i nformation t o learn h ow news re televisio n orti ng a n d ad vertisingmani late u the viewer Many of the crowd trekked over fr omgeorge 1 0 A P RI L

12 BR O W N A LU M NI M O NTH LY l l

13 A h econ omist a ea l s t o ou r Ja a n ese t ra d ing a rt n ers View s reviews and new s y ou ca n u se f rom resid ent Bu sh s Ja n u ary tri to Ja a n to ro ose the easi ng of that cou ntry s trad e restrictions was not a n Brow n s f a cu lt y BY A N N E D I FFI L Y u nqu alified su ccess ju d ging b y t ea c tio ns in both cou ntries Ja a n seemed com feel duly to un ressu red to romise its omi gai econ c ns a nd cri tics withi n the US d isliked the image o f Pres ou r loso h y It roves that the art of writing history is still alive ident begging fo r co n cessions A nti ood s book nabbed Oh March 1 W Ja a n rhetoric escalated statesid e the restigi ou s age on e slot in the I n late Jan u ary Professor of Eco Sund ay New York Times Book Review nomics Wil l iampool e d irector of Brown s Center for the Stu d y of Fi na n Th e b review y MIT historia Pa line n u im termed W ood s book themost Maier orta nt stu d y of the Revolu tio n t o cial Markets a nd I wrote nstitu a n tions essay that a eared the in Provi o ed dence j ou rnal H e ad d ressed it t o ou r a ear over twenty It she in is years said engagi ngly ma ndatory written Ja a nese friend s read ing fo r a nyone seri ou sly interested A cknowled ging that Ja a nese in the America n ast [a nd ] a d elight good s benefit co nsumers a nd workers fo r read ers w h o take leasu re in the the in U P S oole asked a ct of thi nking Why d o y ou make it so d ifficu lt fo r US firms t o I n his book W ood argu es that the market good s in Ja a n? You Ja a Revol u tion was as rad ical a nd as rev nese are a target of US over its ow n recession a nd other d omes fru strati on ol u tion a r y as a n y in hist ory tra nsformed the relationshi s that beca u se it tic roblems Th e United Statesma y bou nd eo le to each other Foll owi ng enact soon legislatio n d amagi ng t o ou r al mu tu trad m ing i nterests Please y Ja a nese friend wake s u to ou r co mo n Both ou r eril the ti Revolu on ord inary eo le reject ed Old W orld class d ctions istin a nd laced val instead u e on hard work nal vocatio ed u cation a nd material co u ntries shou ld be liberalizi ng trad Why d on t y ou ro ose a free trad e area with the United States? Are y ou e acqu isition I nsti tu ti ons su ch as i nd en tu r ed servitu d e a nd slavery were abol ished or called i nto qu estion I n W ood s afraid of U S com etition? words Ameri ca ns became almost Po ole w h o has been at Brown sin ce overnight themost liberal themost served as amember of Presid ent d emocratic themost co mercially Reagan s Cou ncil of Econ omic Ad visers min d ed a nd themostmod ern eo le in the world Arou nd the same time that W ood s New b ook s b y t w o book was eliciting la u d its a n ew h ist oria n sma k e w a v e s d ra w ra v e s volume b y Professor St eh en Gra u b ar d was startli ng reviewers with its acid cond emnatio n of the recent foreign oli cy of President George sh Bu s e cifica l l y Bu sh's ha nd ling of the Persian Gu lf war tu r ed rominently in themed ia Professor Gord on S Wood g rave ot Of M r Bush 's Wa r: Adventures in the Polit ics o f I llusion (Hill Wa ng) reviews for hismajor stu d y The Ra di calismof th e America n Revolution (Kn o f) a reviewer fo r I nsi g ht mag I n Janu ary azine said itmight be themost bril liant book to come ou t of America a n n reviewer Herbert Mitga ng wrote the in The book March 1 8 New York Times is so rou gh on Presid ents Reagan a n d Bu sh that o ne wou ld have to invent a n ew category for it : historical con d elightfu lly com lex a skilled tem t Columnist Ste hen S Rosenfeld u niversity history d e artment in years J _L n v u n!v i a ' A V fi A A k h rd fl Jfl fi fl fl U fi v fl l l T v : l \


15 games the u n d efeated team (March 4 March 31 ) is ra nked sixth in the nation Th e loss of tw o All L Men ' s a crosse (4 1 ) Soft b all ( 1 1 4) America ns Su za n ne Bailey Brown 20 Bosto n College 6 Brown 3 Vermont 1 91 a nd e Moniqu Ka itu lik 9 Brow n 1 9 C W Post Adel hi Brown Loyola Brow 1 7 n 1 2 New Haven 3 Brown 0 A rora Brown 5 u 2 Brown 8 H illsdale (Michigan) 5 91 a nd sixmore seniors to grad u atio n h a d left the coach essing t this gu abou Brow n 16 Du ke 4 Brown 3 NEIllinois 1 year s otential Fortu itou sly Fleet I Stadium nvitatio Brown nal Brown Brown 5 Con necticu t 0 Mad on na College (Michigan) 4 H illsdale 4 Brown 2 the you nger layers have ste ed u A nd erson said Ste ed u ismod est Women ' s L a crosse (6 Hofstra Brown Brown 8 Bosto 0) n College 2 Brown 4 5 Connecticu t 2 Brow n 2 Mad o n na College 0 Brown 3 N E Illinois 0 Song Karen 93 a nd raise A nna Sa a lfield 93 are cu r rentl y the n umber one a nd Brown Colgate Brown 1 1 (Baltimore Maryland Brown 5 Fairfield 3 4 St 3 Brow n 's 2 Joh 5 n n tw o lead ing scorers umber the in cou a nd Melanie ntry Cou nty) 4 Bartol 93 the team's num Brown 1 1 N orthw est er n 2 Vermont Brown Brown 5 Central Men ' s Tennis (2 6) Co nnecticu t 1 three ber scorer is n ot far Women ' s Crew (0 1 Pri n ceto n Brown ) Brown 5 Boston U niversity 2 Providence 6 Brown 3 N or th w est ern 6 Brown 0 Weber State 5 Brown 3 behi nd There are stock in g red i ents necessary creati ng a for winni n g team: talent leader Ba seba ll (4 1 0) Brown 7 Providence 4 Lewis Clark 8 Brown 7 N eb ra sk a State 5 Brown 1 Nebraska 5 Brown 4 Mississi i 6 Brown 0 shi a nd good coaching are three of themost obviou ch alities as nity Bu t su qu u s Brown 9 Dartmou th 3 Meiji (I a an) 8 Brown 2 among the layers on a nd H awaii Pacific 9 Brown 0 Gra nd Can yon 1 1 Brown 7 off the field are cial also cru lating a in formu winni ng H awaii 7 Brown 2 d ynamic The teamtraveled H awaii Pacific 6 Brown 1 to Baltimore over s ri ng Brown 5 Dartmou th 4 break a nd was su ccessfu l on Brown 1 5 Gra nd Can yo n 5 awaii Pa H cific Brown 4 Hawaii 1 1 Brown 4 Lewis Clark 1 0 Brown 3 0 the im laying field more Bu t orta they when h a d ntly some free time sightsee for loss of the season a nd its first ever t o Loyola (1 7 did n 't lay ou r best lacrosse We robably l ost the game the first twentymi in n u tes the last the n ot in ten Bu t loss rovided the teama ositive lesso n We learned abou t the effort to w in we su a n d moned on Su nd ay that Sta r sia said effort referring the teams t o over w in Du Brown s all ke time lead ing Darren scorer Lowe 92 w h o ha d fau lted himself the teams r in Satu h a d d a loss y t o Loyola three goals a n d five assists in that game As the lacrosse season moves i nto its seco nd half Brown ca n take comfort in teams have at least on e After beating Provid ence College A o n ril 1 the Bears re ared the fo r ivotal week of the games seaso n : agai nst Yale Massachu setts a n d games that Prin ceton cou ld forecast the N ew cham land a nd the Ivy e Leagu i o n Women s l a crosse : su r ri se su r r i se 'leasantly N ismore o o n e r su rised over the sea early so n su ccess of w omen s l a crosse tha n head coa ch Wend y A nd erso n En g I t will be Sta rsia said the week that was n ow in in g in Washingt im on D C A nd was erso n ressed b y the fact that there was n o s li nteri ng of the teami nto ish cliqu small grou s ; there were ners n o lo ; a nd the layers enjoyed their re leisu time im together ch nity Su u will be or ta nt as the teama roa ches the second half of the season the half heavy with Ivy o o A n I v title team is a y nents ' o b first the u t ssibility will have t cham nseat o u Harvard the erennial Fail ion in a g second lace that fin ish the e sta in leagu nd i ngs wou ld re a berth insu in ost season tou rnament lay All of that at this oin t is s ecu lative Right n ow A nd erson is enjoying the season to d A t 6 a nd 0 ate she has t o I say gu ess we re I f u a L n A h a» c o a c n n A ( f o r c i v A n i n a c n mo i lfi i n n r i n k!

16 b y J a c o b L e v y ' 9 3 A cen t u r y a f t er its birth the Brow n Da il y H era ld is eren nia ll y the su b j ect o f the new s a s w ell a s its bea rer n December the Brow n Da il y Herald u blished its first issu e Within three decad es the Hera ld came t o d ominate the rnalisti jou c com etition o n s its greatest u com etitor of the d a the y weekly fell Bru nonia n b y the waysid e in Few things have constant been d ring the ry which u centu in Brown has h a d a d aily n ew s a e The r Herald has bee a n stu d ent activity Fa ce se in u n Hou a nd a n i nd e end ent cor oration ren ti ng office s a ce o n A ngeli Street It has gone fromu si ng a Provid ence ty esetter t o a n almost com letely self contai ned systemu sing d eskto u blishing on Ma cintosh com u ters H ow ever in on e res ect the Hera ld has stayed the same si ce its : n early d it hasmai ntained its ays o as im the University's sitio n sin glemost orta nt dent stu eri od ica l crowd i ng ou t com etitor after com etitor a nd d efi nin g stu d ent r nalismat jo u Brown Whe the n Hera ld was in a u g u rated Brown was the smallest college the in United States to boast a daily news a er ; even Th e firs t issu e and th e first s t a ff it remains ng the small now amo est have rom the daily first a to When one new eared the rival Br u nonia n tly u blished a ee thr age editorial bitterly attacki ng the n ew bli ca u BR OWN A LU M N I M O NTH LY 1 5

17 Pem trol con ills available some t remem o broke stu d e I I e d ly rou nts bers exam the age story as fro a strong nt le of o u r of the aggressiveness news a er s abili ty stir u contr t o o v ers y on cam u s The coverage forced issu es of sexu ality at Brown attem the into o en en d ing the Universi t y s ts st the times t o adju t o covertly whilema intaining a conser v a tiv e sta nce in u bli c Several years a g o Bakst con I was i nvited t o s eak at a tinu es Brown seminar o n The Pembroke Birth Co ntr ol Sca nd al of I h a d m themost d lt time ex ifficu g lainin t o y a u d ce ien of stu d ents why the birth contr ol ill was a major story They st ju cou ld n t u n d ersta n d the degree which social es to issu d omi ti as necessary There is ffi on a n u n not su waste cient news a college size in ou r to su o rt a first class d it argu ed aily a nd a nythi ng less is a n ex ensive l u xer y [sic] as well as amisre re sen t a n a t ed the cam u s birth co ntr ol a rietals whether Pembroke stu d ents wou ld be all o wed t o live off time social es when issu ertai ning to stu d ent life cam u s in a artments a n d so o n I n a tio n of the college often d ivid ed the University the Hera ld 's re ort I the following the n centu Herald has re ry mai ned both the bject su of a nd a artici a nt a in in g a nd its ed it orial sta n ce frequ ently focu sed a n d sha ed the d ebate wid e ra nge of d is u tes Particu larly sin ce the Former execu tive ed itor Matthew Wald 76 a the cam Herald has aggressively hel ed sha t o e d ebate o n s u ; times in of relative the qu n ew iet s a er itself has often become the to ic of co n troversy Before the Hera ld tend ed lay not t o a n activist there are otable exce bu t n role ti ons I n the 1 the 9305 Herald s ed itorial board led a War Against War movement cam college on ses u natio nwid e u rgi ng stu d ents t a o sign led ge stat in g that they wou ld artici ate in a war only if the United States were i nvaded This sta nd l ed the Rh od e Island se Hou of Re resentatives i nvesti t o gate the Hera ld fo r d isloyalty a nd ossible foreign nist Several sa or Co mu in flu en ce thou nd st u d ents nati onally signed the Hera ld s led a nd ge the legislators ltimately u d ro ed their i nvestiga ' ent a war tio n (Su bsequ ed itorializing the H er nti ald o osed both the Vietnama nd lf Persian Gu Wars has sometimes ght criti has bro u bu t cism never agai n yield ed charges of ns co ira cy against the United States a nd erha s as treason Re resentative N eed h am1 5 chara cterized the War Agai nst ) cam Warmovement Social es sometimes issu d omi nate the u s A W member of the a er s governing cor orate boar d in a nd a re orter the fo r New York Times su ggests N the ow Hera ld ismore of a forumfor st u d ent o i ni it was I on than when worked on it n oting the ce resen of re g lar u o ed col Last umnists year s ed James Ka itor chief la n ' 92 nds a sou similar ote n b y insisti ng that a rimary r u ose of the Hera ld cam s news coverage is ragi ng a en cou d ia lo e u g on s u b y re orting the activities on a nd id eas of d ifferent ggesting a grou Also su s shift frominvestigative jou rnalisma n d aggressive ed itorial sta ces a n t o forumfor st u d ent o in ion is the coverage of themost d ivisive social e of issu recent years al assa lt sexu u a nd the so cal led ra e (I the n fall of list g ra ffiti a ear ed o n the walls of women s rest rooms g the names listin ofmen w h o h a d all eged ly sexu all y assa ul ted at women Brown ) While in Ba k st ' s d a as y ed itor it was the Herald s re orters w ho u n covered the birth control the ce of existen th ra e story e list was first blicly u d iscu ssed b y an o ed Sia n n e Ngai 93 columnist Criticismo f the administration seems t o have a n d the Hera ld historically has been in the thick foll owed a similar ath away fr omnews a nd of those d M Charles Bakst ebates '66 a former ed itor w h is government affairs o n ow ed itor at the Providence J ournal recalls in themid that sixties the news a er's nshi relatio with the admi nistra tio n g ot a litt le stormy beca se u of the 's Hera ld d iscovery that Health Services wasmaki ng birth board ed toward cam s itorials o ed let column ists ed ters to the itor a nd s a ctivists u wri ting contem g u est columns the in Herald its chief o r o com rary the weekly etitor Colle g e H ill I nde en a joi nt Brown Rh od e Island Sch ool of Design u b li ri ng the late the cation Du Hera ld s sixties dent 1 6 APRIL


19 r ies of D e a d l ine s P ast ' mark the a er ' s cent en nia l Da il y H erald is like 7 a nd th e focu s bu t n ot as years in earlier ce ru n b y stra ngers th e arent a nd sinessmanagers bu fa ce ably simi lar trib lations u a nd v ict o ' remar k ri e s bu t always hel in To isolation kee in a tou ch for time the a er That was a trast that ght con cau th e att ention of the u nd ergrad u ates A t a Sa t u rd im ium ing aymorn collo q u attend ed rob a b bly y early n everyone H enry D Sha 45 r I r e romi sed it s ed itors lif e time free su b scri tio ns bu t these always seemed t o ex ire three years after g rad u ation told of being called car on the et b y Presid ent Henry M W risto n for a n ed itorial he h a d written d ci ng en ou n wh en th e ed iting encil ormore ROTC H emade it sou nd like a cou rt lately t he cu rsor ; ha d assed t o new martial Also recou nted was the d a y gener ati on signora n t of the old A lmost only instit the u tionalmemo y isa wal l of bo u nd lumes vo i n the r M Charles Bakst '66 u blished a om s oof that issu e said Pembroke w cam emwou ld be allowed live t o off a n ewsrooma t 1 95 Ang e ll Street stand u s with ermission being granted on a first come tirst served basis to those w h o a eared at the home of But the Hera ld share s some a tt rib the d ea n : h ates of a frat ernity in clu d i ng warm (To this nger u t in co you ntext fu ZZ feelings y for faces long go n e _ eo le in the ro omha d t o be told la of th relay e ra ce th e a er r ea ssem Oh Nov ember 1 amid th e 1 00th that at th e time women h ad amid night cu rfew a nd male visitors were 9 a i Ned members of its st a ff fromamon g t he last fifty cla sses fora r eu nion ke t ou t of the d ormrooms ) Kristie Mill er '66 th literary e ti There w as a sh ock of reco g niti o n ed itor at the time recall ed h a ving told Bakst shortly after th e issu e a eared Y 'vemad ou e amockery of th e I resi ress g University n Bu t Hall h a d d ema nd ed that kst Ba an d Bu t there wer e other stories P e t e r tw o other ed itors qu it a nd he re lied You can t d o that You re t o Miller th e ed it or I n a n e isod e combiningmany of th e same elements Polly 'Welts Kau fman 5 1 ed itor of the Pembroke Record d escribed the d ay s h ster ema mi n d ed a co u n terfeit Herald which re orted that when th e W ri ston Q u ad ra ngle was finish ed men woul d have th e same social regu lations that whi ch is n ow rod u ced on A le able sh e said becau se th ere was the a er smanagement Th e Herald su rrou nd ing th e new qu ad is a no t for rofit cor orat ion fo r H er cons irator in th e cou n terfeit whi ch the Universit y is the la nd lord a er was Robert W Kau fma n ' A P RIL

20 H u g h es ' tial cand idate thr ou ghmu ch of the d ent elect A Brownma n ha s been Th e excha nges in clu d ed not only on that Sa t u rd aymo rning robably h a d never k nown abou t it before I n a n other celebrated bit of Herald history Wallace Terry 59 w h o is weighed on t he scales of America n O i nion a nd n ot fou nd wa nting said th story it a e which was ears never corrected Along with remi niscen there ces folk lore a n d wisd om b u t even ra c t ical Robert information Donald Solomo n ' 7 1 a former bu sinessma n ager sa id that of he cou r yes se remembered the the combinatio n to blackmad e front ages ar o u nd th e was a s eech b y Will iamkovach which ha d bee n a secret Hera ld s safe try shaking cou n hand s with Orval Fa s the nist u bu segregatio th en Arka nsas d ring u th e Litt l e Governor Rock H igh School crisis in Terry d id not attend the reu nion J Offenk to r r a nt z ' 5 8 former bu t Rona ld hoto ed i recal l ed how th e t w o went to th e Biltmore in d owntown Pr ovid en ce an d knocked on Fa u bu s s d oor h e answered a nd Offenk ran tz When Terry st u ck ou t his ha nd sna ed the shot The Hera ld relived some of its less gloriou smoments as well Cam o r esid ent of the Nieman Fou nd a tion a nd the former ed itor of th e A tla nta Constitu tion a nd former head of the Washingto n bu reau Times I d ecried of th e New York a n keyn ote ad d h e ress a systemwhere the d etails of a ro football coa ch are re orted withmore skills tha n the d eta ils of a state bu dget H e also raised Presi a t the s eech right of free ex ression as a d efender of the the even t o Hera ld itself si nce at least themid 1 What was 9805 it? he was asked H e cou ld n t he ex say lai ned ; it was agai nst Herald olicy tter t em o u the d igits alou d he Bu t d id write th a o n sli o f a er A nd a nother Hera ld trad was itio n u held Tomark its the centennial a er ri nted a Sa day t u r ed itio n there was a te glitch at lastmin u the r i nter 5 0 James Ka la n ' 92 the t o r bu t ed i There were l ess formal excha nges s ent the night working ou t the arri ving back fromwarwick details i ncl u d ing th e as well A t a ba nqu et on Satu rd ay with the a er ju st as th e d ay s rese nted a slid e show a er of November which d ecl ar ed that Charles ns ghes Eva Hu (class of ) h a d the w on election the s d reviou a y a nd was now Presi night some alumni fr omthe seventies remarked o n h ow a nother trad ition d rin kin g recent years seemed to have waned in events bega n Matthew Wa ld is a re orter in the busi ness section o f the New York Times BR OW N A LU M N I M O NT H LY 1 9

21 Th e Herald 's in the News contin u ed from a g e 1 7 states that she d oesn t k n ow h o w arti cles were gu ilt in the d isci li nary case assigned u nd er ast board s bu t su ggests that Past ed itor in chief Ka lan ackn owledges that when the beat systemki nd of fell a art c overage a ccu ra cy is sometimes a roblem bu t says that of Third W orld issu esma have su y ffered last board ght the beat brou systemback Th e a nd we ll we try to d We wish we o cou ld be erfect better bu t no a er is ever rrent Cu t o ed itor erfect strengthening it eve We be n ve ha d a beat more re orter cover the t o Third W orld nity co mu fo r the last semester ; we re ing kee go t o d oing that Kris assista nt Ren n d ea n of st u d ents a nd the admi nistration s official the liaison t o lesbian gay a nd al ggests that beat cover bisexu commu su nity Kah n observes that it is d ifficu lt for ed itors to be familiar with all of the agencies d e artments administrators a nd orga nizatio ns on cam says there ismore that ca n be d one u s bu t Sh e i ntends t o en cou rage re orters t o call back sou rces after a n arti cle is written a nd confirmqu otes agemight n ot be en ou gh Sh e thi nks the Hera ld Part of the roblemseems to stemfrombrown s gets a burn ra t covering events the abou n ot ; s onsoring s have let grou to themk ca n ow You n t assume that st beca se ve ght ju u you bou a n a d gh the si ness staff that the thro u bu ed itorial staff will have time to read the ad a n d a re assign orter combination of bi g city ex ectations with what is essentially the environment o f a med ium sized Ka town la otes that n n a n time y you re a in small like a 're going co mu nity you to college have eo le w h are very close what ha o t o ens to cover your event Th e res onsibility is on the very close to the fa cts That's a d ifficu lt osition grou the other ha On nd thi ngs like featu re re for a n y news a er t o be in There tend t o be d iffer orting a nd more in d e th coverage of iss u es as o osed t events o I d like seemore t o of well that sort of coverage of LGBissu es nts ent acco u of the same We tr as y t o be events sive in clu a nd objective as bu t d ifferent ossible eo le see the same event in d ifferent That s ways as e the tru for New York Times as the fo r Herald with the whereas Times y ou have millio n eo bu t Hera ld ias is a s charge against a news seriou a er ; i racy is a worse naccu o n e a n d is levelled ently agai nst the frequ Letters the to ed itor otes ote claimmisqu or n l e read ing the a nt ccou of event that a n 1 20 eo le saw ha nd with the first Hera ld y have ou eo le read i ng a nt ou r ccou of event a n 300 eo le might have ha seen n d he first The resu argu lt es is that eo le chmore likely hear aremu to d iffer misstated fa cts ; the Orga nization of United Africa n en t a ccou nts of a n event covered b y the Hera ld Peo les for exam le was referred t o as the Orga than on e covered b y the Times a nd they re there niz a tion of United America n Peo a blu nd er les cited b y Gu ta as i nd icative of the Hera ld s a ar lack ent of with concern Third W orld issu es noted shee ishly b y ed itor Kahn to ill strate the u need coy fo r ed itors w h check a ra cy o ca n for ccu as well as grammati calmistakes a nd foremore likely t o d bt the ou Hera ld s a ccu racy Ultimatelymost ar g uments t the abou Herald among dents st u lead another recent controversy t o the news a er s su bscri tio n contract with the Undergrad ate cil u Cou n of Stu d ents (UGS) The ntra ct has controversial since its co been b ing eginn On e o f themost n otori ou s cases i nvolved Pro fessor Abbott Gleason chairma n of the history d e in UGSa n n u ally buys a mass su bscri tion d u ri ng the a cad emic a nd every d a y to the a er a rtmen t When the late Presid ent Howard Swearer a nn ou n ced his resignati on in the Herald qu oted Gleaso n as saying he h ad n o seriou s ed u year co ies of the Hera ld are left at d ro cam o i nts arou nd u d ents is the rimary the ju stificatio n given for con s Th e co nvenien ce t o st u ca tiona l accom lishments Gleason a n g rily denied tract there are no ind ivid u al su bscri ti ons no havi ng said a nythi ng of the U sort Swearer on s d eath last the newer Hera ld re fall orters re rint ed some of the ments co a nd statements that h a d need t o bu the Hera y ld at a newssta nd UGSa n d the siness staff bu of the news a er sit d own a nd negotiate the foll owing year s contra ct A nn u ally a eared in the resignation articles inclu d i ng the h ow many a ers at what rate a nd what bulk d is misqu ote fromgleaso n Gleason n otes that rob nt cou wil l be given t o UGS constit u ted st u d ent ably every ltymember has facu been misqu oted b y the Herald remains a ngry that ch a bu t su ai l nfu ote misqu wou ld be u sed twice M ore ary the in Febru Hera ld ra n com a recently age story front lete with names a nd mug shots declaring that fraternity brothers tw o h a d s that grou ad vertise the in Herald These ne g otia ti ons become the focal oi nt for d iscontent over the a a n d themost often er rominent contr o v ers y o n cam u s Many critics charge that the contract is u nfair All stu d ents are forced t o a y f the or Herald been fou n d ilty gu o f voyeu A week later rism after a series of nications fromthe co mu d ea n of whether or not they read it stu d ents living offcam u s I nd eed virt ally u n o a nd a small ercentage st u d ent life s office the news a er r a n a correc tion con ced in g that there h a d been n o find ing of of seniors overall read the a er The critics con tend that anyone w ho wants the Hera ld shou ld have 2 0 A P RIL

22 t o su bscribe or t o b u y it d aily as was the case before the co ntra ct bega n rather tha n forci ng all cam a nd o n s u st u d ents w h o read it Ka charges ch criticismof the lan thatmu co n fromcom tract comes eting blications (notably u grou o f u n d ergrad ate u a nd writers oliticos a ctivists whose activities existmainly ea ch fo r oth er s benefit u nd ergrad u ates t o su bsid ize those facu lty staff the Hera ld a nd UGScom rise a small th e cent er ) Issu es M onthl y a nd the weekly Colle g e Hill I nde en dent) rimarily in ord er e i creases to argu for n in their levels o w n of fu nd ing Three times si nce UGShas s o nsored a referen d the ntra Ea ch amajority umo n co time ct of stu d ents voti ng has e nd orsed ing co ntin u it Critics were sa n o t tisfied charging that Hera ld coy erage a nd lobbying h ad affected the vote a nd that t y Even Kah n notes that the a er has been ret cozy maybe too cozy with the administrati o n u cam a nd some grou s o n Ou r j ob is sta t o n d a A re art orter d 't wa nt lose a val able oesn to u rce sou b y writing a criti cal a nd a n ed itor article d oesn t wa nt l ose some re letter t o fu t u of recom mend we ca a tion bu t n t let those things affect u s Kah goes worry t the n o n t o abou a ersonaliz s the st u d ents least likely to vote those w h o live offcam u s a nd are least likely t o wa nd er ast a tio n o f jou rnalismin other ways When there s olli ng lace are thosemost likely t o be o orly served b y the ntra co ct a bi g d ebate abou t one of the col umnists them tend cy talk t en to abou ersonally the id eas they u t forward That there's a n o t ab ou t robably wou ld n t I nitially bothmajor segme nts o f the stu d ent ha en at a bigger scho ol A t a lace like Michigan body a nd mu ch of the cor orate board governi ng the average letter ~ writer isn 't likely t o have ever the Hera ld were ske tical of the contract Th e Third W orld Coalition led the o o siti on o n cam u s ; that very O ositio n mad e somemembers of the Herald Cor oration ske tical a nd worried that ed itors wo u ld feel ressu re t o slant coverage favor in of vocal grou s Ka lan Kahn an d Wald a ll agree that the news a er s i nd e end ence isn t in jeo ard y as l ng as o met the average a nd things wou ld 't n columnist get nearly so ne like Pi erso Someo nal er Hoff a columnist ma n w ho d sses iscu femi nist es] issu or Ma ca rth White whose s was u r focu fi na cial o n n a id a nd es of class issu a nd w h was o the bject su of article the Se a n in tember BAM] wou ld get they bu t them d letters a ttacki ng be letters the id eas n o t attacki ng erso nally the ed itorial board remai ns vigilant bu t Wald this is the qu estio n the Brow n Da il y Ultimately admits that I d o n 't ex ect the cu rrent relationshi with the stu d ent government t o last forever Hera ldma have y t o ad d whether at a school ress: as small as with smaller cohort Brown a n even likely te t o co ntribu t o read a nd care t a abou d aily news a it is er ossible to sta nd a If it art o men t a t or J en Mayer '91 e nt frequ l y a nalyzed the i s little n cestu ou is the n ot Hera ld will nti e a co nu to be art of the news as well as its chief bearer well i its nto seco nd centu ry [3 world of Brown olitics a nd rnal jo u ism Th e hrase ca t u res erfectly what many see as the roblemwith the contr a ct a nd erha s with the Hera ld in general editorial i nd e end en ce is n o t in reality j eo a r Even if the news a er s news director f or WER U FM [ a c ob Lev y ' 93 is a concentra tor in olitica l science a nd a n occasiona l o ed col umnist f or the Br own Daily Herald BR OW N A LU M N I M O NT H LY 2 1

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K j æ r e b e b o e r!

K j æ r e b e b o e r! K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n n k a l l i n g e n t i l år e t s g e n e r a l f o rs am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g et s å r s b e r e t n i n


Gir vi de resterende 2 oppgavene til én prosess vil alle sitte å vente på de to potensielt tidskrevende prosessene.

Gir vi de resterende 2 oppgavene til én prosess vil alle sitte å vente på de to potensielt tidskrevende prosessene. Figure over viser 5 arbeidsoppgaver som hver tar 0 miutter å utføre av e arbeider. (E oppgave ka ku utføres av é arbeider.) Hver pil i figure betyr at oppgave som blir pekt på ikke ka starte før oppgave


Vekeplan 4. Trinn. Måndag Tysdag Onsdag Torsdag Fredag AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD AB CD. Norsk Matte Symjing Ute Norsk Matte M&H Norsk

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TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser.

TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser. TUSEN TAKK! Det at du velger å bruke mitt materiell for å spare tid og ha det kjekt sammen med elevene betyr mye for meg! Min lidenskap er å hjelpe flotte lærere i en travel hverdag, og å motivere elevene



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K j æ r e b e b o e r!

K j æ r e b e b o e r! K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n nk a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g et s å r s b e r e t n i


GEO231 Teorier om migrasjon og utvikling

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2A September 23, 2005 SPECIAL SECTION TO IN BUSINESS LAS VEGAS 2A September 23, 2005 SPECIAL SECTION TO IN BUSINESS LAS VEGAS SPECIAL SECTION TO IN BUSINESS LAS VEGAS 3A September 23, 2005 SEE, PAGE 8A Businesses seek flexibility. It helps them compete in a fast-paced,


TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser.

TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser. TUSEN TAKK! Det at du velger å bruke mitt materiell for å spare tid og ha det kjekt sammen med elevene betyr mye for meg! Min lidenskap er å hjelpe flotte lærere i en travel hverdag, og å motivere elevene


NORSK TEKSTARKIV J o s t e in H. Hauge



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TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser.

TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser. TUSEN TAKK! Det at du velger å bruke mitt materiell for å spare tid og ha det kjekt sammen med elevene betyr mye for meg! Min lidenskap er å hjelpe flotte lærere i en travel hverdag, og å motivere elevene


Hvor mye teoretisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen, 5 = mye)

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